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View Full Version : Oil??

10-26-2003, 12:18 PM
Hey guys, I just wanted some of your great opinions on what this could be. I have an idea but i want to hear everyone elses answer. I was riding my quad and when i stopped i smelled a little bit of oil, no big deal just a scent of it. I get off and look and where the head meets the cylinder there is oil seapin out all round it. What could this be? Its not running as good as it seemed to is it a head gasket?

10-26-2003, 12:35 PM

10-26-2003, 12:48 PM
take it off & install new gaskets...im pretty sure your gaskets are torn up...did you take it apart & keep the old gaskets on there? you need to install new ones if you did that

10-26-2003, 12:53 PM
Your head gasket is probably the issue here.

Start your quad, and quickly blip your throttle (max throttle blip) while looking at your head/cilinder.
You would probably see some smoke puff out.....if that is the case your gasket has blown.

You can also hear it when your quad is under load (like accelerating hard @ full throttle, wheelying etc) and you will lose compression/power.

10-26-2003, 04:11 PM
See the only sign it has is the leak. When i put it under a load in 4/5 i nail the gas and the it wheelies. I will have to try the smoke thing, but it also just doesnt seem nearly as fast just the same torque. And I used all new gaskets and such, but they have been in there 4 a while