View Full Version : razr's front and rear

stupid driver
10-24-2003, 06:24 AM
I am getting ready to buy new tires for my 400, the stockers are bald. After going through some old threads, i decided on the razr's front and rear. Now, my only questions are these:

1. what ply do i get 4 or 6. I ride trails, but i also jump it quite a bit. will the 6 ply be too stiff??

2 what size fronts do i get. i know stock is 22, but is 21 that much better? would i lose a lot of ground clearence??

thanks for your help

10-24-2003, 06:27 AM
if you ride alot of trails id say get 6 ply and 22 in fronts

stupid driver
10-24-2003, 06:42 AM
so the 6 ply wont be all that much stiffer when jumpin. Im not talkin 70 ft doubles, just homemade jumps, terraces, and road ditches, stuff like that. I get maybe 15 ft of air max on jumps. Thanks

10-24-2003, 06:43 AM
i doubt you will notice the difference on average backyard type jumps. id look into razor2 fronts tho....if you ride in any type of slop they will out-preform the standard razor.

10-24-2003, 01:55 PM
4ply will prob. be enough for standard driving, but 6ply is more sturdy, ofcourse.