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View Full Version : HELP, Newbee needs setup tips!

10-22-2003, 07:32 PM
I need help! Had my first outing on my 400EX this past weekend and was a bit upset with how it "felt" and handled. I've done some searches, but there is just so much info that I don't know where to start! I don't have a ton of experience on a quad, but have ridden several other brands/styles of machines on the same terrain with what seemed like better results.

Most of the time I was out I felt like I kept fighting the darn thing. Seems like it had great traction out back but all the front end wanted to do was push real bad. Shifting my weight up front obviously helped, but I still felt like I had to struggle with this thing way to much. It was very frustraiting to watch my old man just tear around on his 500 Scrambler without breaking a sweat while I was busting my @ss and working way too hard to cover the same ground!

I would like some basic setup tips for a BONE STOCK 400EX. Tire pressure, preload, etc. What can I do to get this thing to feel more neutral and have less push. I have next to no experience with "tweaking" a quad and would like any tips you guys/gals can give. This is for a 200 lb rider, stock tires, stock suspension. I don't wan't to hear about all of the parts I should upgrade, just how to tweak the stock setup for optimum success! Thanks.

Greg Z
10-22-2003, 08:40 PM
Do you mean your getting bump steer and vibrations from the front end?

If you wanna fix that get 4:1 offsets thats -1 offsets it will get the rim over the ball joint Stop bumpsteer and give u better turning but the thing Is youll be sitting 1 inch smaller then stock and ur rear will be a bit wider then the front

if you wanna spend like 300 bucks Get a ANTI VIBE stem and then a damper ITS SO WORTH IT i road an EX with that and it felt like the quad had power steering

10-22-2003, 08:49 PM
What surface are you riding on? Are you having push because your backend is hooking up too much? They will get lite on the front if your weight is back and you are on the gas. Try to get some weight transfer to the front entering a turn by moving forward and shoving on the bars or tapping the front brake. That will load the front end and make it steer with the front tires. The 400 is a really great handling stock quad it shouldn't take much to get it to work.

10-22-2003, 09:04 PM
If you are meaning that the front end is pushing in the corners on you then all you can do with the stock from shocks is crank the pre-load all the way up. This will give you a rougher ride in a staight line though. A little more PSI in the front tires will also help with the pushing, but again will make for a rougher ride. I believe I read somewhere that the stock front shocks are setup for a 130-150 lbs rider, so for someone your size they are just too soft. I know you don't want to hear about aftermarket, but there is a reason everyone buys aftermarket shocks, it makes all the difference in the world ;) Just get a set of $300 front works that are setup for you and you will be amazed.

10-23-2003, 09:53 AM
Greg Z: No, it won't stick enough to bump and vibrate! Just pushes out of the corner and causes me to be constantly fighting it.
oldsandman: I had the most trouble on hard packed corners. It felt like I had a ton of rear bite but just not enough up front. Like you said, to much gas kept pushing me out of the corner with a light front end. I agree that rider input is probably part of the problem, I just wondered if there was anything I could tweak on the STOCK machine to help. I was running 4 psi front and rear and I think the front preload is on the next to highest setting. The rear seems to sag more than the front, but I honestly haven't measured it. The rear feels good, but the front just seems too stiff? Would less front preload help get more frontend bite? How about tire pressure? I don't want to have to sit on the hood to get this thing to turn!

10-23-2003, 10:08 AM
try 4 psi in the fronts and 5 in the rear. adding a pount to the rear will give the tires a more balloned shape with less of a footprint, this should help them slide a little easier and hook up a little less.

what rpm are you at at?try keeping the motor reved a little, so you can use the throttle to help you slide.

ridier input does also have alot do do with it, (more than you think)

10-23-2003, 12:53 PM
bradley300: Thanks, this is the kind of stuff I was looking for. I know alot of the problem is a stupid beginner on an experienced riders machine, but I just never thought I would have to fight with it as much as I did. I am new to quads, so I don't know what sort of changes have what types of effects on handling etc. The little bit of quad experience I have is on heavier more "neutral" handling machines that didn't seem to require as much rider input, if that makes any sense? Most of my time has been on a Warrior which seemed real easy to slide around a corner while keeping the front end on the ground and pointed in the right direction.:rolleyes:

10-26-2003, 11:54 AM
Your best bet is to play around with it take the tools out to adjust your shocks run your tire pressure about 4 1/2 up front you could go higher but like someone said before the stiffer you make everything the worse the ride is. You might not get that push out of the front tires the sidewalls are weaker and roll over pushing hard into corners if you are new to riding quads give it time. If your dad has been riding quads for awhile he is going to be faster than you by experience. Pratice and getting use to the machine will help you out alot good luck.

10-26-2003, 01:31 PM
your welcome, i try to help out where i can.

have you adjusted the pre load yet? try setting the pre load on the rear shock 1 click stiffer and the fronts 1 softer. this raises the rea end and lowers the front, putting a larger percentage of weight on the front tires, once again, giving them more traction.

also, experience is the best way to go fast, just keep riding and tweeking and soon you wont even think about what your doing to go faster.

10-27-2003, 12:58 AM
Are you leaning into your turns? If not, gve it a try. Once you get the feel for your own body weight helping to slide the rear end, I think youll feel alot more comfortable.;)