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View Full Version : tips on selling 400ex

10-21-2003, 07:46 PM
a guy is coming tomorrow to look at my 400ex. he said that he looked at 3 others similar to mine, but they were asking too much. im asking 3750 for mine. my dealer will give me 3000 for it. the guy says he is really interested. so tonight i worked my arse off cleaning it. i hope he buys it so i have the cash for a pickup im buying.
so anyway, i dont want to go any lower than 3750 for it. how do i get that out of it without him haggling me down to less?

man, as soon as i sell it im calling the sales rep at my local dealership and tellin him that i sold it for 750 more than he would have given me for it.

10-21-2003, 07:59 PM
do you have it posted for a higher price? Generally speaking, if you post it for like 4000, people will assume you would take a few hundred less than that, that goes with all prices.

Selling is kind of like a game, some are better then others, over enough time and selling enough things, you will learn to read people. Their expressions will show you what it is worth to them. If this guy rides is and likes it, thinks it looks good and its been maintained well, he might give you all the money you are asking, if he asks some questions that you cant answer, or sees some rough spots on the quad, he might not want to buy it, or might only want to give you 3300 for it or something. Just relax, you will get it sold.

10-21-2003, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Stevie-D
man, as soon as i sell it im calling the sales rep at my local dealership and tellin him that i sold it for 750 more than he would have given me for it.

um, hes not going to care.....at all. the point of a dealer buying your quad is to make a profit off it when the go to resell it...so of course their not going to give you what its worth. if its worth 3800...their going to give you oh say 3400 for it, so they can make some money.....

10-21-2003, 08:09 PM
um, hes not going to care.....at all. the point of a dealer buying your quad is to make a profit off it when the go to resell it...so of course their not going to give you what its worth. if its worth 3800...their going to give you oh say 3400 for it, so they can make some money.....

he said it was worth 3400...he would give me 3000 for it:huh

10-21-2003, 08:19 PM
If you can get $3750 for your quad with the mods you described you'll be lucky. The 400EX market is down right now and with the release of the YFZ and TRX it's just going to keep getting worse. There are nice EX's selling with aftermarket suspension and some other goodies for nearly the same price you're asking. I'm not saying you can't get $3750 because with the right buyer anything's possible but I'd set a more realistic expectation for myself. You're probably looking at closer to $3500 at best.