View Full Version : outlaw track builder

10-18-2003, 09:07 PM
I was getting tired of driving an hour and a half to go and practice twice a week at a mx track during the week in the evenings after work. I did this in order to have a little practice time before racing on sundays during the summer. I did this for a month and got so exhausted, from working 40 hours a week and then getting home at 10:30 at night, that i got sick. I had to pay $10 to ride on this mx track. So, after paying gas money to drive to this track, and paying the practice fee, it was getting too expensive. About ten minutes from where i live i found a wooded area of about 10 acres. I see people riding quads there all the time. So, i have found a place now to practice my starts. But soon i will go and borrow a friends heavy duty bobcat so i can make some big double jumps and a set of large whoops. Then i will be set. I am going to get up really early in the morning when the sun is coming up and do my work then, and hopefully i wont get caught doing this on someone elses land. But people are always riding quads and cycles on this guys land and you see shotgun shells all over. So, if there are some double jumps and whoops over there, i dont think no one would mind.
hey, you need to practice if you want to be good and you have to do what you have to do.

10-18-2003, 09:32 PM
I highly suggest getting permission first. Maybe the people that ride there are the owners or have permission to ride there. If someone comes along and starts rearranging the land the owners could get pissed and close it for everyone. I don't think you would want that to happen. Then there are liability issues...

Do what you have to do, but do it right;)


10-18-2003, 09:38 PM
Or worse you could get caught and be on the wrong end of one of those shotgun shells...

10-19-2003, 03:01 PM
You don't want to do that to someone else's property. It's bad enough that people ride without permission, but to build jumps on somebody else's land with heavy equipment is just stupid. If someone did that on my land their arse would be in jail. I don't mean to be harsh but this stuff makes people hate four wheelers that much more.

10-19-2003, 06:04 PM
Yeah, i have decided not to build doubles and whoops on some elses land. too risky, if i were to get caught. a friend of mine is thinking he might be able to build a track on his land and he is only 45 minutes away.