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10-18-2003, 07:51 PM
WOW what a race! Congrats to traci with her win that was an awsome finish. But hey what happend in the morning race? I know there was a bad bottleneck but how did tyler get ahead of everyone?I had to leave after the 1st lap of the afternoon race but i did get a good picture of you jeff. So how did everyone do?

10-18-2003, 09:22 PM
Tyler went down the side of the hill I think I heard him say any that is how he got past everyone.

Traci clinched the women's series with her win today. When she pulled in Rick yanked her off the quad and gave her a big hug and the quad almost ran me over.

I crashed 4 times on the first lap and bent a tie rod so I quit after one lap.

Jeff got 6th in his class and around 15th overall. Ballance I believe got 1st and Chad got 3rd overall.

John Rowlag got 2nd in his division and I beileve Rick 465stroker came in 3rd behind him.

Johnny G was running around 6th on the 3rd lap, but I didn't see him come in, so I'm not sure where he finished. Johhny that was be taking your picture when you going to lineup.

400exmom did a 2 1/2 laps. She smashed a tree pretty good. Her AC bumper instead of sticking out from the body mounts is sticking straight up.

Popo did 4 laps before breaking a tie rod completly off the spinde. He should write himself a disorderly conduct ticket for his actions on the course, but the guy deserved it.

I did see Harlen Zracer.

(these are all estimates as a I did not hang around for the final results.

This was my first GNCC race that I have ever went to and was pretty impressed. The morning class that I ran with is mostly a bunch of average riders in my opion.

But man when the afternoon races get going those guys are amazing. It's like Honda Civics running in the morning and Indy cars in the afternoon. Those guys just rip, I mean they are just freaky fast. I was standing at the finish line and when Jeff, John and Rick finished, they didn't even look tired. They just raced for 2 hours, and they just looked like they were just warming up.

Congrats to everyone!

10-18-2003, 10:04 PM
note to self...POPO will PUNCH YOU:eek: :devil:

congrats everyone...especially traci for the class win and wrappin up them points:macho yo go gurl:D

10-18-2003, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Doibugu2

Popo did 4 laps before breaking a tie rod completly off the spinde. He should write himself a disorderly conduct ticket for his actions on the course, but the guy deserved it.

hell yeah popo!

10-18-2003, 10:34 PM
Actually, I did 2.95 laps before the spindel broke off at the tie rod end. I was about a mile away from the finish.

In regards to the the hill, after having to stop 3/4 of the way up with another rider coming backwards. I took a tumble with him, than some drunk *** spectator starts pushing me ranting that was freaking cool bla bla bla I love seeing chit busted up and pushed me again, So I put a stop to the matter, it's nothing that I am pleased about nor expected to say the least.

The course marshall came over and kicked him out. At least 3000 other spectators witnessed his actions, End of story.

Special congrats to all that finished and placed.

FYI, Ironman results are posted. on the GNCC website.

10-18-2003, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Doibugu2
Tyler went down the side of the hill I think I heard him say any that is how he got past everyone.

Traci clinched the women's series with her win today. When she pulled in Rick yanked her off the quad and gave her a big hug and the quad almost ran me over.

I crashed 4 times on the first lap and bent a tie rod so I quit after one lap.

Jeff got 6th in his class and around 15th overall. Ballance I believe got 1st and Chad got 3rd overall.

John Rowlag got 2nd in his division and I beileve Rick 465stroker came in 3rd behind him.

But man when the afternoon races get going those guys are amazing. It's like Honda Civics running in the morning and Indy cars in the afternoon. Those guys just rip, I mean they are just freaky fast. I was standing at the finish line and when Jeff, John and Rick finished, they didn't even look tired. They just raced for 2 hours, and they just looked like they were just warming up.

Congrats to everyone!
Hey thanks man, we all rode are guts out, Jeff ended 18th OVA, rick was 30th, and I was 21st overall. The track was a blast, and them darnCannondales are awesome, But a BIG CONGRATS to Traci on her 3rd womens championship, WOOHOO!!!!!!!!

10-19-2003, 06:12 AM
Congrats to all!!!!!!!
I was stoked to see that Traci got the win..

I take it that Ben had a better start this race?? :eek2:

10-19-2003, 06:35 AM
long live the 250r good 2 see bill retire it on a high note. :D

10-19-2003, 06:53 AM
just for the record i got 2 and a half laps doug- and jeff thanx for grabbin me on top of the hill~ DOH!!!

10-19-2003, 08:55 AM
Sorry for short changing you Kim. I guess I didn't want to let everyone know you did a whole other lap then me:eek:

Rico next year I'm going hunting with you, it would probably been cheaper. I think I need a new stem, new brake lever, hopefully I can just buy one nerf. My left side nerf is toast. New tie rod, not sure about the bars.:(

10-19-2003, 09:24 AM
Congrats to everyone on their awesome finishes.

Jeff, how did you like running with the big boyz ;) ? Are you running pro next year?

Was Ballance back on the 250r again?

10-19-2003, 09:32 AM
This was my second GNCC race. I went into the last lap in 3rd. Just after getting on the other side of the pit area I ran out of gas, switched to reserve and passed the two riders that got by me. I rode steady pace until "the bottle neck" . I was at the opening of where it goes to single file. I bet I set there for a good 30 min. all the while the rest of the field cought up with us, but as they came around they were going around and droping down in front of all of us that got hung up at the inside opening. Needless to say I had 3 miles of hard racing, low on gas, and 1 big hill left to climb. I ended up with 12 in the first year second group. Rather disappointed especially with the bottle neck incident but I guess that is racing.

10-19-2003, 11:23 AM
How did all those riders get by Howell, Wright, Henke in 4-stroke stock??????? I mean those guys were at the front going into the last lap. What gives????????

10-19-2003, 11:27 AM
There was a bad bottleneck in one of the revines. Someone said that there was over 100 quads stuck in there. Tyler and a few others stayed out of the revine and passed all of them. That was a very smart move on their part and is well within the rules!

Congrats Tyler!!!!:macho

10-19-2003, 11:46 AM
The racing was awesome. Big congrats to Traci on the win. That finish was amazing. Tyler kicked some butt too.

It was cool to meet Harlen, Jeff, Popo, and I saw a few of the other guys but they were busy.

I spent a good 20 minutes talking to Santo. He is the nicest guy you will ever meet. I think from now on all my suspension needs will be done with him.

I couldn't believe how many YFZ's were there. They seemed to do very well. I'm just interested to hear from the guys that have been racing them to know how well they have held up, what problems they've had, and how they like them. I also couldn't believe how many of the top guys were running the ArsFX stuff.

10-19-2003, 11:47 AM
Wow, Lazarus Sommers rode his butt off, from 54 to 11 out of 62 riders.

Very impressive!

10-19-2003, 12:01 PM
Where are the pics?

10-19-2003, 12:05 PM
ravine in question in the morning class was a group decision by myself, J Wright, A Howell and others to stay our turn inline. The problem by turning around and cutting across track was way more than I thought was allowed to be cut.(It was atleast an 1/8 mile) We all ended up sitting in the valley with our quads shutdown and BSing for over 30 minutes. Well next time i will know its allowed and i hope i dont get DQ'ed for it!!!!! But it is kinda sad that the women and the 4stroke stock leaders didnt get their deserved finishes. ONLY MY OPINION!!!!

10-19-2003, 12:43 PM
Here is the rule from the GNCC website:
7. Riders encountering a traffic jam or bottleneck may go more than 25 feet off the course to get around the bottleneck only. However, the rider must re-enter the course as soon as possible, and upon approaching this section the next lap, must ride the original arrowed section if the track is clear. If the original marking devices are knocked down, the rider must stay on the original marked course. A "bottleneck" is a section of the track that becomes impassable for any reason, with the exception of check points.

What do you mean they didn't get there deserved finishes? Its not like Tyler was way back, he was running 4th most of the day.

10-19-2003, 12:51 PM
I think William Howell, Traci and Steph should have been on the podium. I was unaware that was the rules. Guess thats fair enuff...was kinda ridiculous just sitting there forever..Good job Jeff on your finish.

10-19-2003, 12:57 PM
I understand your fustration, I would go nutts sitting down in that hole!

10-19-2003, 01:07 PM
Congrats to everyone. Sounds like a really good time! I should be around at some of the races next year offering support. The first 3 or 4. The others are just so far away.:(

Bonnie Cook
10-19-2003, 02:45 PM
Congrats Jeff and Bryan on running in the Pros. It was awesome seeing the two of you battle just like from the 4 Stroke A Class. Your interview, Jeff and Traci should be up on www.********.com soon this week. I enjoyed the opportunity!!! Good luck Jeff and Bryan in IOWA at the 12 hour race. PoPo, it was good to meet you.

10-19-2003, 04:18 PM
Thanks Bonnie, I think Bryan and I both had a couple problems that kept us out of the top ten but it was still fun. Can't wait to mix it up again in TX. Wish you could come with us to the 12 hour race.:(

10-19-2003, 04:41 PM
I was in the bottle neck that screwed all the leaders and we (leaders) all talked and agreed not to bypass with the thought that it would be unfair to the other racers. So we were all just being patient and was going to decide the race by who made it to the finish line first after the bottleneck. I know that there was a large portion of the course by-passed because they we so far off we did not even see them. We were just trying to be honest and fair to everyone because we were all in the same situation. As Jeff stated I did not know that you could exceed the limit in a situation of a bottleneck. (which is a lame rule b/c it would be easy to cut every race when you come up on a stuck lapper, which could be defined as a bottleneck)Congrats to Tyler he is a very nice and respectable person and Im glad for him.

My brother was hauling out there, he is so much faster on the KFX than on his Honda. My brother and I just got done doing some testing with Stephanie Parton's Z/KFX LRD 400. Should be fun next weekend in Iowa, never actually got to ride a quad of that caliber, sure makes you a heck of alot faster!!!

Hey POPO I was just at a buddies house and he had your tumble on film. How much damge did that cause?

10-19-2003, 05:12 PM
That bottleneck in the ravine was nuts...I was down in there pushing the stuck quads up the hill along with a few other guys. There had to be almost 100 riders sitting down there. Same thing happened today with the morning bikes not quite as bad but 3 foot deep ruts thats crazy.

10-19-2003, 05:13 PM
Who one the afternoon overall on the bikes?

10-19-2003, 05:18 PM
Smith, Lafferty , and Raines. Hawk was 6th

10-19-2003, 05:20 PM
Hmmmm.....thats interesting!

10-19-2003, 06:52 PM
i was on my last lap and saw exmom sittin in the woods -i no im slow but i couldnt figure out how she was done and changed already -did you have fun any way
i was in the ravine with howel and those guys-some poor guy on a banshee foulded his plugs and every one was yelling at him to move - he ended up pushing it down the hill till he could pull off the track-evey one sittin there was talkin and just hangging out till the line moved then they got real sereis in a hurry-then some guy on a cannondale got stuck going the ravine and a 400ex was ramin the crap outta him trying to shove him up the hill-had agreat time to tired to go meet any body maybe next year
congrates to all of you and your finishes

10-19-2003, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Braff1
This was my second GNCC race. I went into the last lap in 3rd. Just after getting on the other side of the pit area I ran out of gas, switched to reserve and passed the two riders that got by me. I rode steady pace until "the bottle neck" . I was at the opening of where it goes to single file. I bet I set there for a good 30 min. all the while the rest of the field cought up with us, but as they came around they were going around and droping down in front of all of us that got hung up at the inside opening. Needless to say I had 3 miles of hard racing, low on gas, and 1 big hill left to climb. I ended up with 12 in the first year second group. Rather disappointed especially with the bottle neck incident but I guess that is racing. I was there to for about 30 min. It didn't feel like racing to me. Sitting there with my quad shut off. But it happens just stinks when it happens to you.

10-19-2003, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by hareracer
I was there to for about 30 min. It didn't feel like racing to me. Sitting there with my quad shut off. But it happens just stinks when it happens to you.

The hard part is the fact that I bust my *** to get ahead only to get trapped in where I can't go around and the people I had passed in the race come around and drop in down in front of you with only 3 miles to go on the last lap. But you have to admit. the last 3 miles was some fast and furious racing. There was a guy behind me yelling to pass me, I am yelling at the guy in front of me and nobody wanted to get over, can't blame them just have to look for the open places to pass.

10-19-2003, 08:44 PM
I won the 4-st C 16-24 class, but it wasn't enough for me to get the championship. I only needed one more point to win the championship. I hate thinking about all the opportunities I had during the year or what I could have done different to get just one more position at some race. I guess it's time to start preparing for next year.

10-19-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by Wingnut
I won the 4-st C 16-24 class, but it wasn't enough for me to get the championship. I only needed one more point to win the championship. I hate thinking about all the opportunities I had during the year or what I could have done different to get just one more position at some race. I guess it's time to start preparing for next year.

congrats dude...it sure was a long season:)

10-19-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Wingnut
I won the 4-st C 16-24 class, but it wasn't enough for me to get the championship. I only needed one more point to win the championship. I hate thinking about all the opportunities I had during the year or what I could have done different to get just one more position at some race. I guess it's time to start preparing for next year. I feel your pain brother!:(

Bonnie Cook
10-19-2003, 09:21 PM
Will, I have never cheered so hard for you at a race. I was wanting that championship for you. If anyone, you deserve it!!!! Looking forward to next year already is a good sign. Don't get discouraged. You will be kicking some butt soon!!!! I will still be cheering for you.

10-19-2003, 09:53 PM
i was also stuck down in that damn bottleneck for about 30 minutes...that screwed up all chances of trying to make some more passes..there was these two kids trying to get their quad around every1 down in the bootleneck by driving up on the banks and every1 was getting pissed off at them...how did traci cecco and stephanie parton get aroud all u guys at the top of the bottlneck..after about 25 mintues when i was almost out of it parton and cecco came through and they went right in front of me..i was just wondering how they got around all the whole single file line?i also got some pics how do i post them?

10-19-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by indygncc

Hey POPO I was just at a buddies house and he had your tumble on film. How much damge did that cause?

Nothing major, just bent the rear fender brackets. Took a good ten minutes trying to get the thumb throttle pryed away from the brake lever. Altough I think it might of had something to due with my spindel braking later on.

Man you got to love some of those respectful spectator's, I had about ten guys on my quad pulling out tools fixing stuff, get stuck they where there to help.

It was a fun year, and already to go for next season.

10-20-2003, 06:53 AM
Originally posted by Bonnie Hamrick
Will, I have never cheered so hard for you at a race. I was wanting that championship for you. If anyone, you deserve it!!!! Looking forward to next year already is a good sign. Don't get discouraged. You will be kicking some butt soon!!!! I will still be cheering for you. Thanks Bonnie, you have no idea how much that helps when I see people cheering for me like that! I had a ball racing with Bryan this year, I look for him to be a top 5 pro rider this coming season!!! Santo created a monster!

What did your friend have written on the pit board on the 2nd to last lap? I couldn't make out what it said.

10-20-2003, 07:20 AM
one more exrider out there in the 1st year racer PHAT440EX <kevin> finished 12th outa all 92 of those guys and this is only his 2nd gncc ever:eek: :eek: WAY TO GO KEV!!!

10-20-2003, 07:22 AM
Originally posted by popo
Man you got to love some of those respectful spectator's, I had about ten guys on my quad pulling out tools fixing stuff, get stuck they where there to help.

During the afternoon race this guy flipped his mojave about 3 times on the first big hill. The third time he lost his boot in the tumble. While he was putting his boot back on we fixed his handlebars, ( I yelled out for a 12 mm wrench and some guy come over with a small cresent wrench. How is that for service). then kicked started his quad about 2 dozen times. Sad part is he never made it up that hill, even after trying the by-pass.

I bet there is a slightly used mojave out there for sale now. lol

10-20-2003, 07:51 AM
i bet it has a "needs work" designation on it to braff! did you see his rear plastic!?

hope that guy dosent give up

Bonnie Cook
10-20-2003, 08:23 AM
Which friend had something on a pit board? at the hill climb behind the pits, I had "Work it" but I don't know if that is what you saw? I will be cheering again next year too.

10-20-2003, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by bradley300
i bet it has a "needs work" designation on it to braff! did you see his rear plastic!?

hope that guy dosent give up

I hope he will be back next year on a 400 ex. Something more his size.

10-20-2003, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Bonnie Hamrick
Which friend had something on a pit board? at the hill climb behind the pits, I had "Work it" but I don't know if that is what you saw? I will be cheering again next year too. It was just after that muddy ravine behind our pits. Kinda came up a small hill. Looked like a dark haired girl.

10-20-2003, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Bonnie Hamrick
Will, I have never cheered so hard for you at a race. I was wanting that championship for you. If anyone, you deserve it!!!! Looking forward to next year already is a good sign. Don't get discouraged. You will be kicking some butt soon!!!! I will still be cheering for you.

I never heard you.:confused: ;)

Bonnie Cook
10-20-2003, 10:57 AM
-Jeff - unless it was Becky standing there, I don't know who she was? Oh well.....

-Will - my feelings are hurt...my big mouth wasn't heard!! Well, I will make up for it at the Mid East race in Hickory. How does that sound?

10-20-2003, 11:00 AM
Oh I heard you alright! I just couldn't read what was on that pit board.

I wish I could do some Mid East races, Mid Souths will have me busy most of the winter.

10-20-2003, 11:42 AM
anyone care to confirm the Pro class ruling for next year???????

Jeff u shoulda been at the meeting? r they really gonna axe the R.???????


10-20-2003, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by jlhughes750
anyone care to confirm the Pro class ruling for next year???????

Jeff u shoulda been at the meeting? r they really gonna axe the R.???????

:( Racer Productions will be making a ruling this week.

10-20-2003, 12:20 PM
:( it'll be flags at half mast for ole faithful!!! she carried us for over 10 years.......and now ...just like that!!!!!!

$$$$$$$$$ this have anything to do with it$$$$$$?$?$?$?$?$?$

10-20-2003, 12:38 PM
I don't think it has anything todo with money at all....if they do it, I think it will be best for everyone. If the big 4 keep seeing 250R's winning, they won't be as likley to give contingency to amature riders as well as the pros.
Basically, If the top pro's are winning on production bikes, that means good sales and better contingency for everyone! Almost everyone in the meeting agreed to that.

10-20-2003, 12:49 PM
I talked with Rita of Racer Production Saturday Night about the Pro Changes for next year. Things were not 100% final when I talked to her, but it looks like there will be only 1 Pro Class next year, and it will be production based. I know that this will eliminate the use of aftermarket frames by the Pros, but I am not sure if it will eliminate the 250R on a stock frame?

I did get the impression that they are only doing this to get the factories more involved with promoting and supporting atv racing. I guess we will all have to wait and see what becomes the final rules for next year.

After talking with Rita in person, I truly think that they have good intentions for the racers on their rule change. They were aware that it would make it difficult for a few of the racers and were concerned about their situation. I personally wish the racers would have more notice, but the ATV industry is changing rapidly with several new race quads being released this year with little or no prior notice, and they are only trying to react quickly to the changing times for atv racing community.

Let keep our fingers crossed for the Future!

10-20-2003, 01:04 PM
If ya can't beat it ,,,,kill it :huh :mad:

10-20-2003, 01:15 PM
It won't be killed, there will still be plenty in the amature classes. ZRacer is right, Racer Productions is on the right track by helping to get the factories invloved.
Things are looking great for ATV racing!!!:macho

10-20-2003, 01:40 PM
Jeff - have they said anything about the Dales? Since they aren't currently in production seems like they would be a target also...

10-20-2003, 01:41 PM
Jeff, are you sure it was the pit board you were conentrating on?;) You should try to make it to a Mid East. Correct me if I'm wrong Bonnie, but I believe we have three top twenty GNCC riders racing the Mid East. Bonnie and her Dad Buren have created a breeding ground for woods racers!

10-20-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by quadman21
Jeff, are you sure it was the pit board you were conentrating on?;):o :D

10-20-2003, 01:57 PM
Hope this works

Lets start with some nice advertising:

Johnny to the start!

Did I hit a Tree? (400exmom's bumper after the race!)

Jeff to the finish!

10-20-2003, 02:01 PM
Something don't feel right (hard to see, but guy lost a tire)

Elbows up Johnny!


This was cool!


10-20-2003, 02:12 PM
Tire Balls Revealed

Traci's Quad

Rick do I smell?? Actually Traci after she won!

10-20-2003, 02:38 PM
the monster becomes the mouse!!hahaha

I can't get all worked up over this, I don't run Pro and never will, so no use crying bout it..

BUT, ...think about this!!.. what about the guys that logged nearly half a million miles overs 5 years and have 3 dialed in totally set up R's and have been giving $ to racers production for years, and now all the sudden they gotta have a clearance sale and get new bikes???? eff that!!!

Whats Derisi gonna do?? Hertz?? Rice??and what about the 250A class??? lets just run them with the morning racers in the non points first year racers class, cause if u do good enough to move up outta A then u gotta get a new bike??? The guys that cant spend the $ for a new ride, will stay in the A class(250A) till they get $ to ride a production machine!! i guess thats how it'll trickle down to the ametures!!

10-20-2003, 03:10 PM
one more exrider out there in the 1st year racer PHAT440EX <kevin> finished 12th outa all 92 of those guys and this is only his 2nd gncc ever WAY TO GO KEV!!!

i new that he would do good....I had my fingers crossed da whole race i and just glad that THE MOTOR STAYED TOGETER!!

10-20-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by jlhughes750
the monster becomes the mouse!!hahaha

I can't get all worked up over this, I don't run Pro and never will, so no use crying bout it..

BUT, ...think about this!!.. what about the guys that logged nearly half a million miles overs 5 years and have 3 dialed in totally set up R's and have been giving $ to racers production for years, and now all the sudden they gotta have a clearance sale and get new bikes???? eff that!!!

Whats Derisi gonna do?? Hertz?? Rice??and what about the 250A class??? lets just run them with the morning racers in the non points first year racers class, cause if u do good enough to move up outta A then u gotta get a new bike??? The guys that cant spend the $ for a new ride, will stay in the A class(250A) till they get $ to ride a production machine!! i guess thats how it'll trickle down to the ametures!! Hey mods, how about moving this great topic to a new thread. It will make it easier for RP to find.;)

10-20-2003, 03:39 PM
I feel left out......:grr:


10-20-2003, 04:02 PM
I talked with Santo and he will be selling his 250r for a YFZ or Honda.

10-20-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by ranger400ex
I feel left out......:grr:


Sorry man, forgot all about you. I think I had left before you came in. How did you do?

U need to make your quad more distinctive, so I can tell who you are.

10-20-2003, 07:12 PM
sorry Jeff, i got off topic there!!:rolleyes:

Congrats Traci!!!!
Great run Tyler!! More to come????


10-21-2003, 05:12 AM
Jlhughs750, If all my sources are correct, Santo will be going for the YFZ. Maybe if he reads this he can confirm that. BUT, In my opinion, I am on your side about the quick descision on the Pro Class next year. I would have liked to have seen them take another year to let everyone make the change. For instance Santo. Some of you guys may not agree, but Santo is right up there with Ballance in my opinion. He had a few gremlins these past races, but that boy is fast. He could win at any moment and I'm waiting for him to do just that. Not to take anything away from Borich but that's how I feel. Now factor in that he has to switch to a 4-stroke. Santo, Borich, hertz, and the rest have to re-adjust to a whole new bike at the peak of their rise to the #1 plate. I am confident they will all overcome that adversity but it leaves the big "what if" scenario. It may also even the playing field next season and we may see a whole new goup of leaders on the track both old and new. It may end up being a battle of who can adjust to the 4-stroke quikest. Then that leaves the pro-pro guys with the advantage. I am ashamed to say that it will be good for the fans but frustating for the racers who will be forced to switch. But it will be interesting and I predict that Ballance will not win the championship next year. The R will not be forgotten!

10-21-2003, 06:18 AM
I know this is off topic but no one started a new thread yet on it.

At first I did not like the idea of Pro Production only but after I thought about it more and more I agree now that the Pro's should be on Production quads. Yes it sucks that they only have 2 months to prepare but if you make the rules now and stick with it, I think in the next couple years we will see some better racing. I also think there should be a 450cc limit on the quads. This will keep the pro's on more even equipment and push the factories more to keep updating the quads like they do the bikes. If everyone is on more even equipment, I think it will give a chance for the upper top 10 guys to compete for the wins and give the riders who are smarter racers wins.

10-21-2003, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by Doibugu2
[B]I crashed 4 times on the first lap and bent a tie rod so I quit after one lap.

I bent a tie rod into the 4th lap, in a rut..how I don't know...:mad:
It was right before the first hill climb.
I was amazed at the sportsmanship, or lack thereof at one point. There was a guy laid out on the trail, looked dead. I stopped to see if he was ok, other guys just driving on by. I stayed with him until some spectators came by, then rode on out and told one of the event guys.

10-21-2003, 07:50 AM
Hey guys, I started a new thread here http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=77717 about the pro class topic. Go to it and post your concearns there for everyone to see! I'll attempt to move the ones from this thread since they are very good posts.


10-21-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by spincr4hire

I was amazed at the sportsmanship, or lack thereof at one point. There was a guy laid out on the trail, looked dead. I stopped to see if he was ok, other guys just driving on by. I stayed with him until some spectators came by, then rode on out and told one of the event guys.

Spincr, I learned this leason during my first xc race up at haspin. There was a 250 r up in front of me that got sideways on a off camber hill and flipped landing on top of him. I was the only one that stopped to help get the quad off top of him. After making sure he was ok I took off stopping again to notify the course offical (an emt) about the wreck. I think if one sees someone in a dangerous position ie. quad on top of them or people laid out on the trail,that others would stop and help out. Remember, that could be you there on the trail.

10-21-2003, 08:54 PM
amen to helping a brother out.

at a race at rausch last year i stopped 4 different times to helped hurt and banged up riders.

10-21-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by quadman21
Jlhughs750, If all my sources are correct, Santo will be going for the YFZ. Maybe if he reads this he can confirm that. BUT, In my opinion, I am on your side about the quick descision on the Pro Class next year. I would have liked to have seen them take another year to let everyone make the change. For instance Santo. Some of you guys may not agree, but Santo is right up there with Ballance in my opinion. He had a few gremlins these past races, but that boy is fast. He could win at any moment and I'm waiting for him to do just that. Not to take anything away from Borich but that's how I feel. Now factor in that he has to switch to a 4-stroke. Santo, Borich, hertz, and the rest have to re-adjust to a whole new bike at the peak of their rise to the #1 plate. I am confident they will all overcome that adversity but it leaves the big "what if" scenario. It may also even the playing field next season and we may see a whole new goup of leaders on the track both old and new. It may end up being a battle of who can adjust to the 4-stroke quikest. Then that leaves the pro-pro guys with the advantage. I am ashamed to say that it will be good for the fans but frustating for the racers who will be forced to switch. But it will be interesting and I predict that Ballance will not win the championship next year. The R will not be forgotten! well i give u this i think i all fairness ,bill can ride the wheels off anything he sits on, but gut instink say he will be on red 4 04 , honda has waited to late to release the new R and they need the number one rider to take it to the front, the yamaha seems to be a good bike but it has issues, and they all ready have all the parts ready for the 450 honda, and far as santo rideing a yamaha ill think it will happen but he should have all ready been rideing it from day one. and far as the 250R go u will see the new roll bike that jim lambert bought this week and it is sad cause the guy had loren duncan build this bike and it costed this guy 25 k and jim practaly sold it for what he paid 4 it

10-22-2003, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by Braff1
Remember, that could be you there on the trail.
Thats exactly why I stopped. I guess racing is more important than human life to some people. :rolleyes:

10-22-2003, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by spincr4hire
Thats exactly why I stopped. I guess racing is more important than human life to some people. :rolleyes:

To some a $4 trophy and braggin rights are everything...:huh

I'm there to have fun and normally ask at least 5 times during a race if someone is OK, IF the wreck looks severe..

10-22-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Rico
To some a $4 trophy and braggin rights are everything...:huh

I'm there to have fun and normally ask at least 5 times during a race if someone is OK, IF the wreck looks severe..

Everytime I went over, someone was there to help. Which was much appreicated. Hard flipping it back over when you tired.

I'm going slow enough when I go by that I can ask people if they are ok without slowing down!:D

10-22-2003, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by spincr4hire
Thats exactly why I stopped. I guess racing is more important than human life to some people. :rolleyes:
Sigh.... Your post strikes a chord with me. I enjoy racing and tried it a few times. I guess im just not cut out to race. It seems my quad would find every tree and hole within 20 feet. Im already gimped up enough from years of riding, comman sense told me to stop racing while I was ahead.
Also, I found I enjoy pitting for the racers just as much as racing now, plus meeting everyone and chewing the fat.
My truck gets terrible gas mileage, so its for sale right now. Im getting something that gets good gas mileage so I can attend more races and help out next year. Sorry for dragging this out.