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View Full Version : Horrible week

10-16-2003, 10:05 AM
This has truly been the worst week I've ever had. Last weekend my quad blew up and caught on fire at the track and is totalled, so i'm out at least 5000 plus the initial cost. My Z's oil tank broke the bottom, let all the oil out and pretty much ruined it right before I sold it, so I lost another 1000 on that. My bike's piston cracked with my buddy on it and splintered peices inot my bottom end. And my girlfriend for a year and 2 months that day, broke up with me and told me she cheated on me with my best friend since 5th grade and both of them are like underground potheads now. I've had something for this one girl for 3 years now and shes not talking to me now, and I don't have anybody to talk to.
I just lost the points lead now because my quad died, so now I'm going to get a 3rd instead of first because I can't race again thsi season. Sorry about this post, but I just needed to say somthing to anybody. But on the bright side I'm getting another 400ex to race next year this weekend.

10-16-2003, 10:13 AM
i know what it feels like, i rode my quad at 3 gncc's and ruined 2 motors and dnfed another race. dont worry, all you can do is keep on keepin' on, lifes a garden, dig it?

10-16-2003, 10:17 AM
Sorry to hear about all your problems. :( But you finished your post with looking at the bright side; and that's exactly what you have to do! Another bright side, although may not look so bright right now, you'll find a better woman. Sounds like that isn't somone you'd want to spend the rest of your life with. I think women can cause more grief than anything else in our lives, but the right one can bring a lot of joy also. Quads and broken hearts can be fixed! Good luck and keep your eye on the future new 400ex! :D

10-16-2003, 03:00 PM
wow that sucks but hey it caught fire..im sure everything isnt ruined im sure you can salvage alot of parts and part it out...use steel wool :) ...and just buf it out as joe dirt would say"**** el buff out" and like bradley said lifes a garden dig it and keep on keepin on..as long as ya have intrest many good things will come your way:D

10-16-2003, 05:41 PM
thats sucks amn but how did u quad catch fire

10-16-2003, 06:05 PM
that sucks dude.... I know how it feels to go through motors...currently rebuilding my banshee motor. It seized the day after I got it. :mad: Thats yamaha's for you.

10-16-2003, 08:58 PM
keep on keepin' on, lifes a garden, dig it?

Thats a sweet quote from joe dirt that movie kicks @$$

10-16-2003, 08:59 PM
ya i know what u mean man. one of those weeks. im not getting a paycheck this week because my boss cut my hours down to nothing.....seriously....she cant afford to pay people and she hires more people so she just works by herself. what a rip. i have to put a clutch in my truck now....the thing is just fried. while trailoring it to my buds house (using his dads brand new silverado 2500HD), we had the wrong ball on so it jumped off the ball, snapped the ropes holding the truck, and smashed up the rear end of his new truck. also broke his trailor. 5 ton road warrior. he says he paid 10g for it. i believe him. he owns a steel erection business. now to top it off today while lifting weights i tore my rotator cuff...im out for a while in everything...i get to sit home and watch the clock turn. i cant even put my wheeler back together.

tough luck man.

10-16-2003, 09:08 PM
Nobody can figure out why it caught fire,theres peices of rubber where all the hoses were. The whole things is shot, cept for non-flamable stuff. The best exlanation we got was that it backfired through the carb, and then went from there. When it caught it blew me off it, so it wasn't just a little pop. The whole tnk blew up.