View Full Version : Dejected Cubs Fan

10-16-2003, 04:55 AM
Okay, I should be used to this by now. I can't beleive the Cubs were up 3-1 and let the fish from floriday come back and steal their World Series appearance. All thanks to some idiot that reached into the field of play and knocked the baseball out of Alou's way. That same idiot that happens to look a lot like Jared from Subway. Well just thought I would create a thread for all Cubs fans to vent in.

10-16-2003, 05:29 AM
im sorry but you cant blame a 8 run inning due to one guy who caught a FOUL BALL IN THE STANDS! anyone would have tried to catch it..:rolleyes:

10-16-2003, 06:19 AM
I know how you feel, last night was about the most painfull thing I have watched in a long time. But we can look at it like this. The Cubs have started something with the talent they have on that team and I think we can really believe next year could be just as good as this one if not better. Also yes you can blame that fan for that inning at least a little bit, because with two out the game plan changes and thing happen differently. Would it have changed the out come of the game, who knows, but it could have.


10-16-2003, 06:40 AM
Yeah, I heard gubna Bush in Florida is offering the guy a free 3 month stay in an ocean front beach house in southern Florida just to get away from the crazed fans that are passing out death threats.

10-16-2003, 07:54 AM
I really feel bad for the guy, but I think he did lose that game for the Cubs. Alou was gonna catch that ball for sure to make it 2 outs. The Marlins never would have scored all those runs then. :eek2:

10-16-2003, 10:17 AM
its all about the curse! the cubs cant win, i just think its funny that thier season was ruined by a guy weraing a cubs hat.lol

10-16-2003, 10:36 AM
They're pro's that get paid millions of dollars. He shoulda been in better shape to jump higher and catch the ball. It's just a scape goat for them suckin...:eek: :blah:

10-16-2003, 10:51 AM
If theres a foul ball coming my head, i would be trying to block it more than catch it. No one wants to take one in the head. You cant blame the whole friggin series on that one guy. The Cubs choked. And so are my Yankees. Yankees probably going to loose tonight. Lame.

Who watches baseball anyways. I thought it was dieing?:eek:

10-16-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Bretmd94
If theres a foul ball coming my head, i would be trying to block it more than catch it. No one wants to take one in the head. You cant blame the whole friggin series on that one guy.

I feel bad for that guy, but the ball was not coming for his head. He was going for a suvenior. Alou was tryin to catch the ball so the Cubs could go to the World Series.

10-16-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Crazy400exMan
im sorry but you cant blame a 8 run inning due to one guy who caught a FOUL BALL IN THE STANDS! anyone would have tried to catch it..:rolleyes:

Exactly...poor guy is probably going to have to join the I-witness program now.:eek:

10-16-2003, 01:20 PM
It wasn't the fans fault. Moises Alou had no right yelling and pointing at him. The ball was no longer in the field of play when the fan caught it. Tell me, what is your first instinct when you see a baseball flying at your head? You put your hands up. Since when was it illegal to catch a foul ball?

10-16-2003, 01:25 PM
The ball did not cross into the seats before the fan touched. If you watch the reply you can clearly see that and the fact that the ball was closer to Alous head than the idiot in the seats.


10-16-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by DESDAK4
The ball did not cross into the seats before the fan touched. If you watch the reply you can clearly see that and the fact that the ball was closer to Alous head than the idiot in the seats.


From the replays I saw (I didn't see the actual game, I just saw replays on the news and suring the Sox last night) the fan had all rights to the ball.

10-16-2003, 01:33 PM
get over it guys...you know damn well any one of you woulda did the same damn thing..i know i woulda....the guys house is now surrounded by cops since the incident and hes getting a 3 month paid vacation to florida until everything settles down...i duno about you but those are some good outcomes for him

10-16-2003, 01:34 PM
A REAL team would have been able to overcome something like that. The count was 3-2, but the stupid pitcher threw a wild pitch and walked the guy. Why wasn't it the pitchers fault?

The Cubs do not deserve to go to the World Series if one little mistake will cause them to blow the entire game, and then the following game, too.

It was no worse than a bad call, pitch "just outside" but it's called a strike by the ump. So that will cause the Cubs to give up EIGHT RUNS!?!

Rico said it right, this guy is just a scapegoat for the fact that the Cubs suck...

10-16-2003, 02:14 PM
Don't get me wrong that guy does not deserve what is happening to him and I hope nothing bad does happen to him. I also agree that one play is not really the reason the Cubs are not going to the series. I am just saying that you never know what could have happened if it would have been called the correct way. The fan reached across the fence but the bottom line is they lost last night too and that is all on them so we will just hope for next year. I don't think I would say they suck are 1 of the 4 best teams in Baseball this year.


Greg Z
10-16-2003, 02:23 PM

for all u cub fans:eek2:

10-16-2003, 02:36 PM
DAMNIT!!!! I am still so pissed off that the Cubs lost. I will have to agree with Jay, if the dumbass fan would not have interfered with the foul ball, the Marlins would not have scored 8 runs in that inning. However, he did, and the Cubs did give up 8 runs in 1 inning. Wood had only given up 8 runs in 1 game the entire year, on July 4th. But that was a pivital point in the game. And to the person who said the Cubs are not a REAL team? haha, WTF?

How can anyone say the Cubs suck? They made it to the NLCS Championship...ya they suck:confused: Dusty Baker is one hell of a manager, last year he took the Giants to the Series, this year he took the Cubs withen 1 game of the Series. Wait until next year....Cubs win the World Series!

The Marlins also have a good manager. McKeon came in in the middle of the season, in May. Under McKeon, the fish went 75-49, not too bad if you ask a REAL fan!:blah: Marlins are a good team, Cubs have nothing to hang their heads about!

I do not care who wins the Series but, I HATE the Yankees!!


10-16-2003, 03:03 PM
I cant tell you how many Cubs games I saw when I was young...going to Wrigley, enjoying the confines...etc. Any REAL Cub fan already knows they suck (mentally) and the guy who interfered was sent by Satan.....forcing the Cubs to break down mentally, just like they did with the Padres in '84. My point? That year (1984) my Grandmother got me a 125M for Christmas and I forgot all about the cubs til this past week. Then it happened again. I guess its time for me to get one of those new Honda's....and forget about the Cubs for another 20 years!!!

10-16-2003, 06:06 PM
In all reality, I wouldn't say the Cubs "suck", they did almost make it to the World Series.

However, I WOULD say that if one little problem will cause them to cave in and give up 8 runs in one inning, and then blow the following game, then they truly don't belong in the World Series.

10-16-2003, 06:48 PM
The loss can't be blamed on a fan, although it was a he11 of a momentum shifter. I do feel bad for the guy though. They had his name plastered in the Chicago newpapers as soon as they could. Coincidentally, the guy lives in a North Chicago suburb, along the third base line of a little league field. Along with asking for an escort out of the stadium Tuesday night, the local police were assigned to guard his house yesterday.

Greg Z
10-16-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by RytM1
The loss can't be blamed on a fan, although it was a he11 of a momentum shifter. I do feel bad for the guy though. They had his name plastered in the Chicago newpapers as soon as they could. Coincidentally, the guy lives in a North Chicago suburb, along the third base line of a little league field. Along with asking for an escort out of the stadium Tuesday night, the local police were assigned to guard his house yesterday. babahahaha that sucks!:devil:

10-16-2003, 06:59 PM
the Cubbies don't suck, they are cursed.

let the goat in!!!!

10-16-2003, 07:22 PM
I do feel sorry for the dude...but hey, Cub fans are hardcore!:D I wonder if he will have tickets to next years games?...hopefully he doesnt have any connections with the goat!:(

10-16-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Crazy400exMan
im sorry but you cant blame a 8 run inning due to one guy who caught a FOUL BALL IN THE STANDS! anyone would have tried to catch it..:rolleyes:

Greg Z
10-16-2003, 08:17 PM
whats the story behind billy goat?

10-16-2003, 08:22 PM
cut and paste:

As you all may well know, the last time the Cubs won the World Series was 1908. Last time we were IN the Series was 1945. That year, William "Billy Goat" Sianis, a Greek Immigrant and owner of the former Lincoln Tavern, tried to bring a goat to one of the series games. This was a publicity stunt to promote his Billy Goat Tavern. The Cubs wouldn't let the goat in, however, so Sianis cursed the team. Since the Billy Goat Curse, the Cubs have come close, but they haven't made it back. (The notion that they have been close is debatable, too, but beside the point here.)

Sianis first came upon his goat when one fell off a passing truck and wandered in to his tavern. He took to wearing a goatee and went by the nickname, "Billy Goat." And he changed his establishment's name, too. Over the years, several efforts have been made to lift the curse, but none have succeeded.

10-16-2003, 09:29 PM
I think its rediculous what people are doing to this guy . Death Threats , throwing stuff at him , needing to have cops around his house 24/7 . Like come on , it's just a game . Like what is this world comming to when you want to kill someone cuz he caught a baseball and a team doesn't make it to the finals . I think the Cubs made their own mistakes . You cant blame 8 runs on one guy cuz he caught a ball . Gotta face the facts , they CHOCKED nothing more to it .

10-16-2003, 09:52 PM
dunno bro, ask the Colombians that murdered their goalie for letting a goal get past him in the World Cup.

Greg Z
10-16-2003, 09:55 PM
hey cub fans im Greek and i eat goat or lamb what ever every easter and ITS GOOD :-D

last name is


get any greeker ?

10-16-2003, 10:03 PM
i'm geeker :)

goat/lamb is good stuff!!

10-17-2003, 12:10 PM
