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10-14-2003, 06:58 PM
Hey..its been awhile since i have posted anything. I figured i would tell you guys about a wreck that happened in one of mine and Bretts "eviljester on here" races. THis guy named Stephen Kimble on a raptor clipped a fairly decent sized double that has a do or die landing ramp on it. He was thrown over the bars and the four wheeler landed on him and crushed him then a kid right behind him was in the air and landed on his quad. So that was 2 four wheelers on top of him. Brett also wrecked in all of this. I got off my four wheeler and ran over there and helped pull the four wheeler off of Stephen. He wasnt breathing good but then they made everyone get back which is understandable. Anyway i have known him for a long time and he got a broken neck not paralyzed 6 broken ribs a collapsed lung and a broken collar bone. Keep him in your prayers and wish him a fast recovery. thanks..


10-14-2003, 06:59 PM
that sucks:( ill be thinkin bout' him

10-14-2003, 07:49 PM
It's hard knowing that this can happen to you all for a little 2 dollar trophy and in the name of fun. This crash scared me pretty bad. It showed me the reality of our sport, seeing him come back the next week in a neck brace, knowing that he has to wear it for 12 weeks. It was also pretty bad seeing his girlfriend and parents at the race, watching him being loaded into a ambulance. I talked to him about the crash and all, he's still not sure if he will continue racing, or even riding for that matter. I can't blame him, if something like this happened I doubt I'd ever want to see a quad again. I'm just glad it wasn't any worse than it turned out to be. :(

10-14-2003, 09:14 PM
my cousin, ( j37) on here landed on a guy over a double at the start and rolled, got knocked out then 4 quads landed on him
he was out for 10 min broke ribs and punctured/collapsed lung, he was lucky only 4 landed on him it was ta the start and there was 20 of us

anyway, few weeks later he was ridin again and now he keeps beating me all the time....dammnmit:grr: