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Tommy 17
10-14-2003, 04:34 PM
my good friends dad fell out of his tree stand hunting last night... he fell ruffly 27ft b4 he hit the ground... no safety harness on...

when he hit he broke 5 ribs, punctured a lung, bruised his liver, and broke 2 vertabre in his back...

he crawled out of the woods in pure darkness with no glasses... hes legally blind pretty much without them being on... its a miracle he got out b4 he bleed to death... he had to go like 500 yds to the nearest road... where he passed out and was found...

right now hes in critical condition:(

say a prayer i know my friend is takin it hard:(

10-14-2003, 04:41 PM
Dude that sux really bad, hope the guy pulls through:cool: Can't belive he didn't have his harness on i always where mine:o

10-14-2003, 04:50 PM
man dude sorry to hear that hope he pulls through...........ill keep him in my prayers........

10-14-2003, 04:51 PM
ouch.. I hope he gets better,

10-14-2003, 05:02 PM
I hope he has a full recovery and makes it, no matter how small treestand, always use a safety harness. Stuff like this can be prevented. :(

10-14-2003, 05:02 PM
sorry tommy to hear this. Hope he gets better and recovers quickly

Tommy 17
10-14-2003, 05:06 PM
exactly chino... all it woulda took was the harness...

its like wearing ur helmet... u never ride without one... wlel u never hunt out of a stand over 5ft tall without a harness... ur not superman u can't fly:o :(

10-14-2003, 05:09 PM
Sorry to hear that Tommy. A guy I work with fell out of a tree stand last year. He is still having problems from it.

10-14-2003, 05:11 PM
i hope the ol buck recovers fully and is able to go back to what he enjoys doing. dang 27ft whoo did any branches slow him down on the way down or was it a free fall?

10-14-2003, 05:16 PM
i dont wear a harness:( i know its bad but i cant shoot with it on, i need to get a 5 point harness like my dad has

10-14-2003, 05:17 PM
i only wear one when im in an open face stand (i only hunt out of stands liek that in gun season)

Tommy 17
10-14-2003, 05:23 PM
27ft straight down... no branches when u use a climber...

and dont tell me that u can't shoot with a harness on... mine gives me no problems what so ever... a 5 point harness will no effect u in anyway... the other ones don't effect it either... its a mental thing... u really should wear one... this could be u:(

10-14-2003, 05:48 PM
i know:( i really cant do it tho, mine goes right around my waist and with it tightened i cant draw back with my jacket on. it restricts me, i've tried anything

10-14-2003, 06:10 PM
damn tommy...i'm really sorry to hear that:( I hope he gets better soon

10-14-2003, 06:21 PM
No good dude
Hope hes gonna be alright.

10-14-2003, 06:29 PM
:( ..sorry to hear that..hope it all turns out ok for him.

get a harness and wear it guys...you think your uncomfortable now while wearing it...you'll be plenty more uncomfortable if you dont...Im sure Tommys good friends dad would tell ya that

Tommy 17
10-14-2003, 06:54 PM

the sad thing is 99.99% of stands give u a free 5 point harness with them... they usually cost u nothing:o

10-14-2003, 07:33 PM
i need prayers also ..... my best friends dad was hunting with his son on saturday night ..... he was coming down the tree when harness broke and fell 20 feet ..... he broke his pelvis bone in 2 places and had surgery today and is having surgery tomm. He also has to lay on his back for 8 weeks :( please keep him in your prayers

god bless

Runnin Dumb
10-15-2003, 08:11 AM
Prayers sent upstairs to the Big Guy for both gentlemen. hope the heal up soon.

10-15-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Runnin Dumb
Prayers sent upstairs to the Big Guy for both gentlemen. hope the heal up soon.

10-16-2003, 08:11 PM
update on Mr. V ......... he cant walk for a year and 1/2, plus learn how to walk all over again

please give him prayers and for his sons who too are involved in riding

10-17-2003, 01:02 PM
great news! The guy is out of the hospital and recovering at home.

But sadly our friend that we went riding with last weekend crashed his bike and himself pretty bad....they were racing (playing) on a dirt track that is by a place we ride and the guy was going around a corner and all of a sudden his bike stopped he flew off landed right on his side the bike fliped over landing on its handle bars (which are bent pretty bad that the bike wabbles when he rides). He was out cold for second or two but when he got up his one eye was all out of wack kind of just roaming. He was thankfully wearing a helmet (found out later that his helmet cracked :eek2: ) and a chest protector but when he flew off and landed he hit his side. His knuckles and his side was pretty banged up but he thought nothing of it. He was still hurting after a week and so he went to the doctor.....and they took x-rays and he has broken ribs, broken knuckles and he has to go for a cat scan to see if he cracked his head (because of the way his eye went roaming). So please keep those prayers up for a speady recovery for this guy and for our other friend that nothing more serious has happened to him.