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08-14-2001, 08:19 PM
I bent my axle last night during an obstacle course at a local exhibition. It isn't bent all that bad.. I can't feel it while i'm riding but you can see it wobbling a bit. Should I get it straightened or do I not worry 'bout it. It doesn't alter the handling at all but do you think it will be a problem...is it going to be any weaker...I don't want to damage my carrier or anything. Thanks for the info.

08-14-2001, 08:21 PM

08-14-2001, 08:25 PM
That sux. I race moto-x and also do a lot of jumping when I am just playing around!

08-14-2001, 10:38 PM
Wow you must of hit it real hard. From what I know the stock ex axle is very strong. I would get a new stock one or a lonestar.

08-15-2001, 07:57 AM
I bent my axle (slightly) over a year ago. I have been riding it with this bend for over a year now. If I put the quad up on blocks and let the rear wheels spin, I can see the right tire ever so slightly shake. Wide open (67MPH) on a paved road, I dont feel it.

If mine were bent any more than this, I would either buy a new one or get it straightened immediately. If yours is bent any worse than mine, you WILL prematurely wear out your axle bearings if you dont fix it / replace it.

Good luck.

08-15-2001, 08:12 AM
Mine is slightly bent also, it has been for a while. It will take out your bearings it did mine. I need to get a different axle I just have to find the money first. You should be able to ride for a while with it bent. Just don't put it off.

08-15-2001, 08:48 AM
If it's bent next to your carrier then your gonna cost yourself all kinds of headache and money,,if it's out toward your tire then it sounds like you'll be OK..

08-15-2001, 11:16 AM
My right rear wobbles a little. How can I know if it is the rim or the axle? Is there a easy way to find this out???

08-15-2001, 11:22 AM
The easiest way that I would check would be to take the wheels off and then spin the axle while the quad is on blocks....if you see the axle move with no tires on...you have bent axle. If it is smooth and then shakes with the tires on...you have a bent rim...


08-15-2001, 11:38 AM
I have a perfectly straight stock axle if any of you want to make an offer on it. I had it on my quad for about 15 rides and it is in very good shape. I replaced it with a wider axle for racing. email me @ jbfrench@gci.net if you are interested....JIM

08-15-2001, 02:33 PM
I'm pretty sure it wont, but is the axle covered under warranty? Thanx for all the information fella's!

08-15-2001, 05:17 PM
I don't think your warranty will cover a bent axle caused by a collision :(

I'm going to move this thread over to the chassis forum.


08-16-2001, 02:35 PM
My axle didn't bend do to a collision. I bent it by jumping and landing on flat ground. You're right though, it probably isn't covered under warranty.

08-16-2001, 03:44 PM
The only things covered under the warranty are flaws by Honda. The axle would not be, I don`t think. I saw stock Honda axles were $205 in the new Dirtwheels. I would just buy a Durablue axle.

08-16-2001, 07:16 PM
Yeah, I wont be buying a stock one. In Canada, they're $402.44. If I bent this one, I'll certainly bend another stock one! I went to the moto-x track tonight and it was ROUGH as I have ever seen it! I didn't make the axle any worse so I hope I'll be alright.

08-19-2001, 08:29 PM
You said you wre at an exhibition or something- (does that mean you are sponsored by anyone???) I would get a new durablue, definately.