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View Full Version : Personal Injury money

10-11-2003, 07:40 PM
I was in a car accident 3 weeks ago today and I got banged up. Went to the hospital in an ambulance and I stayed there for a few hours. (to dizzy to even stand up) My truck (which I had over $4500 in) was totalled and insurance is only giving me 1900 to replace it ($1700 blue book and $200 for the new motor($1600) and tires ($400)). So im wondering what I will get for personal injury. I have an attorney on hand if I need one. All I honestly want is enough to replace my truck ($2500 additional) But I will take more of they offer it (duh).... Anyone who has had experience with this let me know what you think. THANKS!!!

10-11-2003, 07:41 PM
one word...LAWYER;)

10-11-2003, 07:43 PM
honestly im still waiting on insurance to call me and make me an offer, if its not close to what I want I already got a lawyer and all the paper work filled out I just need to sign them.

10-11-2003, 08:01 PM
emotional distress for teh winz!@!!one!!!11

10-11-2003, 08:05 PM
hey...get me some $$$....cuz i feel for ya:p

Ohio R
10-12-2003, 08:10 AM
Next time make sure you get GAP insurance. It covers what blue book is and what its worth or what you owe on it.. Dont wait to get a lawyer it will look fishy. Have one on stand by just incase you need to go that way..

Bill Fuller
10-12-2003, 08:15 AM
It has been my experiance that if your not permenatly injured than you won't get crap.I may be wrong.I dobt that it will be worth the money it's going to cost to hire a lawyer to offset your losses.It wont hurt to try and talk with a lawyer but if they don't see the $$$ than they won't show much interest.

10-12-2003, 08:29 AM
he's showing much interest and my neighbor said he got 7 grand when he got side swiped but he wasnt hurt but he went to the hospital in an ambulance anyway.

Bill Fuller
10-12-2003, 08:53 AM
As long as he bases his fee on whether he wins or loses than you have nothing to lose.

10-12-2003, 12:22 PM
they take 1/3 if i win money. im just interested in how much I will get.

10-12-2003, 12:54 PM
Hey Chucked..im kinda in the same situation. I was in a wreck on thursday and my s10 is pretty well totalled. I was hit from behind and pushed into a 12ft trailer so my front and back are all messed up.I should be finding out this week how much money I will get off of my truck. I really doubt that I will get any personal injury money because all the doctor said I had was whiplash. Good Luck

10-12-2003, 01:22 PM
INSURANCE COMPANIES SUCK. My dad wrecked his 99 cadillac deville like 3 years ago, totalled it blue booked for like 24000, and they gave him 27000 which was good. The wreck wasnt his fault, someone pulled out right in front of him on like a back highway road, tore my dads knees up bad. Anyways, my dad alone ran up like a 6800 medical bill, and insurance sent us a check for 3900 with a letter saying when you cash this you are agreeing to the amount of injury money. He tore that check up immediately and called them telling them he wanted 15000 no less or would go to court. Anyways, it just got setteled like 2 months ago, insurance wound up paying 18000 for it, 6,??? of it went to the attourney so my dad didnt make out too bad for it but it just pisses me off how insurance companies work.

10-12-2003, 03:46 PM
actually its messed up how lawyers work. 30% is alot but thats the standard for pretty much all of em. All I wanna be reimbursted for is the money I had in it. so if I get out of court with $2500 Ill settle. If more I will be take it but im not going to be greedy.

10-12-2003, 06:27 PM
When I was 18 I was rear-ended while driving my brother's 5.0. I spent 2-3 hours in the hospital but didn't have any long-term problems. The insurance company for the other driver called me and said they'd send me a check for $500 (on top of the check that covered the totaled Stang) but if I cashed it I was releasing myself from any further legal action. Being the stupid kid that I was I thought "Cool, $500!" and I cashed the check. Little did I know that these insurance companies would've easily paid 4 times that. Whatever you do--DON'T take their first offer. Tell them you're discussing your options with a lawyer but were honestly expecting closer to $2500. They'll probably write you the check right there and you'll have no lawyer fees.

10-12-2003, 07:25 PM
Being the stupid kid that I was I thought "Cool, $500!" and I cashed the check

I did that with an accident (minor) I had last year except it was only $200, I didnt go to the hospital or anything though. I actually made out because the total damages to my truck were $1600 and I got all the parts from a junk yard or internet for around $500, and I spray painted the area which turned out allright. but hey I made enough to pay for insurance.

10-13-2003, 10:34 AM
If you have receipts for all of the mods to your truck, they should pay you the amount minus any depreciation for use. If you are the claimant, they owe you for bodily injury also. Around $1000 if you weren't hurt badly. Plus they will pay all of your medical bills. If you are the insured, meaning it was your fault, then you are entitled to up to $5000 (med pay coverage). That's only to pay for medical bills, no personal injury. I would suggest speaking to your adjuster with your concerns. If you tell them that you have a lawyer, they can't talk to you anymore. All dealings will have to be with your lawyer from that point on. I would only use the lawyer if the company won't budge on their settlement. Good luck with your claim.

Sorry about the book.:(

10-13-2003, 12:29 PM
Im gonna tell them straight up if they give me enough to pay off my car I will settle, If they can come close I will settle also. I have heard so many amounts, some say they think I will get 10K some say nothing, I hope I get enough to pay off this car because I cant afford it. I have to get an additional job If they dont.

10-13-2003, 12:32 PM
They may also owe you for a rental car until they settle the claim and cut you a check for your truck. They only are required to provide you with transportation, so you could end up with a Metro. They don't have to pay for a like vehicle. If you are the claimant and you missed work because of the accident and injury, they owe you for lost wages. Maybe more.

You can also file a complaint with the department of insurance in your state if you feel it's necessary.

10-13-2003, 03:00 PM
they've already cut me a check. though I have not signed it and I will not until I find out how much I will be getting from the personal injury. And I was out of work because of a broken ankle when the accident occured. I was on my way to work to tell them I could come back the next weekend when she hit me.