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View Full Version : Track help.

10-09-2003, 06:05 PM
I have been riding dirtbikes for a while now and I have just decided to get into quads. After breaking my leg twice in one summer, I think it is time to try something new for a little bit. We have a dirtbike track and trails in the woods now. I am going to be getting a quad pretty soon and I was wondering if there is anything that I might want to change to make it more fun on four wheels. I definitely want to make everything wider...Are there any jump/obstacles that I should build that are more fun on a quad than they would be on a dirtbike? Any more info or ideas on building a quad track would be appreciated. I would like to see pics of your jumps and tracks if that is possible. Thanks!

10-09-2003, 08:05 PM
I built a table top about 25 or 30 feet long and about 4 1/2 feet tall with a very steap ramp to get in the air off of. It looks like a double with dirt in the middle. It works good for starting to learn freestyle and for people who don't jump well. I also put a 30 foot double up that still needs to be bigger like maybee a triple. Its about 5 feet tall and I over shoot it in 3rd. I think a bike track just wider would work great.

10-16-2003, 09:15 PM
I think you'd be good to go with a wider bike track. I am going to start building my trrack on saturday, my dad's renting a bobcat, and were gonna biuld some jumps. I'll try to get some pics of the whole thing!