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10-08-2003, 09:12 PM
in riding?????? Who and what inspired you to ride??? I had NO CLUE I would EVER get into a sport like this ....... I got a quad for my ole man for his Bday one year and he literally forced me to just try it once.... I didnt think I would like it the first time since I gave myself whiplash from killin it over and over :o but after a few weeks, I gave it a try again and that was all she wrote. I had it down in every gear and I wanted to go fast right away!!!:macho :blah: just wondering what got you started in quads.......:)

10-08-2003, 09:15 PM
everyone road stupd 4 wheelers and not bikes so i switched so i had people to ride with

Glow Plug
10-08-2003, 09:18 PM
I got mine as a christman prensent, but now everyone rides bikes so I'm selling it to buy a bike :)

10-08-2003, 09:21 PM
I've wanted one ever since i was 7 or so. Then when i was 19 i was looking to buy one but i didnt know to many people that had them. I was talking to one of my buddies about getting one and a couple months later him and a few other people all went and bought some new banshees and blasters. Me always liking Hondas i went and got a new 400ex a month or so after they got theres.

10-08-2003, 09:22 PM
i saw joe byrd win at the astrodome and i said i wanted to do that....... i didnt get to try until 7 years later... and now ive never been happier since ive been racing

10-08-2003, 09:27 PM
i rode with my dad and his friends every weekend when i was 5 that was back n the day. We rode a big red. I remember going down the street revving it up with my dad and gettin peoplepissed off. Well when we moved up here my parents sold my bike cuz its too rocky o well i was pissed but i saved up and bought a 300 and then discoverd racing and got a 400.

Bad Habit
10-08-2003, 09:29 PM
I can't remember how old I was (that's too far back) when I rode one for the first time. An atc70. What a machine that was. I still remember my dad and uncle laughing about how funny that tricycle with a motor looked. I used to yell the song from the commercial when I'd ride it.........follow the leader...........he's on a Hondaaaaaaaaa..

10-08-2003, 09:38 PM
When i was ten i got a xr100 then i got a cr125, then finally a 250r after riding dirt bikes and going to a quad, it was a challenge but alot of fun and got good experiance

10-08-2003, 10:00 PM
I used to ride bikes until about 15 years ago then things happend and got out of it unitl I rode a buddies 400ex a few years ago. After about a three minute ride I was hooked again. A short while later I bought my own.


10-08-2003, 10:41 PM
My wife wanted one because she had grown up on one. I had grown up on motorcycles and I figured quads were more family oriented, so here we are. I now prefer quads over bikes, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings to have one of each. Maybe some day.

10-08-2003, 11:11 PM
I rode motorcycycles from about age 7. Started off with an xr 75. After high school got married, joined the army and traveled to foriegn exotic places and killed people for 3 yrs. After my bike was stolen I went about 7 yrs without riding while I went back to college. Then started riding utilities with my brother. Quickly I realized the a 300 prairie 4x4 is not a good machine to jump hills on. So I bought a 300 ex only to quickly realize that it has enough powere to get you into trouble but not enough to get you out. So, i bought the 400ex and everything was wonderful, powerful enough to get you in and out of trouble. Now I ride a predator. More power to get me into trouble.

10-08-2003, 11:15 PM
rode bikes since I was about 5,I hated atvs for some reason...then a buddy was moving outta state and said "here..happy b-day" and gave me a little yamaha 125 trike,I figured it was mine so I may as well use it,after running over my leg numerous times I got the hang of it,soon it was too gutless so I got a 86 350x...then went to a banshee and after a few others not worth mentioning I finally got an R..still have my bike and other toys but the quad seems leave the garage the most these days:)

10-08-2003, 11:31 PM
My dad used to ride 2 wheelers back in the day. The last bike he had was a Huskyvarna. I don't remember if my brother and me asked for bikes or not but one day he stop at a dealer and got a Tri-z for him & my brother and got me a 60cc automatic yamaha quad. I only had it for a couple days when we changed it for an 80cc moto-4. That little 60 had no ballz.

10-08-2003, 11:31 PM
i blame my bother-in-law. rode bikes since i was a kid, with the occasional 3-wheeler thrown in there. stopped riding when i joined the Navy.

went to visit my sister in OR a couple of years ago, and my bro-in-law took me riding with his 400ex. been hooked since then :)

10-08-2003, 11:33 PM
Got my first bike when i was 14 Rode bikes untill about 20. Bought a three wheeler Rode that for a couple years. Took a break for about 15 years. Bought another bike. Most of my friends were riding quads. Sold the bike and bought the EX about 10 months ago. Did not think I would like quad riding. Love the quad riding now. Just a different type of riding. I mainly ride the mountains and the quad is so much better in the mountains than the bike.

10-09-2003, 05:58 AM
I rode an ex girlfriends dads 85 suzuki quadsport with no shocks whatso ever. I thought it was the best thing ever and went out and bought a quad..:huh This was about 8 years ago.

10-09-2003, 06:28 AM
Well, I was 2 1/2 when I got my first JR 50, training wheels and all.....parents learned not to fill the tank up with gas, I'd ride it until it ran out! The last 25 years, I've only gone without a machine for 2 years of college. graduated in 97, bought a quad, and its been 4 for me ever since.

10-09-2003, 06:40 AM
When I was 10 years old or so, my parents got me a brand new Yamaha YFM 200 (NO shocks!) for X-mas. I remember opening the small box that had the key in it...at first I thought it was a snowmobile, then I looked in the shed and saw a quad. I rode the tires off that thing... I've been hooked ever since.

10-09-2003, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by Braff1
I rode motorcycycles from about age 7. Started off with an xr 75. After high school got married, joined the army and traveled to foriegn exotic places and killed people for 3 yrs. After my bike was stolen I went about 7 yrs without riding while I went back to college. Then started riding utilities with my brother. Quickly I realized the a 300 prairie 4x4 is not a good machine to jump hills on. So I bought a 300 ex only to quickly realize that it has enough powere to get you into trouble but not enough to get you out. So, i bought the 400ex and everything was wonderful, powerful enough to get you in and out of trouble. Now I ride a predator. More power to get me into trouble. LOL! I like your story, I felt the same about my 300ex......:D

10-09-2003, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
Well, I was 2 1/2 when I got my first JR 50, training wheels and all.....parents learned not to fill the tank up with gas, I'd ride it until it ran out! The last 25 years, I've only gone without a machine for 2 years of college. graduated in 97, bought a quad, and its be 4 for me ever since. wow!! thats a long time!! You remember that far back riding as a kid????:eek2: thats cool, I wish I would have invloved that long ago, who knows how good my riding skills would have been by now......:D when I was a kid, my parents were into Harleys and jet boats and Hot Rods, Atv's and dirt bikes were nothing around here then :(

10-09-2003, 07:46 AM
i dated a guy with a blaster he'd let me ride a year and a half ago- i was his photo girl for harescrambles- we broke up last year and i couldnt live life without.... a quad.. so i bought the 400ex and life has never been better since:devil: ~ thanks mark!!

10-09-2003, 08:35 AM
I rode dirtbikes for years, then I started to ride 4x4's and said that was fun, but the bike was faster. Besides, the quads in those days didn't keep up very well with me ( were no 250rs or anything, mostly ATC's and 4x4's. Then I rode a pretty trick 300ex once and it rode a lot like my bike as far as accel. But I probably got into quads cause when I rode the 300ex it was muddy out and I was powersliddin all over and having fun. So I decided to get one.


10-09-2003, 08:35 AM
My parents bought me a Power Wheels three-wheeler when I was about 3......that is what inspired me to do what I love most! Ride!:D Geez, that was about 23yrs. ago......:eek2:

10-09-2003, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by sly400ex
My parents bought me a Power Wheels three-wheeler when I was about 3......that is what inspired me to do what I love most! Ride!:D Geez, that was about 23yrs. ago......:eek2: LOL!!!!! I guess when I think back my Daughter has been riding a long time too if I count a Pwer wheel!!!! She started out at a cool 18 months old!:eek: bye the time she was 2, she was trying to power slide it on asphalt:o :p ......So I guess she has been riding longer than all of us,same for my Son, but he was about 2 yrs old I think..........

10-09-2003, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
wow!! thats a long time!! You remember that far back riding as a kid????:eek2: thats cool, I wish I would have invloved that long ago, who knows how good my riding skills would have been by now......:D when I was a kid, my parents were into Harleys and jet boats and Hot Rods, Atv's and dirt bikes were nothing around here then :(

Oh yeah! I got the 8mm films, pics, everything....droolin, couldn't talk, couldn't walk.....but I could ride a motorbike! The neighbor kids hated me, I'd run em over on their big wheels! :devil:

10-09-2003, 09:30 AM
OH boy well we went camping w/ our good friends & they all had quads so they let us ride a couple of thier utilities & after that we decided we needed some. so we went & got a Kodiak,TRX90,&400EX!! It's funny cuz before my hubby & I got together my son always used to tell me how COOL it would be to have a quad everytime we drove by the bike shop & I couldn't believe how much $$ they were LOL.
Well then my bro's all got bikes again (they used to race when we were kids) & thye started that damn flattrackin' so we wet to watch them & as soon as I seen the quads out there I was like I HAVE TO TRY THAT!!! Well 5 yrs later here Iam still "trying" it LOL If you would of asked me 6 yrs ago about quads I would of said...What??:huh Now my family says I'm a JUNKIE:D

I think my oldest son about crapped his pants when we brought his blaster home, I told him to go unload the groceries & he himm hawwed around then he walked up & seen that quad in the back & it was a Kodak moment:) so it took us 6 months to build it, he's a happy camper now, of course now it's "I need a 250r now" yeah right keep on wishin pal LMAO. He has LOTS of potential & my bro's keep telling me he's gonna go somewhere w/ his racing & I hope they are right!!! The kid is a natural now if he just rides his blaster to it's full potential this season he should do damn good. I think he was intimitated by it last year (his !st season on it) so this year he should rock!!!

10-09-2003, 10:05 AM
i was born into it. my dad and his buddies got fourwheelers before i was born and he always took me for rides then when i got old enough i got to ride it on my own, i bet i rode that thing every day i could for about 4 years.

10-09-2003, 10:06 AM
Growing up, my Dad and uncle both had old FL250 Oddessys, and my Mom and step dad had a 200sx. I was about 5 yrs. and my brother was about 7 yrs., and they'd strap us in tight in the Oddessys and turn us loose at Sand Lake. Back then, there weren't many people riding out there, so we basically had half of Sand Lake to ourselves. When we got older, we started riding quads. The 200sx eventually gave way to a 250x, and my uncle bought a new quad called a TRX250R:p.

10-09-2003, 10:23 AM
well when i was about 8 or 9 i would always love to go riding with my uncle on his trx250 and my papaws trx300 i begged mom and dad forever and then when i was eleven i came home one day and there was a nearly brand new 1998 trx 300 behind my house, i rode it around for two years and still have the thing it has put up with so much crap lol. then when i was 12 i got a 2000 xr100 for christmas and then a week after my 13 birthday i got my 2002 kx100 loved it and still do and last friday i got a 2001 yz250f. im currently trying to save enough money to get a nice 300ex and give sport quads a try. so thats my story:blah:

10-09-2003, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by F-16Guy
Growing up, my Dad and uncle both had old FL250 Oddessys, and my Mom and step dad had a 200sx. I was about 5 yrs. and my brother was about 7 yrs., and they'd strap us in tight in the Oddessys and turn us loose at Sand Lake. Back then, there weren't many people riding out there, so we basically had half of Sand Lake to ourselves. When we got older, we started riding quads. The 200sx eventually gave way to a 250x, and my uncle bought a new quad called a TRX250R:p.

200sx is what i started out on too..... still have the thing and it runs 100%. amazing little machine.

Runnin Dumb
10-09-2003, 10:36 AM
I blame it all on Rico and a rather large younger brother. He doesn't like to walk to his deer stand anymore.

10-09-2003, 10:39 AM
I got my first quad when i was 4 a honda 70 which was bored out to a 90 before the thign was even a year old, and since that day we have never went without at least 1 quad around our house and that has been 15 years

10-09-2003, 10:42 AM
Runnin Dumb, were you at the Spence County fair quad drag back a few months ago?

10-09-2003, 11:44 AM
I've only been riding for 3 years. All the previous women in my life weren't receptive to the idea of me riding bikes or quads and therefore, they're all gone now (except for my mom)! My current wife loves for me to ride, and so I do, for which I love it!

I used to ride mtn bikes, but gas power is much easier!!! My mtn bike has a good coating of dust on it... lol

10-09-2003, 12:17 PM
well my cousin had some dirtwheels and 3 and 4 wheel action magazines, these magazines are from like 95[i still got them!]. he had a 3 and 4 wheeler and i would always go in the shed and sit on them and just dream about having one to ride. eventually we got a go cart. then my dad bought one of the quads which was a 86 200sx we still have. since then ive been hooked.

Runnin Dumb
10-09-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by tclapp
Runnin Dumb, were you at the Spence County fair quad drag back a few months ago?

Well no, My good ole Uncle Sam had me playin' in the sand about that time. I don't normally go to them cause my wife might find out how much fun I have on em and that would be the end of that. What she don't know,won't hurt ME:devil:

10-09-2003, 01:01 PM
Growing up, my mother never let me ride motorcycles. "murder-cycles" she called them, whether 2-wheeled or 4.

I never rode anything execpt a bicycle until I was 24, my girlfriend had a 400EX. I bought a 250X so I could ride with her, and then upgraded to my 250r.

So, yes, my girlfriend got me into riding.

10-09-2003, 04:18 PM
I started riding my dad's 84 Big Red when i was 4 or so. I rode that until he got his 97 Prairie. I rode that for a few years also. Then one day I was sitting in class beside Ram2500V10. We were in a lab and he was looking at some atv and truck stuff. So I asked him about what he rode and stuff. We got to be friends and I found a 250x to buy so we could ride together.

10-09-2003, 06:35 PM
ive ridden quads since i can remember, very young, started out i think around 6 or so on a 88 honda 300 4x4 and then my cousin bought a 99 300ex when i was prolly 13 or 14 and that go tme hooked on sport quads, thats when i knew i was gonna be racing and all that, it kinda snuck up on me and im glad it did

10-09-2003, 06:39 PM
My dad picked up a 1990 Yamaha Big Bear when I was 11 in order to haul like 5 cords of wood out of the forest. One thing let to another, and he picked up a second utility so we could ride together. Then things just snowballed from there as I got into dirtbiking, then he picked up the 400EX after selling the Bear and all the dirtbikes except the 125 (at one point we had an XR250R, XR250L, CR80, CR125, and an XR100). We've had the 400 for a little over 2 years, and I've had the 125 for about a year and a half.

10-09-2003, 07:17 PM
my dad started me on an atc70 when i was about 7. From there i went to a 80 moto-4, a 200sx, a blaster, a 250r and currently a 300ex. Im hoping to get something else when im a senior.

10-09-2003, 07:47 PM
i got started on an atc90 at age 6 , i`ve been riding ever since.

10-09-2003, 09:13 PM
it all began after mom droped me while rideing wen i was about 5-6 off the honda :rolleyes: somehow that inspired me to ride and everytime i throw a leg over a quad i think of that moment LOL

true story i think that explains alot 2 LOL

10-10-2003, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Growing up, my mother never let me ride motorcycles. "murder-cycles" she called them, whether 2-wheeled or 4.

I never rode anything execpt a bicycle until I was 24, my girlfriend had a 400EX. I bought a 250X so I could ride with her, and then upgraded to my 250r.

So, yes, my girlfriend got me into riding. Thats AWESOME!!!!!:macho

10-10-2003, 03:16 PM
how did i get started.......

My bro-in-law got a raptor from his business partner (he bought a 4x4 bike), than a buddy of my bro-in-law was selling his 300 so my husband bought that off him (he also got a 4x4 bike). Well of course i got jelous of them riding all the time--and my husband started to teach me how to ride his bike around our small yard, and he thought i was good enough that i could get one of my own. So we went to the local Honda Dealer and got me my Rancher 4x4....have had it a little over a year and LOVE IT......love splashing in the mud, pulling him out of anywhere he gets stuck. Its not very fast because its got a lot of weight in the tires and rims so one day we will get lighter rims and tires.....

cody anderson
10-10-2003, 03:45 PM
Dad bought me a 50 and threw it in the back of Moms station wagon when she wasen't around... :D

10-10-2003, 04:27 PM
One of my friends let take out his quadrunner 160 for the day. after that he let me ride his warrior every now & then. Every one by me has one so my dad bought a bike and i got to pay him off for it.

10-10-2003, 08:01 PM
Wayyyyyyyy back in 1986 someone I worked with was selling his 3-wheeler. I took it for a ride, decided I wanted 4 wheels! I went and bought a quad, rode it the next day and don't remember anything until waking up the following day in the trauma unit. Once I got my marbles back, I bought a helmet, hopped on and have been riding ever since. I may still be missing a couple marbles... :)

10-13-2003, 06:40 PM
how far away are you? you should come along on one of our rides. have not seen an lt in action for a while.

10-13-2003, 06:52 PM
rode a 250r with some buddies in the dunes. I have had four 250r's now, a dale, a yfz, a z400, a 250x a 250 polaris, a quadzilla, a banshee...

10-13-2003, 07:18 PM
when i was about 5 my dad bought a utility to do work around the house. then he bought me an 80cc dirtbike when i was 6 so we could ride....then he bought me another bike when i was 8 and when i was 10 i wanted a quad instead so my mom bought me a trailblazer. After that i bought a lawn mower to make money and buy my own quads.

I started to buy nearly stock stuff and i would start to modify them so i would have the baddest quad in my area.

Maybe the dale will be gone soon and i will have an r or a yfz....you never no:devil:

10-13-2003, 07:44 PM
I started out on a Yamaha 125 Moto three wheeler. those things used to haul arse before they outlawed them. I was about 7 or 8 years old then. After they were outlawed my parents got a Big Bear, which to this day they still have. 17 years later and still runs. I have rode about everything there is. I have rode a tricked out banshee to a quadzilla. Now, I ride red or yellow and I probably won't change. About 22 or 23 years of riding and I have completed my first year of racing this year. First place in "C" modified.

10-13-2003, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by TRXMaddness
I started out on a Yamaha 125 Moto three wheeler. those things used to haul arse before they outlawed them. I was about 7 or 8 years old then. After they were outlawed my parents got a Big Bear, which to this day they still have. 17 years later and still runs. I have rode about everything there is. I have rode a tricked out banshee to a quadzilla. Now, I ride red or yellow and I probably won't change. About 22 or 23 years of riding and I have completed my first year of racing this year. First place in "C" modified. congrats on the 1st place;) :D :cool:

10-13-2003, 10:25 PM
I raced and rode bikes until a few years ago, then all my friends got quads, so I had to get one so i could ride with them. Now I ended up selling all my bikes and race quads instead.

10-14-2003, 02:28 PM
I've been riding since I was 3 I'm 19 now so that gives me 16 years riding experience. I started on an old Rigid framed Yamaha
YZinger 60. this was an atv. It had the plastic and stickers that made it look like a truck from the front. After That I moved on to a Suzuki Quadrunner 160. Then a Bayou 220. Afterwards I rode my moms Warrior until I got the 1985 Suzuki LT230 Sideways kickstart complete with the custom holes in the left sidecase. After an entire race season of racing my SISTER'S 300EX because my LT was broken. We bought 2 400EX's and Haven't looked back since.

10-14-2003, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by jaspurx
how far away are you? you should come along on one of our rides. have not seen an lt in action for a while.

I live in Delmont, I see under your avatar you're in Somerset? Always looking for new places to ride, and people to ride with! PM me sometime, I TRY to ride every weekend. I may have to change my user name to just "LTrider" soon, I'm looking to sell the Raptor.

twisted threads
10-14-2003, 03:15 PM
I started riding on a HONDA atc70. My dad and his buddys all had ATC 250rs but I dont really remember that. But in 86 my dad was the first of his friends to get the trx250r and I have been a RED RIDER ever since.:macho I got out of rideing when I was about 15 (because had no $$$). About 3 years ago my buddys called me up and said that they went and bought new quads, so I went over there and they had two honda recons sitting there so we had a BLAST playing around on them things. That weekend I went up to the Honda Shop to get a new quad. I walked threw the doors and there sat the HONDA TRX400ex. SO I bought it!!:D MY buddys soon after sold there recons and have 400ex now also!:cool:

10-14-2003, 05:39 PM
First time I got hooked on wanting to ride/race was when I was at my uncle's place and his daughter's boyfriend had just came back from a race with his LT250r . I used to ride my old mans Honda around the yard and at camp ( i still do now ahaha) . Was soon after I seen my cousins BF's bike that my dad went out and bought me one to race . Been hooked ever since . Now its decision time 4stroke or an Arens frame 330R??? HMMMM

10-14-2003, 05:58 PM
330R, But hey what can I say I love R's.

10-14-2003, 06:53 PM
my friends started riding when they were like 12 and I got my first machine in 2001.. a bran new honda xr100r :cool: ... i still love her to death, my favorite machine out of all my bikes. Then my buddy got an 02 blaster and I rode it and loved it, got an 03 that christmas.. then needed something bigger and got my 400 not too long ago, riding is a great sport and hobby glad i got into it

10-14-2003, 07:02 PM
i always wanted a dirtbike or quad when i was young but my parents always considered them 'death traps'...

all my friends got quads when they were like 12... i worked all summer to get my 91 warrior... it was a peaice but i had fun on it. i later then got a 300ex and huevos grandas inspired me to become more into the sport... i later then got a lt250r, then a 250r...

awesome thread by the way QJ! :D

10-14-2003, 07:09 PM
i've always lived in the country when i was a kid, and i always saw quads, bout 6 years ago i got a 1995 300ex did a few mods like pipe etc...then got a 1999 400ex started riding it around, sold it, stupid me turned around got a 2001 400ex...lol well now im gonna start racing put a boat load of cash into it and its the sweetest quad around these parts, so i got hooked and got some of my buddies hooked and now we got a bus too...lol, well its called "PERUVIAN ROOST" cause we live in the town of Peru

10-14-2003, 07:15 PM
My Grandma had a quad and I rode it and then the 400ex came and then fun!!!:eek2:

10-14-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by GrInDeR400ex
i've always lived in the country when i was a kid, and i always saw quads, bout 6 years ago i got a 1995 300ex did a few mods like pipe etc...then got a 1999 400ex started riding it around, sold it, stupid me turned around got a 2001 400ex...lol well now im gonna start racing put a boat load of cash into it and its the sweetest quad around these parts, so i got hooked and got some of my buddies hooked and now we got a bus too...lol, well its called "PERUVIAN ROOST" cause we live in the town of Peru

You sold a 40ex for a 400ex?:huh

10-14-2003, 08:50 PM
Hmm i guess my dad got me into it.. he had a 350X and a 250R back in the day... wene i was 5 he bought me a atc70, then a KX80, then a fourtrax200sx, then i think i got my 400... i have had it for about 2 years.. i Have never ounce not had a quad atc or dirtbike haha guess i had a pretty sweet childhood, still livin it..

10-15-2003, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by twisted threads
I started riding on a HONDA atc70. My dad and his buddys all had ATC 250rs but I dont really remember that. But in 86 my dad was the first of his friends to get the trx250r and I have been a RED RIDER ever since.:macho I got out of rideing when I was about 15 (because had no $$$). About 3 years ago my buddys called me up and said that they went and bought new quads, so I went over there and they had two honda recons sitting there so we had a BLAST playing around on them things. That weekend I went up to the Honda Shop to get a new quad. I walked threw the doors and there sat the HONDA TRX400ex. SO I bought it!!:D MY buddys soon after sold there recons and have 400ex now also!:cool: So Twisted~~~ Have you been thinking of what to get that new baby yet to ride:??:D Dont tell me it hasnt crossdd your mind yet..LOL.....:p ;)

twisted threads
10-15-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
So Twisted~~~ Have you been thinking of what to get that new baby yet to ride:??:D Dont tell me it hasnt crossdd your mind yet..LOL.....:p ;)
LOL .......Well Im not sure yet but I think she wants a 450r:macho. JK, there are some cool minis out there but its going to be a few years before she is ready, I think. How old was your youngest when they begain to ride?

10-15-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by twisted threads
LOL .......Well Im not sure yet but I think she wants a 450r:macho. JK, there are some cool minis out there but its going to be a few years before she is ready, I think. How old was your youngest when they begain to ride? my 2 boys where riding dirtbikes at age 4- they could ride them before a bycyle..

Greg Z
10-15-2003, 02:09 PM
i started riding trikes when i was like 7 years old on a honda big red then i road my friends blasters then i bought my self a banshee and then now I bought a 400ex =-o and im 15 now

10-15-2003, 07:38 PM
My little guy started riding when he was about 3yrs 9 mo. he got his quad for Christmas last year & turned 4 in Feb.:) My oldest son started on a KDX80 when he was 8 then got a TRX90 not too long after that then last year got a blaster. He thinks he's ready to move up to the 400:eek: I wish I would of started that early:o

10-16-2003, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by twisted threads
LOL .......Well Im not sure yet but I think she wants a 450r:macho. JK, there are some cool minis out there but its going to be a few years before she is ready, I think. How old was your youngest when they begain to ride? well. on a "real"quad Kesley was 6 and Brandon was 5 but they both had PW at around 18 months and 2 yrs old.....:D ;)

10-16-2003, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by dirtmomma
My little guy started riding when he was about 3yrs 9 mo. he got his quad for Christmas last year & turned 4 in Feb.:) My oldest son started on a KDX80 when he was 8 then got a TRX90 not too long after that then last year got a blaster. He thinks he's ready to move up to the 400:eek: I wish I would of started that early:o Kelsey got to take a short spin on my 400ex this past wk end.OH>>>>>>>> Does she think she is the Chit now!!!:o :p She done really good too! She fit on my 300ex pretty good last year, I think this is what Ill get her when she moves up into a bigger quad....:)

10-16-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by TGW_400ex
My Grandma had a quad and I rode it and then the 400ex came and then fun!!!:eek2: Gannry rode a quad!! SAAWETT!!!! I hope Im still a ridin when Im an old Granny....LOL>> I get a mental.... :o .. Pullin up aside of somesone asking if they wanna Drag.......ROLF!!!!!:p

10-16-2003, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by tants
i always wanted a dirtbike or quad when i was young but my parents always considered them 'death traps'...

all my friends got quads when they were like 12... i worked all summer to get my 91 warrior... it was a peaice but i had fun on it. i later then got a 300ex and huevos grandas inspired me to become more into the sport... i later then got a lt250r, then a 250r...

awesome thread by the way QJ! :D
Thanks Tants. ;) .... How ya been? It seems like I never get to chat anymore between Work and Troy doing the MX..............We will have to catch up sometime.....:)

10-16-2003, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
Gannry rode a quad!! SAAWETT!!!! I hope Im still a ridin when Im an old Granny....LOL>> I get a mental.... :o .. Pullin up aside of somesone asking if they wanna Drag.......ROLF!!!!!:p

Ya she gav it to me after it was like a year old bacause it was to hard on her then i rode it till march of this year and got the 400

10-16-2003, 08:48 AM
Hey Tina so hows the racing going?? Are you into your flattrack season yet?? How's Troy doing w/ the MX??? We are just about ready for our's to start Nov8. My quad just needs the valves adjusted(doing this weekend) then she's ready as for the blaster it pretty much just needs the chain put back on, the boy threw it practicing(forgot to tighten after lowering:eek: ) lluckily he didnt throw it into the case though. We've been cleaning them up also trying to make em look pretty, I don't know why when I'm sureit'll be raining the 1st race like usual :rolleyes:
Oct 28-29 they are having TT practice at the indoor track so I want to go to that since we've never done any TT racing I think it'll be good fun & practice for us. Then on the 30-31 they have the flattrack practice. will you post a pic of your front tires for me?? I wanted to see if they are grooved the same as mine, man what a difference steering w/ the new ones on it's much nicer!!! Take care girl!!;)

10-16-2003, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
Kelsey got to take a short spin on my 400ex this past wk end.OH>>>>>>>> Does she think she is the Chit now!!!:o :p She done really good too! She fit on my 300ex pretty good last year, I think this is what Ill get her when she moves up into a bigger quad....:)

OH MY now I'm feeling like a WOOOSY!!! LMAO I always seem to be on the "little" quads, hahaha OH well maybe one of these days I'll step er up to the 400:eek2: by then everyone will be on the 450's then I'll till be riding the "little" one!! Naw we got some tricks up our sleeve for the 400 just waiting for the right time to do it:devil: (465:eek: ) then maybe I'll get on that bad boy!!!! yeah my son loves my 300 but it's not a whole lot faster than the blaster so it would be pointless to put him on that, he loves the thumpers but will have to stick w/ the blaster for another year at least. We told him if he stepped it up this season then we will pump up the blaster some more if he rides it to it's FULL potential!!! so I hope he does I'd like to see him go out on a bigger one & kick some arse.:)

10-16-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by dirtmomma
Hey Tina so hows the racing going?? Are you into your flattrack season yet?? How's Troy doing w/ the MX??? We are just about ready for our's to start Nov8. My quad just needs the valves adjusted(doing this weekend) then she's ready as for the blaster it pretty much just needs the chain put back on, the boy threw it practicing(forgot to tighten after lowering:eek: ) lluckily he didnt throw it into the case though. We've been cleaning them up also trying to make em look pretty, I don't know why when I'm sureit'll be raining the 1st race like usual :rolleyes:
Oct 28-29 they are having TT practice at the indoor track so I want to go to that since we've never done any TT racing I think it'll be good fun & practice for us. Then on the 30-31 they have the flattrack practice. will you post a pic of your front tires for me?? I wanted to see if they are grooved the same as mine, man what a difference steering w/ the new ones on it's much nicer!!! Take care girl!!;) I just got my dates last night for our Flattrack season. Looks like Nov 28 thru Feb 28th. I CANT WAIT!!!!:blah: :macho Troy has two more raes left in the series.so far he has won them all:cool: He races again this Sat and then on the 1st of Nov. Im getting a bit nervous though. He just had a new frame put it in last week, but is awaiting some clips? that are needed for something??? He wont be able to practice track on it otnight so he is taking mine out instead. I hope his is ready in time for Sat. Hegot his seat fixed as well thanks to Hardrock motorsports who sponosored him a much needed latch to keep his seat on! In points,looks like he will take 1st over all even if he dont place well this last two races but would be cool for him to win them all!!!!:D He will bve stepping up to PRo class next year ......

10-16-2003, 12:23 PM
The first time I rode a quad I was about 6 (i was on the back, not driving), it was an old Polaris 300 or something. I was hooked, but we didn't have any room for a quad and my parents weren't into them, so I just dreamed. Later I rode a 200sx and was hooked again, but all I had money for a was a Dirt Wheels subscription. I read the test of the 89 250R fourtrax in 89 and decided thats the quad I want. About 12 years later, I went riding with some friends in florence and rode a R, and again, hooked. This time I had money, so I started looking and found a 250R. I guess a 250r isn't the best "beginner quad" but I was in my 20's and knew I'd outgrow anything else way too fast!

... I need cheaper hobbies, motorsports is killing me!

Smokin 440
10-24-2003, 09:37 PM
We've had 3&4 wheelers on the farm long as i can remember we used em for picking stones so when i was like 4 i couldnt really pick a whole h*ll of a lot so they had me drive, been hooked ever since. Bought my own 3 wheeler like 3-4 years ago think i was 12, spent more time fixing than riding, but i still had fun and loved it, not to mention it was a good learnin experience.... bought my 250x when i was 13, and bought the 440. Now if i get rid of the 250 i'm gonna try to get a Rincon just too bad i gotta work my @$$ off to get ****, but its more than worth it.

10-25-2003, 03:01 PM
well my mom and uncle grew up with bikes and i was then brought up around bikes every time i went to grandpaws causemy uncle had a full race track in the back yard i still remeber looking up at my uncles 125 and thinking it was huge! and remeber him taking me for rides in the field
and my dad and uncle raced go carts and shifter carts since i was born till about a few years ago, but i still have my 5 horse "digger" cart, i grew up around snowmobiles too cause evrybody had one and we would go for hours
then i got my 1st dirtbike when i was 10 a RM 125 then i bought a 84 200X trike and ran that for a while then i sold both of those and bought my 2000 300ex and ran it for a little over a year and now i have a 87 race ready R but i cant wait till i`m old enough to have kids and start them off young