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Fender Bender
10-06-2003, 11:58 AM
We have been discussing the Civil War in school for the last month or two, and I think some if it is pretty interesting. I was pretty suprised at how many people would still fight for the south, even after how far African Americans have come. Think if the South would have won. The United States wouldn't have come as far as it has today, for sure.

I would have some different feelings about who I would fight for. I would want to fight for the south, to keep "slavery" but I wouldn't want slavery to be what it was. I would want it to be paid work (by money, or food) even though that had happened afterwards. I would also want to fight for the north though, because slavery wasn't humane, and it needed to come to an end. Theres also a bad part to ending slavery, which would be the Ku Klux Klan and other cults that get together to terrorize human beings because of their skin color. I think they should be made slaves for a few years for punishment.

What are your views on this? who would you fight for?

10-06-2003, 12:30 PM
i want you to be my slave.

10-06-2003, 12:53 PM
Hank Jr. wrote a good song about if the south woulda won...:cool:

10-06-2003, 01:05 PM
the south:o

10-06-2003, 01:50 PM
I dunno. I'm not trying to sound racist in this, but if you look at pictures of working slaves they didn't look to unhappy. Them having food and shelter was in alot of cases better than what they came from in Africa. I don't really condone slavery, but I'm not condemning it either. If you look at the facts (again, not trying to be racist, these are just facts) the majority of crime, unemployment/underemployment, and AIDS centers around the African Americans. I'm not saying the slaves shouldn't have been freed, just maybe educated more before they were sent off into the world so many of them had higher standards for themselves. Also, the governement should have done more to provide them with oppurtunities so they didn't have to steal just to get by.

10-06-2003, 06:53 PM
...The War's just streight kool man.

Being from Vicksburg has alot to do with my liking the War.
I was always most interested in how they faut, lived, ate, traveled and all that.

Think about it....
...They lined up across a big *** feild and shot each other.
If i were in the war, i think i'd want to be a sharp shooter.
..ya' know, "Sharp shooter" came to be, becouse of a man named "Sharp, or "Sharpe". I think he was a cornal or something.
..."One Shot, One Kill"

Soldier's used to live in cave's around vicksburg during the Seige. acctually alot of the residenece from vicksburg lived in them too.
...There are still a few cave's around here, there's one on the lawn of the Old Courthouse. it doesn't go back into the hill very far, becouse the government bricked it up in the back.,

They were reduced to eating rat's becouse the north cut off all our trade route's....You gatta remember, they weren't in these caved for a few day's, they were in them for a long time.
...little "Dirt cities.

Think about how far they walked....let's say mr morris was from florida..he walked to the army office and signed up. then he walked across the state's untill he came to his post., then he walked all over the mason/dixon for 4 years.
then he had to walk his tired *** back home.
..That sux.

Ya know.Vicksburg didn't celebrate 4rth of July for a very long time, becouse the 4rth of july was when we surrendered.

Pretty kool huh.

10-06-2003, 07:24 PM
i choose south

10-06-2003, 07:38 PM
I would choose north. Diversity is what makes america.

10-06-2003, 07:44 PM
freakin school cr@p!

the Civil War wasn't about freeing slaves. it was about States rights gotdemmit!!!!

d@mned liberal BS education system!!!!

10-06-2003, 07:49 PM
Wasn't it that the south was for america breaking up and the north for it staying together...
somethin about britian or somethin .. sorry I slept through history class.

10-06-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by "BLAHH"300!!
...The War's just streight kool man.

Being from Vicksburg has alot to do with my liking the War.
I was always most interested in how they faut, lived, ate, traveled and all that.

Pretty kool huh.

yea it is pretty intresting. i love the movie gettysburg:D

10-06-2003, 08:23 PM
It is amazing how uneducated/biased/naive some people are.

War is not a game, nor should it ever be glorified. Hate based upon skin color is so fatuous it kills me. Look at all the white trash out there without jobs and education. Are they any better than what you guys think of blacks? No, but since they are white, we don't think of them that way. You can only succeed as much as your environment will allow, guys. Try coming from hundreds of years of oppression and hate. Do you think you would be any better off?
I don't mean to come off so harsh, but I just wish people could ignore such petty differences and base respect upon character rather than appearance. :(

10-06-2003, 08:25 PM
And you are correct, the Civil War was not soley based on slavery. It was based on politics, just like every war; that or religion.

10-06-2003, 08:31 PM
I don't mean to come off so harsh, but I just wish people could ignore such petty differences and base respect upon character rather than appearance.

no problem, i'll stop when black folk stop using THEIR skin color as an excuse.

it goes both ways bro.

btw, i am not white.

10-06-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by batgeek

btw, i am not white.

:eek: ;)

i still think ya skeert half of logan:devil: :blah:

10-06-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
freakin school cr@p!

the Civil War wasn't about freeing slaves. it was about States rights gotdemmit!!!!

d@mned liberal BS education system!!!!

HEY.....atleast one knows the truth......The whole slavery issue was just an added bonus of the war. The south broke constitutional law when they sperated, and formed the confederation. Lincoln was forced to back up his big mouth when the south defied him. There's al whole lot of other issues, but I'm not writing a novel.....nor can I remember everything.:blah:

10-06-2003, 08:39 PM
they are free now and for the most part worse off. i reckon ya can blame that on me too...since im a white guy...lmao

i treat people the way they treat me ...PERIOD.

the civil war is a facinating study of our history...but to fully understand it ...try starting a hundred years before it ever happened

10-06-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
:eek: ;)

i still think ya skeert half of logan:devil: :blah:

yeah, i dun think none of them folks ever seen a Filipino before :D

but the one girl in the jiggy room...y'now the one with tabacco still stuck in her teeth...she wasn't skeered. she smacked me on the face a couple of times. i wasn't sure if it was WV foreplay or what. thats when i got skeered :( thought her Pa was gonna come runnin in with a shotgun or something. :eek2:

10-06-2003, 09:08 PM
I am not trying to point any fingers here. I guess my point is simply that it frustrates me to see hate based on stereotypes. Am I saying that every black person is a saint? Definitely not. But what race is perfect? They all have their good and bad characteristics. To me, every human starts as an equal, and their character takes over from there. That is all I have to say. No hard feelings hopefully, I don't mean to come off in a bad way. Sorry if I upset anybody. :confused:

10-06-2003, 09:38 PM
im not even getting into racism or anything like that, but i know if we would have had more people and supplies we would have won, but everything happens for a reason.... anyhow

I like studyin bout the civil war! its so interesting to learn about my heritage, learning that hey a whole huge army marched down this very road! etc, i love hearing about how the south was honorable and so much better led and the military genius of Robert E. Lee. I HATE how uneducated all of my generation is about the issue. all they hear about it is "robert E lee is the devil, the war was about slavery, anyone who flies a rebel flag is racist and hates black people, the south sucked the north was just all better etc" i wish they would actually take time to educate themselves before they go condemning me for my rebel flags and shirts and stuff! IM SO SICK OF EVERYONE WORRIED ABOUT DAMN POLICAL CORRECTNESS! im sorry but im DAMN PROUD that my ancestors Took honor and courage in what they believed to be right! and im proud to be from the country and from the south, thats what i feel and thats why i fly my rebel flag and if they dont like it they can just not look at it! I believe that the south has the best heritage, morals, and manners of any part of this nation! i would never want to live anywhere other than the south!

Its getting ludicrous though! you cant say what you think anymore unless its "politically correct" for peets sake i mean rush limbaugh, the pledge of allegiance, everything has to be "politically correct" or else people will almost condemn you to hell for it! i mean there is this gay guy at school who has pink hair and is basically ***ged out the frame and im sorry but i DONT LIKE HIM, i think homosexuality is WRONG any way you look at it, but when i say that people break out the whole psychotherapy speech about "its just who they are, they were born that way, they cant help it and its ok to be gay and all that bull$hit!!! i just wish people would remember that there is FREEDOM OF SPEECH in this country!!! :grr: :mad: :grr: im off my soapbox for now but thats just how i feel!

10-06-2003, 10:13 PM
How many of you can explain what a Confederacy even is? The south lost because of what they were. When the strength is no longer in the central government there is no equal coordination. Slavery was hardly a issue in the Civil War at the time, hell ol Abe said he would still allow slavery if the south would join. It wasn't about the south losing slavery it was about the south not wanting to be part of the new Federal government. The majority of it was that the south fealt that they were gonna lose power by joining. With new tax's be levied on everything the south was pissed, you have to remember they just faught a war over tax's.

The slaves that had been set free after the war were actually the most qualified for work. Who actually did all the farming? You think it was the plantation owners? No, they didn't know anything except to rake in the cash. It was the slaves that did everything, so they were doing very well when they were freed. The problem was that all the whites in the south didn't want to see the slaves succeed. Its kinda hard to run a business when everyone is trying to destroy it.

We got numerous things out of the civil war, a lot of them didn't happen right away, but they did happen because of the freed slaves. We have gotten a lot of rights that we all take for granted now that were originally set in place to help the blacks get treated equally.

Think of it this way, its hard for people to succeed when the cops, judges, governor, and other important people were all against you. One thing i find amazing is how a govenor of a state will go so far as to officially bar someone from coming to a school, that it forces the national government to use the national guard (which had never happened before) just to enforce segregation in a school. The governor later said he was never racist and was doing what he believed was the right thing :rolleyes:

If any of my info is wrong sorry, but i don't have my Poli240 book sitting next to me right now. lol

10-06-2003, 11:26 PM
slavery was like a tradition back then..thats all anyone knew in the south..so they carried it on..i think the south should of won and thats who i would of fought for...i dont hate black people..just ones that think that i owe them something for being white..now thats the kind i hate..but i hate everyone that hates me no matter skin color..but the south will rise again

10-06-2003, 11:34 PM
rise to what?

the interdependency of commerce between ALL the states in this union would hurt the south more than help it. not to mention that if the South(Confederate states) defected, they would get their *****es handed to them by Mexico if they decided to invade.

10-07-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by batgeek
rise to what?

the interdependency of commerce between ALL the states in this union would hurt the south more than help it. not to mention that if the South(Confederate states) defected, they would get their *****es handed to them by Mexico if they decided to invade.

Glad to see others realize that the south could NEVER win because the fact that they were a confederacy. Half the people that say they love the south don't even understand what the south was fighting for, and why is it that those people always bring slavery into it (that isn't what the war was for, it was just a positive outcome)?

10-07-2003, 04:47 PM
there may be one between the east and west over water, although highly doubtful, but denver and those states have almost no water and they want to have water fromt he great lakes pumped in for them but we wont do it..

10-07-2003, 06:02 PM
my moms a teecher and when she goes to pick the school she wants to teach at they give her a list. they only let white teachers pick black schools and black teachers pick white schools. wtf **** is that? also why are there aloud to be all black colleges but no all white colleges?:confused:

10-07-2003, 08:49 PM
There could be all white colleges but they would not be allowed to receive federal or state money to help with support. So anyplace that seperates by race or gender does not get any financial support from the government, that means that the people that go there have to foot the entire bill. I may be wrong though.

10-08-2003, 11:17 AM
There is some racism that favors black people, but in my opinion they fully deserve it. We stole them form their own country to be our slaves. Most died on the way over. If that doesnt sound f'ed up to most of you then you have problems. I would big the biggest racist against white people if i were black.

The confederacy lost, get over it. :o

Fender Bender
10-08-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by 4wheelboy
my moms a teecher and when she goes to pick the school she wants to teach at they give her a list. they only let white teachers pick black schools and black teachers pick white schools. wtf **** is that? also why are there aloud to be all black colleges but no all white colleges?:confused:

Maybe your mom needs to teach you how to spell, boy. :cool:

10-08-2003, 01:37 PM
d@mned liberal BS education system!!!!

He!! ya

10-08-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Fender Bender
Maybe your mom needs to teach you how to spell, boy. :cool:

i don't see any thing spelled wrong?:confused:

10-08-2003, 07:37 PM
most of you are right the civil war at the begining had nothing to do with slavery. it was just political b.s. as for racisim everybody is racist about something. i my self am not rasisit i hate everybody equaly! j/k.:) but imo how can we forget about the whole slavery thing if people never leave it alone. example jessie jackson. if someone coughs wrong at somebody he starts yelling racisim and thats bull. and the all black collages in my opinion is stupid to. as far as the whole rebel flag deal i have them all over my stuff it dosn't mean nothing i'm just proud of my heritage(sp?) as my senior project i traced my family tree back to the civil war and to my suprize i am related to robert e. lee. how the he11 i ended up in ohio is anyones best guess? but i think the south should of won but i just like people who stand up for their self no matter what! and thats what the south did they didn't back down. and if i had a choice i would fight for the south no questions asked! i am not a racist it's just my opinion

Darrell Lee

11-03-2005, 12:42 PM
Does anyone know any sites for Napoleons that I could get history, detailed plans, etc..?



11-03-2005, 01:04 PM
Southern Rights was definitely the center piece to the seccession. I am sure that slavery was right up there with taxation, tariffs, etc.. However, I do believe that if it was only taxes and tariffs that the South would not have seceded but rather they would have tried to work out some compromise.

Slavery provided a heated and emotional platform that was uncompromised since the time of the constitution on an institution that was over 200 years old in the new world. The anticipation that slavery could be abolished was the straw that broke the camels back as it were.


11-03-2005, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by 12pounder
Does anyone know any sites for Napoleons that I could get history, detailed plans, etc..?



good job at bringing a 2 year old thread back.

11-03-2005, 02:03 PM
There is some racism that favors black people, but in my opinion they fully deserve it. We stole them form their own country to be our slaves. Most died on the way over. If that doesnt sound f'ed up to most of you then you have problems. I would big the biggest racist against white people if i were black.

sounds like somebody slept though history class. while yes, whites did buy blacks as slaves, the africans were selling each other to the whites. 2 tribes would often battle, and the losing tribe would often be sold by the winning tribe.
this can be verified. don't go around half cocked saying that it is entirely the white man's fault.

11-03-2005, 02:25 PM
There is also BET television. What about us whitties!

12-14-2005, 08:22 PM
Blacks came to America as slaves who were captured by other members of African tribes who would in turn sell them to the whites to bring to America. Secession was the cause for the war to break out, not slavery. Slavery never even became an issue until Lincoln issued the Emmancipation Proclamation in 1862 (war started in 1861). Back then slaves were an investment and you had to be wealthy to own them, however majority of the southern soldiers were poor and had no slaves. Why would they just up and decide to fight and die for the rich people who wanted to own slaves? Also owners didn't beat their slave investments like everyone thinks. You don't get good production out of something if it is neglected and beaten. Also slavery was destined to fade out and die as it was around the world during the time. Main reason I say this is because I sick and tired of black people accusing white people for thier heritage being held in bondage. Majority of whites had nothing to do with owning slaves so get over it, as a matter of fact the majority of people who live in the U.S today decend from families who came from Europe in the late 1800s and early 1900s and last time I checked the immigrants were treated like garbage too so deal with it.

12-14-2005, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by 4wheelboy
i don't see any thing spelled wrong?:confused:


12-14-2005, 08:49 PM
once again, why do people bring back old threads.

12-15-2005, 09:27 AM
the civil war is kinda like whats goin on in new orleans..... half a nation vs the other half when i mean half and half im talkin black vs white

there over there b*tchin sayin that the government broke the dam levee's on purpose what kinda bullsh*t is that??:confused:

they think we owe them somethin because they used to be our slaves. well if they check they werent our slaves, they were our ancestors and grandparents slaves. what we need to do all together is quit payin taxes. see how long they last after the white man quits payin there welfare money