View Full Version : Grip information & Installation technique

02-04-2002, 10:26 AM
I have been using grip glue and safety wife to install grips on my atv, but never with much luck, they always seem to slip some.
I wanted to buy some renthal "soft" grips but first, i wanted a wider flanged grip than typical atv grips to avoid the blister i always get where my hand hits the throttle housing. what i did was buy 2 sets of twist throttle grips which have a large flange, and installed the the one with the small hole from each set.
I asked WMR what they use to get grips to stick so well.
They told me "electrical contact cleaner". So i bought a little can of contact cleaner, sprayed some in each grip, dumped out the excess, installed the grip and in about 10 minutes i could not turn the grip.
that simple. it sort of melts the grip to the bar. i followed it up with 3 wraps of safety wire per grip. I did trim some of the flange where the thumb throttle arm would conflict with it. The flanges make for a much more comfortable grip and the soft renthals are very tacky. all in all it is the best grip system i have had on a quad yet.

ps. after reading an article that Rico provided a link to about 400ex's, i bought the renthal "atv race" bend bars, and they do work much better for taller riders.
as opposed to the 400ex bend which has more sweep back.

just thought i would share that with y'all

02-04-2002, 02:21 PM
Try using Gel type Crazy glue. It's a semi permanent bond so you won't have to cut your grips to remove them but at the same time they won't budge.

02-04-2002, 05:56 PM
use starting fluid to slide the grips on. it melts the rubber from the grips to the bars.

02-04-2002, 07:05 PM
about the blisters you might just need new gloves or if you ride more your parts of the hand that blister will just get calased so you won't have to worry about it. Also softer grips will work.

02-05-2002, 10:35 AM
Thanks for the insight there- nausty.
I guess i will quit my job, stop acting as husband to my wife, stop caring for my 2,700 sq ft under a/c home and forget i have a newborn infant to raise so i can ride every day and most nights just to get caluses so i won't have to worry about blisters.
why didn't I think of that sooner?
you are brilliant.
you are the man.
you rock dude. rock.
in actuality i am content that, with all of the above responsibilities that my wife LETS me ride all day on sunday, Every sunday. no questions asked. i have only missed about 5 weekends in the last year and have also ridden other days and nights in addition to sunday.
lets see if you will be able to pull that off - both economically and realistically when your folks put you out into the world.
Oh, and i just got full on, new, NO FEAR 02 electron pants, shirt and GLOVES, and they work well, but they do not solve the problem where the side of my knuckle contacts the throttle housing.
the grip flanges will help with that annoying blister commonly associated with flangless atv grips.

02-05-2002, 10:42 AM
I don't know about the blisters, but I think you could use a tampon!

02-05-2002, 04:57 PM
Is that how you deal with it JackerJoe? interesting, maybe you too are on to something there. can you spare me one?
amazing how quick the punks are to contribute nothing. Oh, but thats right...you and your marks think that you are humorous. I am yet to find humor in any of your tired little posts, but thanks for the helpful suggestion. I'll get right on it there duchbag.

02-05-2002, 06:40 PM
geez here take some midol with your tampon.:p

02-05-2002, 06:51 PM

Take some deep breaths man.... yikes. I didnt see anything rude about Nausty's post at all... he said you may need new gloves (which you later said you have done) , he said softer grips might help (which I think you did by getting grips with flanges), and the comment that you went bezerk on.. ride more and it will calous. That is a very common approach to the problem... dont think it was intended as a rude joke. You ride much at all.. you get calouses on the areas of friction ( ok.. no perverted jokes on that please :p ) You might just want to step back and breath and reread a post before you explode. I think Nausty was actually trying to be helpful.

Just my $.02


02-05-2002, 09:19 PM
I guess i will quit my job, stop acting as husband to my wife, stop caring for my 2,700 sq ft under a/c home and forget i have a newborn infant to raise so i can ride every day and most nights just to get caluses so i won't have to worry about blisters.
Maybe you should take a vacation first, before you do something so drastic.:D Sounds like you need one.:p

Is that how you deal with it JackerJoe?
I like that......maybe i'll change my name...:p


02-06-2002, 10:04 AM
you guys are right.
sorry nuasty & jabber.
having a crazy week.

02-06-2002, 05:11 PM
Hey on the putting hand grips on topic- Use spray paint, paint the end of the bar and a good coat on the inside of the grip. If they come off your riding too hard. I have done this many times and never had them come off, and I use the grip until it is completely shot.

The Treehugger

2002 Yellow 400EX
DG SuperTrap Full Exhaust, (Jetted for it too)
PEP Steering Stabilizer and EZ pull clutch lever
PRO TAPER Handle Bars with ACERBIS Brush Guards
NACS Foot Peg Extenders and Case Saver
Bandit XCR 23X7X10 Fronts
PRM Swing Arm, Frame Guards, Summit Front Bumper
Soon to have- KN air filter, RAZR rears, AC Pro Peg nerfs
And maybe, just maybe ELKA ZPS

02-08-2002, 10:30 AM
I just put those little foam donut things on the grips (a lot of bmx riders have them on their grips). They save me from getting blisters from myhand rubbing up against the throttle housing, and it saved me from buying new grips too. Im not sure how expensive they are because I stole them off of my brothers friends bike, but they are very comfortable and cant be too expensive.

02-08-2002, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by brink400
Im not sure how expensive they are because I stole them off of my brothers friends bike.

Can ya steal me a set too...:D

I actually thought about them before,,I used to have them on my bike years and years ago,,I think I might buy some on the way home from work today..for the track tomorrow..

02-08-2002, 10:00 PM
Sure, My brother has a pair of blue ones on his bike. ;) I only have one little donut...I couldnt find the other one. I think he crashed and lost one (he always seemed to be doing that anyway). I dont even need one on the clutch lever side of the bars anyway because there isnt anything close enough to the grip to rub against my hand.