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10-04-2003, 02:14 PM
I have had this 250R for about 3 months now and It won't start! It worked beautifully when i first got it then it went downhill from there! I just put new bushings and bearings in and new gaskets. I tried everything... I refilled the gas, adjusted the chock, changed the oil and oil filter and i recently cleaned the air filter! I have NO CLUE what to do! Please someone help me!

Ohio R
10-04-2003, 04:12 PM
Is the spark plug wire on? How about the on off switch? Simple things but it might do the trick. What year is your R? Maybe plug is fouled..

10-05-2003, 09:49 AM
We need a little more info. From what you described it could be anything from bad gas to a blown ring. What happens when you kick it over? Is it easy or hard to kick? Does it start for a second then die? Can you feel air blowing out around the engine when kicking it? Does it try to start then kind of blubber and die?

And how did you mean air filter when the next thing you said was you cleaned the air filter?

10-05-2003, 10:01 AM
make sure the bike has spark.
how did it run the last time it actualy was running?anything strange happen?
it could be your plug, plug wire, coil, stator, cdi, and maybe a few other things, get a manual and start doing some testing.

but check to make sure you have spark first

Tommy 17
10-05-2003, 10:42 AM
did u just put a kill switch on the bike??????

is the spark plug gettin spark???

did u leave a rag infront of the air filter????

is there compression?

does the motor sound like its tryin to start???

10-05-2003, 10:43 AM
open up your stator case and see if there is any water in it (thats a big culprit if ya ride in mud) also check all grounds including the cdi kill switch and coil If you have a teather type k/s then replace that. those things are known to go out from time to time. Also just check your whole wiring harness aso if everything else fails buy a new cdi. It will work wonders..............vortex makes a few nice ones:devil: :eek2:

10-05-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Hondagrl2
:confused: Aight what do i do? Everyone is tellign me to do all these different things but i dotn know who i listen to my 250R is a 89. the spark plug is fine i jsut checked that and i checked the kill switch... oh and i did mean air filter! i really wanted to go riding this wekend bc we had a 3 day weekend but this totally dicked it!!! And i am deffenitly not giving up my little baby i love her so much so im not getting anything new, i put so much hard work into it she cant go out on me now!

~Oh by the way im a chick not a dude;) If you still have problems,theres a few ppl that can help w/o the smartassed remarks,even tho they're just messin' w/ ya haha,Most of these guys have the right idea where to start and are also helpful,you can also click the link in my sig for some good help,hope ya get her fixed and good luck;) and let us know what you found out,you can also pm me if you'd like;) :cool:

10-05-2003, 01:01 PM
Take the cap to your carb off the slide and needel should come w/ it if the needel doen't then u lost the clip for it and will need a new one i had this problem, and i have seen this as a common problem

10-05-2003, 09:22 PM
Okay lets see here...

1. Ignore AtvMx lol.

Try this.. try and start your quad like your normally would. Then take your spark plug out and see if there is fresh gas on it. If there is then you know you do not have a carberation problem.

Next, would be simple, put the plug in your plug cap and stick the plug on the engine to ground it. Kick it over a few times ( make sure that there isnt any gas on the plug, and don't do this near the spark plug hole to prevent any fire ). There should be spark. But if there is spark on the plug, and there is gas, there is still many things that could be wrong.

You really shouldnt check for spark like that, because when the plug is under compression it could take like 9,000 more volts to make a spark jump the gap. Therefore a spark tester should be used. But you also DO need compression to have the bike run, so if it is whooped, then it needs to be rebuilt. Again, we need some more info, find this stuff out.


10-06-2003, 10:31 AM
i haven't read what everyone else wrote yet..i haven't had time, but i thought i'd give my $.02

i was in the same boat as you with the 250r working then going downhill.

3 things too keep in mind when something goes wrong,
fuel, air, and spark.

without anyone of those, the engine won't work. check to make sure your carb is getting fuel turning the fuel off, draining the carb, turning the gas on, and checking the cab to see if it got gas.

check your air screw, did you accidentally adjust it so its closed? is there a shop rag in your air boot?

check for spark-take your plug out and leave it in the plug boot, put it against the motor and have someone kick it over a couple times, if there a good spark? if not take out the plug and replace it then try again...if that doens't work keep going back down the line, coil, cdi, stator..

this is all in lamest terms because its easier to get this way.

if none of this works...put it in neutral, putt he choke on, and give it full throttle then give it a hell of a kick. (works sometimes believe it or not)

good luck

10-06-2003, 05:21 PM
My guess would be a bad spark plug or wire. If it ran great before replacing the things you did, you may have gotten a bad plug or the wire in the plug cap came loose.

Replace plug and check for spark.

Hope we all helped:D

10-06-2003, 07:09 PM
i just ordered a new spark plug and will get it tomarrow and put it in... i hope it works bc that is the only thing i havent tried! Thanks so much all of you for all of ur help and im wicked excited to see if it works!!!

~And no i do not have any naked pictures of myself...thnaks for asking though:)

10-07-2003, 04:41 PM
Is the gas tank full lol ? :devil: :D

10-07-2003, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Hondagrl2
i just ordered a new spark plug and will get it tomarrow and put it in...

~And no i do not have any naked pictures of myself...thnaks for asking though:)

Order a couple, you will apreciate having a couple spares with you when you are out riding.

And to the 2nd.. you can always take some, Many of us including me are willing to help ya.;) :devil:

10-07-2003, 06:06 PM
It's hard to diagnose something like this without much info. Bring it over and I'll get it running. lol.
Main things are spark, fuel/air, and compression. Miss any one and it won't work. Spark is the easiest to check and most likely the culprit if you haven't changed anything. If it still feels the same kicking it over compression is probably ok, but you could check the reeds too.

10-07-2003, 08:59 PM
Fuel, Air, Spark, Compression, Timing. Those are what an engine needs to run.

Air is pretty hard to restrict, but can happen ( plugged air filter, shop rag in carb boot etc. )

Fuel is almost always a carb problem, usually a hole in the float, clogged jet, out of adjustment, or blocked fuel line, no gas in tank, valve is clogged.. There is a few expections though, like if there is very low compression, there will not be enough vacuum to suck enough gas in.

Spark is what many say is easy to check, but they check it wrong. How do you guys do it? Take the plug out and stick it in the cap and then ground it to the head and kick over looking for spark? Well thas wrong!! :macho I mean, sure it will tell if the plug is BAD if there is no spark. But how are you going to be able to predict how well it is going to spark under 150 LBS of compression? Use a spark tester, it's just as easy, if you have one ( they are like 5 dollars I think. ) This test is usually proved right when there is a fouled plug, because a fouled plug takes a heck of a lot more voltage to fire under compression. If there is no spark then, follow the system back.. check grounds, switches, CDI, and makes sure there is no corrosion in the connectors.

Compression is difficult to test without a compression gauge. Actually, I don't think you can! :) Compression can be lost by a few things, worn rings, bad gasket, worn valves. Even if you put a short reach spark plug in there you can lose compression ( not to mention it runs hotter and eats the threads in the SP hole out so you are screwed then :( )

And the last thing is timing. Older bikes are more common for this one, with points ignition system. But I doubt anyone here really gives a hoot about that. So if you have a timing problem, either someone put your cam gear in un timed, or your CDI is bad. (Often checked with the lack of spark )

Sorry guys didn't mean to gab, just felt like giving a little simple troubleshoot info under "Bike will NOT start" . Was thinking about making a tech report for it. Need revisions. Anyway, have fun!


10-07-2003, 09:08 PM
am I the only one that smells somethin fishy...

10-07-2003, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
am I the only one that smells somethin fishy... nope;)

10-08-2003, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by MOFO
am I the only one that smells somethin fishy...
.........like the blind man at the fish market ..:macho

10-08-2003, 07:39 AM
Are you sure its a 250r? You said you changed the oil filter, 250rs don't have oil filters. And Jay300ex they don't have cams either.
Just trying to clear things up so we can give you the right for the right bike.

10-08-2003, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by AndrewRRR
It's hard to diagnose something like this without much info. Bring it over and I'll get it running. lol.
Main things are spark, fuel/air, and compression. Miss any one and it won't work. Spark is the easiest to check and most likely the culprit if you haven't changed anything. If it still feels the same kicking it over compression is probably ok, but you could check the reeds too. Ok, now I have a question about reeds, ?Im not to ofaniliar with them but can the reeds have an effect on bottom end torque at all?? I was told to check this on my DAughters mini since she has had an iassue with her mini having a "dead spot" in the bottom end.. Done a Compression reading and granted it needs a rebuild soon, but it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Stock Comp is 120 and its a 114 now... but this bottm end had been an issue for a bit now even before she put some time in on the mini. We have also changed the roller weights whcih made a HUGE idfference on torque, but it still has a delay......any suggestions guys????

10-08-2003, 08:24 AM
no oil filter on 250r, sure ya don't have an old 250x or somethin? Picture would help....

10-08-2003, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by gncc571
Are you sure its a 250r? You said you changed the oil filter, 250rs don't have oil filters. And Jay300ex they don't have cams either.
Just trying to clear things up so we can give you the right for the right bike.

Yes I know that. I was talking 2 and 4 strokes in general.


10-08-2003, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
Ok, now I have a question about reeds, ?Im not to ofaniliar with them but can the reeds have an effect on bottom end torque at all?? I was told to check this on my DAughters mini since she has had an iassue with her mini having a "dead spot" in the bottom end.. Done a Compression reading and granted it needs a rebuild soon, but it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Stock Comp is 120 and its a 114 now... but this bottm end had been an issue for a bit now even before she put some time in on the mini. We have also changed the roller weights whcih made a HUGE idfference on torque, but it still has a delay......any suggestions guys????

Reeds are basically just a one way valve. Vacuum pressures inside the crankcase pull your gas/air mixture into the crankcase on the (compression?) stroke I think. It's actually a pretty simple device. But to answer your question, only way I can see it causing a dead spot would be if they were sticking closed or something till you have enough vacume? That's an interesting thought though, but I don't think that would be your problem. I am probably wrong though, Curious now.


10-08-2003, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by Jay300ex
Reeds are basically just a one way valve. Vacuum pressures inside the crankcase pull your gas/air mixture into the crankcase on the (compression?) stroke I think. It's actually a pretty simple device. But to answer your question, only way I can see it causing a dead spot would be if they were sticking closed or something till you have enough vacume? That's an interesting thought though, but I don't think that would be your problem. I am probably wrong though, Curious now.

Jay Thanks for trying to answer my question though,;) I mechanic at the AVT shop who primalirly work on bikes told us to check the reeds, I am just curious if this is something I really need to think about replacing.

10-08-2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
Ok, now I have a question about reeds, ?Im not to ofaniliar with them but can the reeds have an effect on bottom end torque at all?? I was told to check this on my DAughters mini since she has had an iassue with her mini having a "dead spot" in the bottom end.. Done a Compression reading and granted it needs a rebuild soon, but it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Stock Comp is 120 and its a 114 now... but this bottm end had been an issue for a bit now even before she put some time in on the mini. We have also changed the roller weights whcih made a HUGE idfference on torque, but it still has a delay......any suggestions guys????

Stiffer reeds will help top end but will not let enough fuel/air through for a nice snappy bottom end, and softer reeds will have good bottom but won't close fast enough for a strong top end. But I take it you have stock reeds. Has it always had the dead spot or did it develop over time?
I would pull the reed cage if it's not too hard to get at and look at the reeds from the side. They should lay flat, sealing the hole. If they aren't, definately replace them. Also make sure they aren't chipped or cracked.
Compression 6psi lower than stock shouldn't make a noticable difference. I'd also throw in a fresh spark plug and see if that helps.

10-08-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by AndrewRRR
Stiffer reeds will help top end but will not let enough fuel/air through for a nice snappy bottom end, and softer reeds will have good bottom but won't close fast enough for a strong top end. But I take it you have stock reeds. Has it always had the dead spot or did it develop over time?
I would pull the reed cage if it's not too hard to get at and look at the reeds from the side. They should lay flat, sealing the hole. If they aren't, definately replace them. Also make sure they aren't chipped or cracked.
Compression 6psi lower than stock shouldn't make a noticable difference. I'd also throw in a fresh spark plug and see if that helps. Thanks Andrew, this helped me understand this a little better, yes its stock, she doesnt run her top end all that much but runs her low/mid the most, and yes. this was something that over time it done it wasnt always this way, changin her roller weights halpe a TON,but heck, the min 50 of my Sons has more torque than the 90 does:eek2: ............lol until she opens that lil screamer up then she dusts him......:o :p