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10-03-2003, 06:19 PM
No Matter How F0ckING prepared you think you are ... some things you just can't prepare for :mad:

We were cruising through the woods and my buddy got hung up on some Small trees no biggy ....He gets off and moves the quad and take off a bit ....Well I end up doing the same dang thing

No biggy right?

WRONG :eek:

I get off to move the damn Quad Suddenly ....OUCH

I get stung by a bee on my wrist , While killing that one I notice I am Being ENGULFED in BEES

So while Running away like a Crazed lunatic Flailing my arms and Cussing I got stung on the back on my neck abo0t 6 more times :grr:

So after we laugh for a while... I realize I have to get my damn Quad out of there

My buddy gets on his Quad and moves out the way so I can Quickly Run up ...pop the Tether back in and get the HE!! out of there

so in total I got abo0t 7-8 bee stings... most of which are on the back of my neck :cuss:

All in all it was a Great Day


10-03-2003, 06:31 PM
LMGDAO that it too funny.:D :blah:

10-03-2003, 06:44 PM

10-03-2003, 06:53 PM
atleast your not allergic too them like me...one sting and i gotta goto the hospital

10-03-2003, 07:01 PM
No Doubt

If I was allergic I do believe 7 stings in the back of the neck wouldn't be very good :huh

10-03-2003, 07:07 PM
The same thing happened to me, and some friends and my sister. We were just sitting there when it happened and they would not leave the quad and by the time we got it back everone got stung many times.

10-03-2003, 07:31 PM
that happened to me about a month ago....i was just puttin around at the end of the runway doin wheelies and stuff then yellow jackets start swarming me.....i mustve ran over an underground nest or something.....i ended up running all the way back(almost a mile) and then we got it back later when they went away......jeeze im stupid....lol...i ened up finding 18 stings on me......

10-03-2003, 08:14 PM
Bee's suck......when me & my friend were riding I was looking at him & he was laughing with his mouth open & a bee went in his mouth & stong him....I laughed so hard I allmost pissed my paints!!

10-03-2003, 09:28 PM
that sucks man, i hate bees.:mad:

Martin Blair
10-03-2003, 09:33 PM
was worse then that is the damn hornets at little sahara in ok, i ran ito one whereing a t-shirt and it didnt kill in it just sat there and stung me about 5 times beofre i got it off, hurt like a mother F

10-03-2003, 10:43 PM

I hate bees. I got stung 2 times in the neck at football one day.

Pvt. Maggot
10-04-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by hondafox440

I hate bees. I got stung 2 times in the neck at football one day.

Thats about it right there....:( last time i got stung my whole body swelled up and i couldn't breathe...scary stuff...kinda cool though that a little thing that you can step on can kill you...

10-04-2003, 11:11 AM
heck yea i hate bee's i got chased by a swarm of them one day while out ridin bout pissed my pants

10-04-2003, 11:24 AM
the same thing happend to me and a friend one time. we were crossing a creek that had deep mud and got through easy the first time. then on the way back i got stuick saw a few bees but didnt think anything of it and got out then my friend got stuck in it but just keeps giving it gass and was roosting mud and water all over an inground bees nest. well it pissed them off an they were everywhere. wee had to come back about 15 minutes after to hurry and try to get his out. but the good thing is i only got stung one time.

10-04-2003, 01:08 PM
u can never be prepared for these things..... flats...... bees....... chains:eek2:

10-04-2003, 01:27 PM
a few years ago, i went trail riding with my uncle and his friends. i had my 91 warrior then. we all stoped to take a break. i parked my warrior right over a huge bee's nest. befor i got on i relized what i did. i didnt get stung. but i took my uncles foreman and pushed my warrior out of the way...

bee's sucks :o

10-04-2003, 02:05 PM
haha i wish i had met up with u guys earlier so i could have seen it haha:devil:

10-04-2003, 09:09 PM
good times, been in that position, have to move a tree out of the trail pathway. I get off the quad....*hmm ground seems to be spungy*..*look down* bees just everywhere flying from under my foot, I ended up with one bee sting on my leg(one had crawled up my pant leg).-darren