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View Full Version : Hurricane Juan

10-02-2003, 11:12 AM
I don't think it even affected many peoples....unless they lived in N.S....but holy crap!!!!!!:eek: Where I live, we got it about the worst. My yard is TOTALLED. We still have no power (I'm down at my grandparents...they have power, so I came down here)
Um, what else. My parents wood lot...they spent about half a million on it:eek2: and just say...it was really good wood on it, and now...80% of its ruined. All of our other wood lots are ruined, like totally flat. Ah, its not good, I know that much. It was only like a number 2 rate hurricane...I hate to see what u guys in florida get...:huh but the wind was like 150km/hr. Wasn't fun, thats all I know. I'll have pics of some of the stuff it did in about a week or so (my digi cam was on the fritz that day:mad: so I had to use my normal cam)
There was only 2 deaths I believe, not too many for the size of the storm. So thats good. But its still sad that their lives were lost:(

10-02-2003, 11:18 AM
Hang in there girl...:macho

10-02-2003, 11:24 AM
Oh ya, the only good thing about it was we had no school ALL week. and they rn't sure about next week yet. crappy thing is tho...i spent most of my daylight time cleanin brush. and night time (since we had no power) playing cards:rolleyes: heck, didn't even have a phone up until yesterday

10-02-2003, 11:57 AM
You think you had it bad.....

10-02-2003, 12:08 PM
Man, that's a bummer to hear, hope it gets better quick!;)

10-02-2003, 12:59 PM
We lost a ton of trees in our yard. Some still need to come down but we're unable to take them down since they are against powerlines.
We went to our cottage since there was power there and we needed to shower. All the warfs and such down there are pretty much destroyed from the water.
I just got power back last night . It was quite an interesting week.

10-02-2003, 02:09 PM
sorry to hear that
i think blondie got it worst losing all the money on those wood lots. God bless you both and hope you both have insurance to get back that things you lost.

keep it real

10-02-2003, 02:31 PM
I was fairly lucky. We only lost a few trees.
Nothing that cost us any money other than the time it took to clean them up.
There are alot of people who lost tons of money, in cars , boats etc that were very damaged during the storm.
It was an interesting week to say the least.
Sunday night I went to bed. It was just starting to really blow. Then I heard a loud bang , looked outside and noticed all the houses on the other side of the road had no power.
Walked into the washroom and my father is hanging out the window trying to catch the siding that was blowing off the side of our house.
I decided I wasn't going to be going to school tomorrow so I stayed up. I sat looking out my front window watching the trees in my yard blowing down and touching my driveway. Pretty instense.
The power finally went out so I fingured I was better off just getting some sleep, So I got to bed around 2 and woke up at 8. Looked outside to see downed trees and powerlines everywhere. So went outside and fired up my fathers 4x4, strapped the gas can to the front and headed up the road to get gas , got to the gas station. They weren't open. So i turned around came home and borowed some gas from a neighbour.
Got a call from my friend asking me to come help him clear up his yard so I decided to go help him since my parents were still in bed.... :rolleyes:
Worked up there for an hour or so then gathered up a bunch of people to come help me with my yard.
Worked all day cutting and hauling brush. Cleaned up on my fathers beer supply.
After a full day of working we still weren't done, but we called it a day.
Worked another full day after that and we still have about 20 good sized trees that need to come down.

10-02-2003, 03:04 PM
Blondie you wanna come down and stay with uncle Rico????:D

10-02-2003, 03:11 PM
yeah, sunday night i was tryin to sleep, but i couldn't, cuz it was too noisy. so i came back on the net and talked to a few ppls. then it was about midnight, and i turned on my overhead light and it was flickering and i was like "uh...that can't be good" so i turned off my computer and stuff and went back to bed. the last time i looked at the clock it was 12:30 and then the power went out at about 12:45 or somewhere around there. but i still couldn't sleep. so i jus layed there until i did. the next morning i woke up at about 7am and heard mom and dad get up and look outside and freaking out. and mom almost crying cuz of our yard. so we went outside and i took pics of it all. we have a lil patch of trees in front of my house by the road and half of them came down (bout 15) a bunch of the wood in behind our house is down (dad has to bring the skidder home to haul them outa there, it has to be at least 30 trees) then off both sides of my house about 15+ trees were down. my camp...it has 4 trees on top of it right now, dad has to take the skidder to those too. and all the trees around it are down. in the field around my camp...every tree is uprooted. not a tree standing. already mentioned my parents property. but 1 thing i thought was kinda funny...my uncle, a tree fell on his garage that had his quad in it and i guess the tree fell threw...the quad wasn't hurt, but i asked what type it was and he was like "a honda.." and i was like "thats why:D " :blah:
um, what else. i can't think of anything else right now, ah well :rolleyes:

10-02-2003, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Rico
Blondie you wanna come down and stay with uncle Rico????:D

we'll see on that;)

Glow Plug
10-02-2003, 04:19 PM
I've bee watching it on the news looks pretty bad, glad you guys are alright. Hopefully you all have insurance :)

10-02-2003, 06:31 PM
yeah we did indeed get hit hard, i got lucky only lost the back window of my car. Downtown is wrecked.

10-02-2003, 06:36 PM
i can still assemble a 7 man chainsaw crew...dunno how many hours it would take to drive up there...we had alot of practice with the 'cane that just hit us :)

10-02-2003, 06:42 PM
i have some pics that i can email someone if they wanna post em.

10-02-2003, 09:07 PM

10-02-2003, 09:12 PM

take the .ori off the end of the link.


10-02-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by blondie69
I don't think it even affected many peoples....unless they lived in N.S....but holy crap!!!!!!:eek: Where I live, we got it about the worst. My yard is TOTALLED. We still have no power (I'm down at my grandparents...they have power, so I came down here)
Um, what else. My parents wood lot...they spent about half a million on it:eek2: and just say...it was really good wood on it, and now...80% of its ruined. All of our other wood lots are ruined, like totally flat. Ah, its not good, I know that much. It was only like a number 2 rate hurricane...I hate to see what u guys in florida get...:huh but the wind was like 150km/hr. Wasn't fun, thats all I know. I'll have pics of some of the stuff it did in about a week or so (my digi cam was on the fritz that day:mad: so I had to use my normal cam)
There was only 2 deaths I believe, not too many for the size of the storm. So thats good. But its still sad that their lives were lost:( Sorry to hear the news......:(

10-02-2003, 09:23 PM
i jus remembered some other things that happened...

my grandparents fence around their pool...half of it blew away, some pieces in the pool (heh...fun tearing the other half down...out there with a good ol sludge hammer...sure took away some stress of mine:cool: )
a guy my parents know...his roof came COMPLETLY off his house:eek: and several barns were flattened:huh

i gotta get these pics soon tho, they are nutty:eek2:

10-02-2003, 09:27 PM
i gotta bunch but i hate this BS uploading pics. so i might do a few more but if anyone wants me to send them the pics that knows what they are doing that would be nice

10-02-2003, 09:32 PM
blondi check your mail

10-02-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by -=Skot=-
blondi check your mail

k, will do:)

10-02-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by -=Skot=-
yeah we did indeed get hit hard, i got lucky only lost the back window of my car. Downtown is wrecked.

I saw that. I was out all monday morning clearing trees and such making runs past ur house on the ol 4x4.