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View Full Version : Couple pictures of some new jumps I built the other day

09-30-2003, 07:01 PM
I put a couple new jumps in my track the other day and just got a new camera so I took some pictures.

Haven't measured how long this is yet but it hits really nice. I hit it in the middle of 4th. The track comes around a corner into a small kicker and then into this jump.
Here is a smallish step up. Also hits very nicely.

09-30-2003, 07:05 PM
looks good

09-30-2003, 07:56 PM
Where in Wi are you at?

09-30-2003, 08:19 PM
Right by Saint Croix Falls, Wi

Glow Plug
09-30-2003, 08:27 PM
Doesn't look to bad good job :)

09-30-2003, 08:39 PM
looks good man. i just added this jump to my collection in a half hour today. needs a landing now.


Narly R
09-30-2003, 09:48 PM
Looks good, like the setup!:)

09-30-2003, 09:53 PM
The track itself is pretty big, and there is a lot to it, but I ran out of room on my camera when I was taking pictures. I try to work on my track whenever I get a chance but that doesn't come too often. :rolleyes: I will try to get some more pictures of it when I get a chance to, and if I have a lot of time on my hands, maybe some riding pictures. :D Thanks for the comments.