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View Full Version : Any hillclimbers out there?

09-25-2003, 05:32 PM
Does anyone out here get into hill climbing like we do in our area? When we go out riding we spend the majority of the time making new hills until we find one we can't make. Then we rip it up 20 or 30 times until someone makes it. He in western pa there is nothing but old strip cuts and logging roads which make awsome 200 to 300ft climbs. my ex rules the hills

09-25-2003, 07:05 PM

Where do you live? If you are in W PA, you should come to the next climb and try it out.

09-25-2003, 10:15 PM
I love the hills. There is NOTHING like the rush you get when you look down a hill from the top knowing that NOIBODY sitting at the bottom has the balls to try climbing.

Here in Indiana a lot of guys talk about Devils Backbone at Haspin Acers. To those who realy think that is a hill. I'll tell you that you don't want to ride with me because my first words when I jumped off the quad after climbing it were THATS NOT A HILL. WHERE IS THE REAL DEVILS BACK BONE.

I'll try to climb almost anything at least 2 times. If I fail a second time I'm usualy too beat up to try again, and the quad will need a LOT of work.

09-26-2003, 05:37 AM
I live in New Bethlehem, its about an hour north of pittsburgh. Your hill climb looks cool. It doesn't look that steep,but I bet it steeper than it looks. Does any one have trouble even climbing it?

I just checked yahoo maps, its about 2 hours away so I might have to wait until next year to try to make it down. I never tried open hills like that to much, ours mostly technical with trees and rocks and a little steeper than that. You can't stand on our hills.

Let me know how that hill is, I'm interested on coming down somethime. My 425 is built for climbing, we built everything for the bottom end.

10-01-2003, 05:53 AM
come down here and come to gracio and try to climb the cradle...
bet you cant

10-03-2003, 08:05 AM
I love to hillclimb. I havn't been to any events. but I have a few of my own. I'm the only atv rider to ever make it up this one pipe line on our trails. There is another pipeline, that I've made all but too the top, Quads have rolled to the botttom of that one before.... Guess I was lucky

10-11-2003, 03:49 AM
Originally posted by nofear911
It doesn't look that steep,but I bet it steeper than it looks. Does any one have trouble even climbing it?

Go rent Huevos 3. It is featured on there. After you see the actually hill with quads on it, you won't have to ask that question. :D The poor guy with the tricked out Banshee wishes he never came, I am sure.:devil:

10-11-2003, 02:36 PM


10-11-2003, 06:55 PM
If there are any good hills around sure we will snap up em, but mostly just regular ol trail riding baby :p bunches of hills anyway, you kind of get tired of em :huh

10-14-2003, 10:58 PM
There's a couple of huge hills here, the one that dwarfs them all is Bone Hill. No ones made it yet, all sorts of quads have tried it too. Its pretty steep, but what kills you is the length of it. I'll get a few pics of it, I just need some one to post them.

10-21-2003, 10:48 AM
Check out BUll Gap Pics in the trail tales, lot's of pics in there of hillclimbing

10-21-2003, 01:12 PM
i hill climb at cayuga in when there isnt a gncc that same weekend -some day i hope to go to the national quad hill climb and see the big hills they run on

11-03-2003, 12:24 PM
has anyone climbed the wall in west point tn
its on huevos 4 i believe

11-04-2003, 06:54 AM
Here's a few pics taken of Jeff at the hill climb near the hatfield trails in WV.

11-04-2003, 06:55 AM
Me at the top.. 700 foot to the top...:eek2:

11-13-2003, 11:09 PM
has anyone climbed the wall in west point tn

yeah i have the movie and i know of no one else who has climbed it but i live real close to west point and ride there alot it is one tuff mo fo its like the easiest hill to get but you should see the hill next to it call the college......impossible i think it has a tree over it now but i dont think it had been clibed but like once... i love climbing hills though i would try it if i had the money to replace my 400 lol

11-14-2003, 06:47 AM
hey man i live about 2hrs away from west point in birmingham,al
and would love to come up there and ride but didnt know any of the trails would you like to get up sometime and show me around up there?
my email is

11-14-2003, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by Rico

Here's a few pics taken of Jeff at the hill climb near the hatfield trails in WV.

the hill in the pic is pretty cool, but let me tell ya, it aint NOTHIN compared to the hill , scratch that WALL we use to have in manahawkin NJ.

the hill was about 10 stories high and at the least a 70-85 degree angle.

You know that guy sitting on that hill in the pic?

well the hill in manahwkin on you wouldnt be able to do that, you would just slide down it....

I know some people have pics of it, even some vidoes of shooting up the hill(3rd gear pinned!!!), but its pretty sad I have no pics of it..

it was probably the craziest hill around....

after about 6 months, the bulldozers ruined it.:o

I hear gliddens has some insane hills again :D

11-19-2003, 04:08 PM
Last time we went riding at west point there was a guy tearing up those hills. One is called high school and the other is called college. The take off was way too short for us to attemp it, there was a pond or something really close to the bottom that was pretty full due the rain. No four wheeler went up it that day, I forget the guys name that was climbing it but he was on a CR 500.

11-19-2003, 04:14 PM
yeah highschool isn't that bad but college you cant climb anymore it just plain impossible but it also had a tree over it and yeah the pond close to the bottom cant get pretty full

12-16-2003, 06:30 PM
if anyone will give me their email so i can send em a pic, i got a cool pic of a hill climb that rico posted a long time ago.

12-17-2003, 07:54 AM
send it on over

12-17-2003, 08:22 AM
I just found this mini-video I took of Jeff doing that hill! I took it on my digital camera so it is really poor quality but worth a quick download...
Pappa Fro hillclimb (http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/mx/mov00644.mpg)

01-14-2004, 06:19 PM
I live in youngstown Ohio and we ride a Hillsville Pa and there is endless amount of hills there and many can only be done by bikes or nothing but always a fun time.
If any of you guys decide to go be carefull and make sure there is something on the other side

01-19-2004, 02:10 PM
wheres west point?

01-20-2004, 04:28 PM
The only West Point I know of is here in New York, about 15-20 mins. away from me.:huh

01-21-2004, 10:55 AM
West Point is in Tennessee.

01-21-2004, 07:48 PM
Little one

01-21-2004, 07:50 PM
out the top

01-23-2004, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by XANDADA
I just found this mini-video I took of Jeff doing that hill! I took it on my digital camera so it is really poor quality but worth a quick download...
Pappa Fro hillclimb (http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/mx/mov00644.mpg)
My clips are from before they finished it. We were one of the first ones to ride it....Looks decent finished. Did they have any timing equipment installed yet? The owner said he was planning on doing it. If they got it up and running as good as their drag strip, it should be super. I will try to edit some clips down so the dial-up guys can handle them.

01-23-2004, 09:13 PM
wyndzer was u in 1st gear?
just curious we was climbing a hill similiar in a dirt pit in mobile ,al

01-24-2004, 05:41 AM
I usually climb in 2nd.

01-25-2004, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by Rico
Here's a few pics taken of Jeff at the hill climb near the hatfield trails in WV.

I wanted to climb that hill sooooooooo bad when I went to Hatfield, but they were closed the day that we were in that area. We rode the Waterways trails for a few days then went down to Rockhouse the last day. It looked like an awsome hill from the highway. Not as steep as I usualy climb, but it's a long way to the top.

12-14-2009, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by 03400EX_Nacs
yeah i have the movie and i know of no one else who has climbed it but i live real close to west point and ride there alot it is one tuff mo fo its like the easiest hill to get but you should see the hill next to it call the college......impossible i think it has a tree over it now but i dont think it had been clibed but like once... i love climbing hills though i would try it if i had the money to replace my 400 lol HEY MAN YOU GOT ANY PICTURES OF THE WALL IF SO COULD YOU SEND EM TO jdmichael@charter.net