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View Full Version : what to do

09-21-2003, 09:24 PM
ok i'm not sure what i should do. i have a 300ex and it is alright for me. the only bad thing about it is that i am still paying for it. this wouldn't be so bad if it was like a 400ex or banshee or something. my point is i'm 16 and i hate to pay on something thats kinda underpowered for how i ride and something that even though i try my best not to, but tear up anyways. so i was thinking of selling it and getting something else. what should i do???

Narly R
09-21-2003, 09:30 PM
Well, if you can get a better bike and still have about the same payment I say DO it! Sell your bike, pay it off, and start over, or just save money and try to pay your ex off and buy a good/new used bike, that way you wont have payments, and it will be cheaper and maybe it will come a little deked out...:ermm:

09-21-2003, 09:52 PM
i was thinking about maybe trying to find an older quad with about the same or better power. maybe like an older 300ex, 250x, or 250r.