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View Full Version : Whoohoo Im Turning 16!!!!

09-20-2003, 06:31 AM
well my b-day is on sunday but i'm celebrating it today. my mom rented a limo that is going to pick me and some of my friends up and we are going 2 hooters to eat :D man i couldn't even sleep last night i guess i was 2 excited :p

i just thought that i would share that with you.

what did you guys do for your 16th b-day?

09-20-2003, 06:37 AM
does your mom work at Hooters? :huh

congrats on sweet 16!:D

09-20-2003, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by AlaskaSpeed
does your mom work at Hooters? :huh

congrats on sweet 16!:D

no she doesn't work at hooters

09-20-2003, 06:52 AM
the feeling is good huh? lol dont let jim send ya a birthday present..it might be his moose g/f:scary: :confused2

09-20-2003, 08:54 AM
im not 16 yet uhh but hooters sounds good to me:macho

09-20-2003, 09:48 AM
i went riding on my bday

09-20-2003, 10:56 AM
i got $25 fro meach family member...:( i got snoozed big time

09-20-2003, 11:13 AM
i don't remember what i did for my 16th, but on my 17th me and 2 friends went out to a track and rode there for a little while, then later that night there was a little shindig over at some girls house. overall it was a pretty awesome day.

09-20-2003, 02:31 PM
Have fun!!!!!!!

09-20-2003, 02:35 PM
That sounds cool w/ the limo.

My 16'th was ok I guess, I went out to eat and got about 50 bucks total if I remember right.

I can see why they call it sweet 16 tho.:D

09-20-2003, 04:07 PM
Im not 16 yet.

Every birthday i get to eat out :D

09-20-2003, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by stepupmx
Im not 16 yet.

Every birthday i get to eat out :D
me 2:D

09-20-2003, 06:03 PM
Congrats on the bday:)

My 16th was in June, we had a family dinner at my house, then like the next night 7 of my friends came and hung out all night, we were only up til... 7am??:eek:

I got 400 total from all my family and friends, but i have a lot of cousins, and i got a hundred from my mom. I made out pretty good all in all, but turning 16 didn't feel any different than turning 15 did.

09-20-2003, 06:17 PM
lmao! hooters on your 16th b-day...will they even let u in? i always thought it was like 18 or something, guess i'm wrong, lol

on my 16th b-day...hmm...i was sick, i had to work in the morning, got ready called my best friend up (cuz i told her not to come the night before, because i was sick) but i told her to get her *** here, so she got a cab to my house. then we were to this carnival thing, and i met up with my ex (boyfriend at the time..heh:ermm: ) and we hung around for a lil while, and me and my best friend left and went back to my place and i got my presents:blah: all in total for b-day money, i think i got $200? i can't remember now, lol

09-20-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by blondie69
lmao! hooters on your 16th b-day...will they even let u in? i always thought it was like 18 or something, guess i'm wrong, lol

on my 16th b-day...hmm...i was sick, i had to work in the morning, got ready called my best friend up (cuz i told her not to come the night before, because i was sick) but i told her to get her *** here, so she got a cab to my house. then we were to this carnival thing, and i met up with my ex (boyfriend at the time..heh:ermm: ) and we hung around for a lil while, and me and my best friend left and went back to my place and i got my presents:blah: all in total for b-day money, i think i got $200? i can't remember now, lol

Ahh... that's Cuute.:blah:

09-20-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by 310Rduner
Ahh... that's Cuute.:blah:

hey now!:blah: yes, its very cute:devil:

09-20-2003, 06:45 PM
No age limit for hooters i believe.

They drop stuff on purpose so they will bend over and see stuff :D

09-20-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by stepupmx
No age limit for hooters i believe.

They drop stuff on purpose so they will bend over and see stuff :D

09-20-2003, 10:11 PM
well i'm back and it was sweet. i had a geat time. :) that was the first time i have ever been in a limo and it was cool.

when i got home i walked into my room and there was a dell computer sitting on my desk and another present which turned out to be huevos 5.

hooters was cool. my mom told them it was my b-day and they made me sit on a stool in front of everybody and the hooters girls sung happy b-day. i had a great time and i will deffinately remember it.:)