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View Full Version : blown head gasket

01-31-2002, 02:58 PM
does anybody have any suggestions on a different head gasket to use or a different method of installing the stock one . i blew one gasket and had my mec. install another one and ive rode it 3 times and this one is leaking thanks shawn

01-31-2002, 06:51 PM
try a new mechanic....just kidding.i've never had any problems with head gaskets,but maybe it is something else causing it.make sure you use a torque wrench that is definitely in working order.....or maybe you just got a bad one.......

02-01-2002, 11:27 AM
Ok as for blowing head gaskets grab a service manual an look at the stud to deck hight measurment and make sure your studds are not turing in your JUG they can turn out and sice the bold on top has a top, it could cause you to have a miss torqed bold or a stud that is to tall and your not getting enough pressure on the head. Just thought i would pass that along because when i took mine off i has a loose stud that i had to tighten up.

02-01-2002, 12:43 PM
If you are going through gaskets that quick something is wrong. If you are not comfortable doing it yourself then take it to a different shop this guy is just taking your money. :grr