View Full Version : NW racers: Euro GP races @ Goldendale, WA

09-17-2003, 01:58 AM
september 27 & 28 there are euro GP races outside of Goldendale, WA. the quad race is 3 laps around a 6.5 mile nautral terrain loop. a great description of the track is on the website of the hosting group, over the bars gang (http://www.overthebarsgang.com/), the race is at thier eddieville track. the quad class starts early, 8:00AM both days, sunday's race runs the opposite direction on the loop. directions to the track can also be found on thier website.
There is another GP race there coming up on November 22 & 23.

09-30-2003, 02:02 PM
had a great weekend at goldendale.
saturday there were 15 quad entries, 2 classes- 2-strk & 4-strk. the course ran through the mx track before entering the GP course, but due to some poor course marking someone made a bad turn & so did the rest of us..... ended up making two laps on the MX course. the race went 4- laps, i came in dead last of those that finished. 3 DNF's

sunday the race ran the opposite direction on the track, 14 quad entries, 2- classes; amature & expert. we entered directly onto the GP course (without confusion) they'd watered the heck out of it & it was muddy in spots, dusty in others... i ended up taking home 1st place for the amature class.