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View Full Version : Wear Your Helmet!

09-14-2003, 08:29 PM
i haven't posted here in a long time, but i just had an accident today. i was riding, of all damn things an 85 honda 200x..long story as to why i couldn't bring the 400 but anyhow. stupid thing, i hadn't rode a atc in a long time, and to boot it had a twist throttle. first twist throttle i've ever really rode too. i was going arround a corner trying to power slide it a bit since the brakes weren't to keen and i was going a bit fast. well it decided to start pushing, then one of the wheels picked up. so i tried to correct it by turning into it, wich was towards the bank. i thought it was ok. but then for some reason i bliped the trottle tried to pull the clutch and brakes but it was happening to fast for me to react properly. espeicaly since it was the first time i've been on that machine. anyhow i wen't over the handle bars flew through a bunch of fir trees face first. luckily my eyes were ok. but a branch ripped through my ear, like 3/4 of the way, almost totaly in half. the lower lobe part would have been almost totaly sevored. but the bike landed on me and the rear tire was spinning right by my face, so i had a huge adreniline rush and litterly tossed that thing off of me. i got it back up on the road like i was in a xcountry race or something, took off. like 50 yards down the way i noticed something running down my neck so i felt it. LOTSA blood hehe. ears bleed alot! plus 5 hours later i took a bath to clean up after i got out of the ER and noticed that i didn't hyper extend my shoulder, i hit a rock or big branch or something. there is a huge bruise there. i also got hit in the guts and on my side. plus on my lower calf i got a huge cut/scrape/bruise and lots misc cuts heh.

so the moral of the story is, especialy if your riding by your self..and you don't know the bike take it easy untill you get used to it. an like everyone always says WEAR YOUR HELMET NO MATTER WHAT. i wouldn't have had to goto the ER if i had brought my helmet along. only reason why i didn't is because i thought i wouldn't be riding since i hate ATCs. but i haven't got to ride in like 3 or 4 months and i really wanted. thankfully i didn't get hurt to bad though, i'm just really sore from getting throw arround and the bike landing on me.

ride safe or don't ride at all!

09-14-2003, 08:53 PM
Glad ur ok man, but yea guys I just had a wreck the other day too. Same situation stupid twist throttles. I was on a cr125 and pegged it into a ditch. They told me in the ER if I would not have had a helmet on I would be in critical condition in Lexington, Ky or dead. Luckily though I came out with only scrapes and bruises. It was a good wake up call for me though because lately I had started to ride without it even though I knew better I would just make up petty excuses. Please wear your helmets out there.

Greg Z
09-14-2003, 09:05 PM
how F%^&KING HARD IS IT TO WEAR A HELMET!!! ok listin i road a couple times with out my helmet but i never did anything SERIOUSE did cruising nothing to danger me.................... stayed in gears 1-2

09-14-2003, 09:22 PM
hey the funny part was greg i was in 2nd gear. i didn't htink it was going to happen, because i ALWAYS wear my helemt. the one time i don't i winde up getting 13 stiches in my ear, go figure eh? i admit i was stupid, i didn't come post here for someone to flame me about it. i posted to reasure people that they need protective gear.

Greg Z
09-14-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by EricB
hey the funny part was greg i was in 2nd gear. i didn't htink it was going to happen, because i ALWAYS wear my helemt. the one time i don't i winde up getting 13 stiches in my ear, go figure eh? i admit i was stupid, i didn't come post here for someone to flame me about it. i posted to reasure people that they need protective gear. sry about the flame