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View Full Version : Honda Element?

09-14-2003, 09:48 AM
Anybody have one of these? If so, give me pos and the neg's about them. I was looking at them the other day and they seem to be pretty cool. Its kinda funky looking but I like it:D Thanks

09-14-2003, 10:40 AM

09-14-2003, 12:04 PM
Not the answers I was looking for:huh

09-14-2003, 12:23 PM
They forgot to paint half of it....

09-14-2003, 12:24 PM
yeah i don't like em either...sorry. maybe you should search road&track or some other magazines that do car evaluations for some info on it

09-14-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Juggalo
yeah i don't like em either...sorry. maybe you should search road&track or some other magazines that do car evaluations for some info on it OK, I'll try that!!:D Thanks

09-14-2003, 01:16 PM
When I see those, for some reason I immediately expect some tree hugging liberal hippie to be driving it.. Nuff said :).

09-14-2003, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by 86atc250r
When I see those, for some reason I immediately expect some tree hugging liberal hippie to be driving it.. Nuff said :). Not an answer I was looking for either, but thanks anyway for that post:eek2: :huh

09-14-2003, 03:16 PM
lol giz...they look pretty different, I dont know if I would ever buy one...look on ebay for a good deal. ;)

09-14-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by 86atc250r
When I see those, for some reason I immediately expect some tree hugging liberal hippie to be driving it.. Nuff said :).
My thoughts exactly! But hey Giz, we don't have to like what you do. :cool:

09-14-2003, 08:43 PM
I don't think it would look good pulling a quad

09-14-2003, 08:47 PM
i think they are pretty sic!:devil: id buy one if i had the money...and if i could drive to...:p go hang out a book stores and wally world or something at the mag. rack their should be a few reviews in them and if not go to caranddriver.com and see if they have one. good luck in ur choice!;) later

09-14-2003, 09:46 PM
they look better then the pontiac aztek... id buy an element.

09-15-2003, 05:01 AM
Don't ask us questions if you already know what you want the answer to be.

If U do decide to buy one at least somebody will be happy (not you).

Whoever sells it to you, whether previous owner or a salseman will have a smile on their face a mile long.

If you want a wimpy pos then buy a wimpy pos.

I know it's not the answer you want but I must repeat.



09-15-2003, 05:31 AM
Maybe this is the answer you wanted.

Honda element = very unusual looking underpowered small SUV with poor offroad manners designed for tree hugging yuppie types that only want to look different in an extremely ugly and overpriced vehicle.

What is it with the useless vehicles that are so damn popular with the ?crowd. I just dont get it, maybe if they show a bunch of happy smiley idiots banging there heads on the black top in the next commercial then honda could sell some asphalt to everyone who wants it.:rolleyes:

Pros. you will stick out like a sore thumb in your overly priced embarassment to honda

Cons. you will stick out like a sore thumb in your overly priced embarassment to honda

Why do you think you want to own this thing? There are other much better offroad type vehicles and though they may not offer the styling (thank god) of the element they are much more functional etc.

Maybe rather than get upset with your replies here you should research some more vehicles that you may like etc so you dont get more upset when you get worse answers to you purchase in person than you got here.

09-15-2003, 05:54 AM
personally id get a truck over an element anyday.. or pretty much any suv.. but if someone offered it, id take it over an aztek

09-15-2003, 09:58 AM
I call them a box with a motor in it :D

09-15-2003, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by wheeltrax
personally id get a truck over an element anyday.. or pretty much any suv.. but if someone offered it, id take it over an aztek

Guess you could compare it to the aztek or even the old amc pacer or the vw thing

I think I would rather be pushing a yugo than driving a element

09-15-2003, 10:33 AM
The design guy was definitly drinkin and smokin the good stuff when he designed that thing....:scary:

09-15-2003, 10:33 AM
Nice vehicle if you want to sell ice cream or milk. Yuppymobile!!!:huh

09-15-2003, 04:52 PM
dont worry man. its my 2nd favorite honda suv. i think they are awesome. waterproof seats and floors. the seats fold back to make a six foot bed, and the back seast can be mounted on the sides for more room. :D

btw: my favorite honda suv well my favorite overall suv is without a doubt the honda pilot!

09-15-2003, 05:02 PM
i just wish honda made a full size v8 4x4 truck i know i would be the first one to buy it:devil:

09-15-2003, 05:45 PM
lol i think they got a 4 door truck/suv now or coming out anyways but i dont think its a v8....

but anyhow that has to be the uglist suv that has ever been made!!!! i sitting at a red light and there was this snobby girl trying to show off her honda element... and as soon as it turn green she guned it i laughed then i punch mine and started spinning and past her.. it was great.. and funny ... and yes it was safe it was on a 4 lane highway. and soon as i passed it i let off my truck cause i didnt want to waste to much gas.... over that POS!!!

honda is coming out with some ugly things here lately... for example that suv car type thing and that suv truck type thing and that ugly rincon and the really ugly kick start 450 with no dang reverse honda is going down hill in my opinion!!!

get a 4 runner , any kind of jeep, blazer or trail blazer ... you can always find something better than an element

YUCKKKK!!!! stupid HIpPie :D

09-15-2003, 08:34 PM
I am with everyone else on the yuppie treehugger description, but That's just my opinion. You should get something like an explorer, or a blazer or something!

09-15-2003, 09:09 PM
Ok guys I am hurt. My wife likes this car and I have had some time with it. Yes it is different looking. I don't think you can classify it as an suv though. i think Honda should be marketing it to the soccer moms that want a tall car, but not an suv or mini van. Inside has alot of room and the fact the seats fold up and give you a ton of storage space is just a bonus. I love the fact that you can take a hose to the interior anywhere and it won't do any damage to the interior. This is not an offroad vehicle. Lenny how is this overpriced? I was looking at a well equiped one for $18,000. Besides it gets over 20 mpg too. Who cares if it sounds like a rabid weed wacker it's all good.

Another site to check is EDMUNDS.COM. People who own the car give their reviews there.

09-15-2003, 09:16 PM
I encourage anyone who wants to buy a vehicle that's shaped like a rollerskate to do so. There's just too many areas where I believe Honda screwed up on this vehicle.

1.) Non-painted plastic body cladding (looks bad on the Avalanche and worse on the Element).
2.) Motor barely has enough power to get out of its own way.
3.) What demographic are they appealing to? Too small to throw a hitch on it and pull anything. Too slow and boxy for the new-age "Slow and the Curious" crowd although I'm sure if you threw a big ***** wind on top of it some of them would buy it. Not even close to being a part-time off-road vehicle. Any middle-aged person with a decent salary is going to buy an Explorer, TrailBlazer or Durango if they're shopping for mid-level SUV's. Too whacky looking to appeal to retiree's. That only leaves tree hugging liberal hippies:D They want the ability to say they drive an SUV but their moral conscience won't allow them to drive the gas-guzzlers mentioned above.
4.) Did I mention it was ugly?
5.) All the gadgets under the sun can't make up for its worthlessness as a vehicle.
6.) Ugly.
7.) At least the CRV has pretty decent looks and 4-wheel drive.

09-15-2003, 09:34 PM
First I have to say don't blame Honda for trying something new.

I am sick to death of seeing nothing but plain jane accords, tauruses, and freakin tahoe's on the road. Is it just me or does it seem like more & more people just want nothing more then to just fit in & stay inside the lines.

I just don't see how people enjoy life just going from one cookie cutter sedan-suv whatever their whole lives???

But OK element---

The thing has no redeeming qualitys other than wacky *** styling.

Who do you think is gonna want to buy it from you when it's not so "fresh" anymore.

My bet is that after you get it paid off it will be worth maybe 1/3 of what you paid.

I know it seems everybody else does this all the time, but owing more on a car than it's worth does' not compute in my brain.

Go buy a 76-79 ford truck or a 66-79 bronco that somebody has taken good care of. Then make it yours, anything stock or is usless to me, thats why I'll never buy a brand new vehicle never.

Save your extra 12 grand for gas money & glasspacks.

U will be passing it on to your grandkids.

Better than sitting around wondering how long its gonna take the sun to rot-ruin my plastic car.


09-15-2003, 09:36 PM
Crazy canadian has one and loves it. There not that under powered. I'm probably the only person on this forum that could be considered a tree hugging dirt worshiper (probably cause of my bumper sticker) and i dont really like the rig. If you do any kind of road trip the element is great. The interior is huge for a rig that gets that kind of gas mileage. Its definately a road vehicle but its actualy pretty good at that. those of you who are badmouthing the way it drives obviously havent driven one. I dont like the looks but its actualy an extremely practical vehicle.

you laugh cause im different I laugh cause your all the same

09-15-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by mysticfalcon
Crazy canadian has one and loves it. There not that under powered. I'm probably the only person on this forum that could be considered a tree hugging dirt worshiper (probably cause of my bumper sticker) and i dont really like the rig. If you do any kind of road trip the element is great. The interior is huge for a rig that gets that kind of gas mileage. Its definately a road vehicle but its actualy pretty good at that. those of you who are badmouthing the way it drives obviously havent driven one. I dont like the looks but its actualy an extremely practical vehicle.

you laugh cause im different I laugh cause your all the same

:applaudes mysticfalcon:

09-16-2003, 02:58 AM
I own one..it's my wifes but I pull my dirt bike trailer behind it on the weekends.


there is so much room inside it's insane! everything is waterproof, it is pretty quick (evreyone says it slow but it's not really that slow, plus i would rather have a 4cyl with the price of gas right now) it was designed for utility and it works great.

and yeah it isnt some offroad rockcrawler ,but I bought for everday driving not offroading, and when I drive it to go riding, dirt roads are the most off road it needs to see ..not to metion it is the best thing I have ever driven in the snow!!!!

all the rednecks on here bashing it, because they wouldnt dare to be diferent. (keep driving your old 4x4 pickups)
I have had so many people come up to me and check it out ,and fall in love with it! lol I understand that not everyone will like the looks but the thing is sweet!:blah:

09-16-2003, 04:07 PM
I wouldn't rather have a pickup because I want to fit in. I would rather have a pick-up because the Element is as ugly as hell.:p

09-16-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by wfo
all the rednecks on here bashing it, because they wouldnt dare to be diferent. (keep driving your old 4x4 pickups)

No need 2 namecall yankee

I think u got it backwards about being different, its always been the same way everybody likes to jump on the bandwagon to bee cool.

Is making your truck soud like a drag boat at idle different.

& yeah I will keep driving my old 4x4
Solid axles, lockin hubs, 3 big steel sticks comin up from the floor, big cubes & tires.
paid 4,500 & could win a car show it's so clean.

+Not only will it smash any of these little cutsey pie crossover pos's, but

I'll still be roostin long after these things have been recycled (back to) pop bottles & tin cans.


09-17-2003, 12:54 PM
i make the hubs and knuckles for these at work i have the info about them bob you know honda is coming out with a truck in '05?

09-17-2003, 11:01 PM
I am starting to see lots of tree huggers and hippies drive em.

09-18-2003, 07:44 AM
Has anyone here actually driven one. Stop comparing it to an suv or a truck it is not one. It is a mini van. I think some of you guys might change your mind if you took a good look at it. YES IT IS STILLL UGLY.:D

09-18-2003, 07:08 PM

09-18-2003, 07:11 PM
i dont really care for the element.

09-18-2003, 07:15 PM