View Full Version : Cable Lube tips techniques????

09-11-2003, 03:04 AM
My question is, what do you use for cable lube??
The catalogs I have show specialized cable lube, but when I look close it seems that it is just regular silicone spray.

Do u guys use specialized cable lube, or another product I can pick up at a auto parts store.

Also are the cable lube blocks that they sell in the catalogs worth it, I can see where they would be if you race or ride in really dirty wet muddy conditions.

I mean all you have to do is get the lube all the way down the inside of the cable tube to the other end, right?.

I have read on here ( I think ) that you can accomplish the same thing by using the little plastic tubes on the cans to stick in the end of the cable and the lube will run out of the other end no problem.

I know not to use chain lube, or penetrating oil (wd-40)

Just figured U guys would know the best (easy cheap) way to lube up the cables.

Please post what u use to lube & if u use a lube block or not.

I know the lube blocks cost less than 10 bucks but Im not convinced I need 1.

Thanks a lot guys/girls


09-11-2003, 07:42 AM
Yes, get a cable luber. It seals up the end of the cable so the lube can only go out the other end. Otherwise the lube is just going to be squirting in your face. I use WD40. I shoot some in until it comes out the other end then work the cable back and forth and repeat several times. That loosens the grunge and flushes it out.

09-11-2003, 10:35 PM
Im not doubting you, but I know I have read threads on here that say specifically no to use wd40 or chain lube on the cables

09-12-2003, 08:00 AM
It may not be the best thing but I can't see how it could hurt anything and it works for me. Besides, I don't want any heavy lubricant that is going to get thick in the winter.

09-12-2003, 08:52 PM
Yeah im sure they work fine, but was just asking why buy it unless it's actually required to lube the cables.

& I dont get what you mean about heavy cable lube
anyway I dont have to worry about cold here.

Can anybody else out there tell me what cable lube products to use??
or more importantly what not to lube my cables with???

I'm startin to think that most of this special cable lube is just silicone spray w/jacked up price unless they put something in there to maybe thicken it some???


09-13-2003, 06:15 AM
We use "cable life", in the green can. It's not tooo expensive.
We use the cable luber too.

Later, Sher

09-13-2003, 06:20 AM
I have found best results with WD-40. It is a degreaser and will flush out the dirt, sand, water and whatever else is in there. It will not harm the ruber or the cable so it is safe to use. Also i have found that an actual "lube" will just attract dirt and just make your cable get dirty quicker making it require more cleaning. I just clean it with WD-40 and leave it dry and it has worked great so far. Im on the stock cable after 1 year and 5 months with an EZ Pull clutch thats supposedly supposed to break cables and have had no problems at all.
Personally I have not tried one of the cable lubers but I do not feel they are neccesary. The little spray tube on the WD-40 bottle reaches pretty far down the cable and you just spray. Im sure its a little messier but works fine.

09-14-2003, 09:32 AM
my ezpull broke my cable about 10 miles deep into the woods alone on property i wasnt supposed to be on:eek2: , that suxed big time:macho

09-16-2003, 10:51 AM
cable lubers should come with every quad sold i think.. Best $12 I ever spent. I spray WD-40 thru the cable first,,to get all the crud out. Then use cable life afterwards. I just replaced my stock clutch cable last month. 3 years of use and it pulled just as easy as the new one i put on...:eek:

09-16-2003, 06:58 PM
Ok thanks for the info

I know wd 40 is a good cleaner,
but it drys' out fast.
I just figured it would be better to use something that would leave it slick, greasey, oily, whatever inside.
