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stupid driver
09-07-2003, 01:01 PM
got mud???

09-07-2003, 09:24 PM
ok so i have some trails in my yard and i found a river that goes to a wide storm drain that goes unda the highway ok i was on my 250 so i went back to the house and got my dads prairie 400 4x4... so i find a way into the river and go one way... so i was gettin a tough ride in the water so i turn around go and get my nerve up and head the other way in the river ok.. so i'm going and see a huge pointy rock and decide to go over it so i go and i hear the skidplate hit very hard and the front end plunges into the water and floor it so i get to shallow water and turn around so i start going and suddenly i'm not moving I floor IT!!!!! the tires are spinnin and waters shooting ten feet inta the air... i start movin around a bit i feel it tip sidewaysi'm like o S**t
so i look and half the things under water and the waters up to the fenders i was gettin ready to swim to shore but theres a current so i floor the things about to flip on me in the water!!! i'd drown... but the thing is the bike is still runnin casue the tailpipe is out of the water. i lean on the other sideand floor the damn thing and i get to shallow water!!! OMG!! if i rolled it in the water my dad wolda been so pissed!! I pull up to my yard and my mom says she woulda came looking for me if she new how to shift my 250... I just collapse on the yard!! I HAVE A NEW RESPECT FOR THAT MACHINE!

09-07-2003, 09:26 PM

09-07-2003, 09:29 PM
hell yeah man!! four wheel dirives go ANYWHERE my moms suzuki quadrunner 250 fwd is a pig but it is totally bad! have gbc dirt devil tires and it is un-stoppiable

09-07-2003, 09:39 PM
this thing is a beast

09-07-2003, 10:46 PM
HAHA cool **** man