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View Full Version : no more helmets in pa...

09-07-2003, 10:53 AM
No helmet laws here. Most people with sport bikes usually wear helmets, but people with cruisers/harleys/etc don't.

Tommy 17
09-07-2003, 01:41 PM
welll today i was driving about 1 1/2 hours from here... so i had alot of time on the road... i musta saw 600 bikes today... outta 600 i bet 595 didn't have on helmets... this new law is freakin retarded...:rolleyes:

i saw a couple crotch rockets come past me at about 160+ i would estimate... i was doin 80 and i was standin still basically and they didn't have on no helmet:o

yeah it was hard to tell but u could see the blonde hair bc the one kid had it bleeched white almost...

i think this new law is stupid... it musta started 2day bc this is the 1sts time i've seen it... anyone else notice this today???

09-07-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
welll today i was driving about 1 1/2 hours from here... so i had alot of time on the road... i musta saw 600 bikes today... outta 600 i bet 595 didn't have on helmets... this new law is freakin retarded...:rolleyes:

i saw a couple crotch rockets come past me at about 160+ i would estimate... i was doin 80 and i was standin still basically and they didn't have on no helmet:o

yeah it was hard to tell but u could see the blonde hair bc the one kid had it bleeched white almost...

i think this new law is stupid... it musta started 2day bc this is the 1sts time i've seen it... anyone else notice this today???

What do you care if they arent yoru family or know them:confused:

I dont care if they wanna ride with or without one:ermm:
if they care, they would wear one, but ovisouly they dont:confused2

09-07-2003, 01:48 PM
same here man i think it is soo dumb it was weds night at 12 that that law started i live in pa and they have a bike night down town and there were smashing helments and they had a ride about 400 guys with out helments at 12 at night and you know they were all drunk

09-07-2003, 01:48 PM
thats how its always been in illinois. you just gotta have eye protection... :rolleyes:

Tommy 17
09-07-2003, 01:52 PM
i guess its just weird to see... for the last 17 years everyones had on a helmet...

09-07-2003, 01:54 PM
Thats really stupid.
Its going to make motorcycles look so bad once death rates start to rise because of this new law.

09-07-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
Thats really stupid.
Its going to make motorcycles look so bad once death rates start to rise because of this new law.

Yep, and then insurance rates are bound to go up. Makes it harder on the responsible folks that do wear a helmet.

09-07-2003, 02:50 PM
A guy I work with had a car pull out in front of him while he was riding his harley. He was going about 55 when he his the car. He always wears his. The guy ended up cracking his elbow and his pelvis. he flew like 80 feet or something. Helmets are good things!!

09-07-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
Thats really stupid.
Its going to make motorcycles look so bad once death rates start to rise because of this new law.

well if thats the case we should start a pettition and request all cycles have rollbars seatbelts and whatever retarded crap those tree huggers want quads to have:devil:

09-07-2003, 05:23 PM
Dude you guys have it all wrong. Revoking the helmet law had nothing to do with motorcycle safety. It is all about personal freedom. Revoking the law, means one less thing in our lives that the goverment regulates for us.

Its like the NRA. Sure there main goal is to keep guns in the hands of honest citizens, but their reason for existence is clearly freedom.


09-07-2003, 05:30 PM
I love helmets but hate helmet laws. Now if my insurance company wants to charge me more for not wearing one... thats kool... at least I made the choice.

09-07-2003, 05:33 PM
i think the insurance companies like no helmuts.....

its cheaper to bury some numbnut then to pay for him to be fed thru a straw the rest of his life:ermm:

doesnt matter to me....ill always wear a brain bucket

09-07-2003, 06:06 PM
I don't understand why someone wouldn't wanna wear a helmet? I'd rather keep my head safe then having a terrible headache or cracked skull....... Or be dead :ermm: .

09-07-2003, 08:06 PM
my mom said that if your going 160 and you crash a helmet isnt going to save your life and if it does you would probably have wished you werent wearing it :ermm:

09-07-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
i think the insurance companies like no helmuts.....

its cheaper to bury some numbnut then to pay for him to be fed thru a straw the rest of his life:ermm:

doesnt matter to me....ill always wear a brain bucket

I even agree with you on this one :eek2:

09-07-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by TheRedRebel17
What do you care if they arent yoru family or know them:confused:

I dont care if they wanna ride with or without one:ermm:
if they care, they would wear one, but ovisouly they dont:confused2

Well i don't really care, figure it this way the stupid people will all die off and the smart ones will live:devil: One thing I def. don't like is that I may be wrong but isn't this new law going to make our insurance go up to:confused: I think its a freakin stupid law, they shoulda neva passed it:ermm:

09-07-2003, 09:10 PM
sadly I think Pappy hit the nail on the head. Isn't it a shame that insurance companies may have actually put a price on human life!

09-07-2003, 09:15 PM
"let those who ride decide"

haha thats what i think, i dont see who wouldnt wanan wear one on the road when the death is like 1 in 3

09-07-2003, 09:35 PM
Sounds like more work for me. Now the drunk idiot that drops his bike over won't just be skinned up, he'll bust his nugget wide open. Then I have to go tell his mom and dad that their son is dead. THAT SUCKS!

The helmet law wasn't completely repealed. There are certain stipulations that have to be met.


btw-I'll still have my helmet on when I'm on the CBR.

09-07-2003, 09:40 PM
I know, the jobs gonna be ten times harder for police, and firemen that respond to wrecks:( I know they might not be ur family, but just think of what ur family would feel like if u splattered ur brain across pavement for hundreds of feet:ermm:

09-07-2003, 10:34 PM
dont worry, there are already tons of people already fighting this decision, it wont last long.

personally, i think the gvt can kiss my butt, if i want to ride without the helmet, thats my decision. i dont need to be protected from myself.

i always wear my helmet, but i really dont think that i have to be told to wear it.

09-07-2003, 10:40 PM
If everyones so up on this bein told to do so thing, why don't we fight to get seat belts not required:o I mean there like helmets and if we don't wanna be told to wear a helmet we might as well not be told to wear our seat belts:eek2:

Sounds dum eh?

09-07-2003, 10:41 PM
i think it's pretty retarded too. even at 20 mph and you hit your head off the cement it's goin to be bad and that's only 20. if it's anything above that hell they could die. just more money for the doctors to do brain surgery:rolleyes:

09-07-2003, 10:47 PM
I don't like hittin my head off pavement at 1 mile and hour, I def don't wanna hit it any faster than that:o

09-07-2003, 10:53 PM
I'm all for freedom of choice..... Darwin will weed out the dumbchits:D


Dune Surfer
09-07-2003, 10:54 PM
Freedom is a funny thing, I always wear my helmet, but I don't think
e the goverment should tell us what we should do either. If they want to ride without them thats ok, If you want to smoke , your choice, no seat belt no problem. Just don't come crying later for your decisions.

09-08-2003, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by mrusk
Dude you guys have it all wrong. Revoking the helmet law had nothing to do with motorcycle safety. It is all about personal freedom. Revoking the law, means one less thing in our lives that the goverment regulates for us.

Its like the NRA. Sure there main goal is to keep guns in the hands of honest citizens, but their reason for existence is clearly freedom.


You got it right there. And thanx for saving me all the typing.

Its nice to see big brother mind his own %@#$$#@ing business.

09-08-2003, 04:00 AM
I have mixed feelings about that,I agree w/ what DEAL said,at the same time ...let the dumbazzes thin the dumbazz herd

I'll always wear a helmet riding,I dont want someone scraping my brain off the road w/ a putty knife:blah:

09-08-2003, 08:02 AM
If everyones so up on this bein told to do so thing, why don't we fight to get seat belts not required I mean there like helmets and if we don't wanna be told to wear a helmet we might as well not be told to wear our seat belts

actually, seatbelts and helmets do not do the same thing, and were not designed to do so. the seatbelt arguement is really invalid.
a seatbelt is designed to keep you from smashing into your dashboard, because in most cases, your car will cut you to pieces if you arent strapped to your seat in a wreck. a helmet is designed to keep your head from hitting the road, after you fall off.
helmets have caused many deaths as well as saving them, because of the weight of the helmet snapping your neck.

09-08-2003, 09:14 AM
it was last wednesday at midnight that the law was repealed in PA. If u pass a safety course or have had your license for at least 2 years the choice is yours for wearin a helmet.

I have mixed feelings on the law, but I think freedom of choice is best. I think there are many inherent dangers just riding a bike to begin with. Many people have been injured while wearing helmets and sometimes maybe the helmet may cause injury.

I guess if i rode a bike, id have one of those small helmets u c that dont cover your ears.

Id like to c the death rates in other states. I know South Carolina and Ohio dont require them.:confused2

09-08-2003, 09:21 AM
When I used to ride crotch rockets I would always not wear a helmet if I was just cruising around somewhere - but put it on when I rode fast/aggressive or on the highway. I guess it was a decent compromise. I always wear my helmet on my quad though.

I agree that personal freedon is important - but there has to be a line. I mean, should we legalize crack??

09-08-2003, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by 250rpilot
actually, seatbelts and helmets do not do the same thing, and were not designed to do so. the seatbelt arguement is really invalid.
a seatbelt is designed to keep you from smashing into your dashboard, because in most cases, your car will cut you to pieces if you arent strapped to your seat in a wreck. a helmet is designed to keep your head from hitting the road, after you fall off.
helmets have caused many deaths as well as saving them, because of the weight of the helmet snapping your neck.

No the point i am gettin at is that they're both safety devices made to keep u and i safe:devil: There for if they both can keep u from dien they are pretty close related