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View Full Version : Who here builds.....

08-30-2003, 01:22 PM
Who here builds project quads to sell. I'm wanting to find an older quad to build and restore then sell for a little money. I'm not really even interested about the money, I just want a chance to build them all over since it is a new passion I've found. Plus I really want to ride some of the older quads because no around here has one. For my first project I was thinking about an LT500. I've always wanted to ride one of those and I want it to be my first project. My question is, what's a reasonable price for a Quadzilla needing a little TLC? Also about how much do you usually spend in parts? I'm just trying to find out if this can actually be profitable by the time I fix it seeing the resale value of Quadzillas. Any input would be great.

08-30-2003, 02:31 PM
I really think this would be something I would like to do! I definately want to build a 250R and a 250X (just for a guest quad...) and some others, it would be great! Just as hobby and sell them to people (make them special order...).

08-30-2003, 02:45 PM
Me and my bro do.......right now he has a drag shee he is building and I am restoring a 250r....................very fun thing to do......are you going to do a frame up restoration including powder, polish, etc or just make it into a nice moslty-stock zilla. If you make a nice zilla and someone is looking for one you can probably make a decent profit but it all depends on the quad prices in your area and how many parts are needed, what you can get for your old parts.............Here is a couple picture of my brothers drag shee he is building http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/p04619283c1767f2b4e9e0dd0546db11a/fb3bb7b5.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/p11c60fc6f3b8c44322636bd6bb99e9cd/fb3bb77a.jpg

08-30-2003, 05:21 PM

08-30-2003, 05:29 PM
ya i think that would be fun , but i dont got ne money for it :devil: , but i do build like airboxs and stuff, i will post some pics of mine when i get some, it looks really good, but i should have done it a different way.

08-30-2003, 05:58 PM
The way I'm seeing it, I myself don't have the money. What my dad and I are going to do is this. He will buy the quad and then give me a certain budget at which I can help buy parts with. Then when I sell it, pay back everything he invested plus a little extra to boot for doing and keep whatever is left. I could really care less if I had any money left for myself I just want to build them for fun and ride them around just a little to see how each one is. I just wanna know if it is possible to cover my expenses to pay back my father? As far as restoration. I will probably be on a tight budget so I will probably do mostly a stock restoration with piston, reeds, and exhaust. Probably some new plastic to spice it up. I may try a strong paint for the frame if it will work because I really don't think I'll have the extra money for PC. If I do then I will. I figured though since it's gonna be something to keep me busy all winter I would do some of the cheaper stuff that looks awesome, but takes alot of time. Like polishing all the casings and wheels.:devil: Hopefully when I get done it would look really sick which does wonders to the value of a quad.

08-30-2003, 06:50 PM
yeah man its really fun..i've been building my quad now for 4 months..it sucks that i dont have one to ride but i love working on it...i can work on it 8-10 hours a day easy cause u just wanna get em done so bad so you can ride em and have everyone tell you its badarse..but after i get done with mine im gonna start rebuilding them and gonna open up a lil shop..but its lots of fun for sure..u could make your money back aslong as u look around for the best prices on parts and be a smart buyer

08-31-2003, 06:57 AM
I doubt you can make any money at it. How many times do you see on eBay a quad with $12,000 invested selling for $7000.

Don't get me wrong, it may be possible, but the only way I can see it happening is if you find a quad with a decent frame, all intact, but needs engine work, and you pick it up for dirt cheap. Fix the engine, a few hop-ups, and be done with it. If you have to replace a-arms, axles, wheels, shocks, that sort of stuff, you are never going to get your money back out of it.

08-31-2003, 07:17 AM
Wilkin that's what I had in mind. I just want to find something that needs a little motor work I'm not buying a trashed quad. I don't want to make a lot of money just cover my expenses plus the market for quads hasn't dropped bad here like it has in a lot of places.

08-31-2003, 08:18 AM
i agree with wilkins. the is put the least amount of money in too it then sell it for as much as you can. we bought a warrior for 600$ needed a head and a **** load of nuts and bolts. after we got it done we had 1800$ in it. sold it for 3100$. then we bought another warrior for 500$ parted everything out on ebay and ended up gettin 1300$ for everything.


08-31-2003, 09:59 AM
i love building quads for profit.....i bought a 250x for 500 bux, put 1000 in stock parts in it, made it look good and sold it for 2500....nice 1000 profit.....now i have a street legal quad project im gettin ready to start, and i'm hopin to make money off of that, if theres any demand for a street legal quad i guess i can

08-31-2003, 01:57 PM
I simply don't think there is a good market for pimped out LT500s. I just want to get it running good, paint and polish it(good looks for cheap), and maybe a set of plastics depending. A drag stip just opened here and it's the first kind of track here for any quads, so a lot of people are trying to build the fastest 400exs and banshees so I figured I could take it to the strip with a for sale sign and maybe get some interest.