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View Full Version : 250r Sub Frame on a 400ex??

08-27-2003, 10:35 AM
i am wondering if i can fit a 250r sub frame on a 400ex??

what would i have to do to make it fit??
any advice and what not please post it!!!


08-27-2003, 10:38 AM
stock framed 250 r's have a one piece frame. they dont have a removable subframe.

aftermarket R frames do but most are way to narrow at the mounting point to come close to working on a 400ex .

08-27-2003, 01:43 PM
Yep, Pappy's right. The 86 R I have has no removable sub-frame. Timo I hear your part of Team Fibe ? I think I am getting a sponsor from him too, he said something about it on the phone, but he said we'll talk at the race at RJ's. You going to his place on sept 13th ? BIG PARTY, FREESTYLE, ETC...

08-27-2003, 02:17 PM
is what is this about the 13th??? i haven't heard anything!!!!

ya i got sponsered from him at the end of july, and trust me it is paying off!!! i am getting a blue metalic hood and a seat cover from him... i can't wait to put it on, hopefully i will get it before RJ...

Craig, is RJ sandy track?? if so i better grove my tammers or i won't make it up the hills...

08-29-2003, 08:32 AM
Your not buying one of his custom PRD 426's ? Well My R will look identical to them except it will be 2-stroke. Maybe a different suspension set-up. But I think I am going with Elkas cause they are cheaper than Axis, I also dont wanna wait 1000 years for PEP. I might buy adams gibson Front-end, I have to save up some cash first. RJ's is hard packed, with lots of rocks. I wouldnt use tamers, Razrs or Klaws would be your best bet. I have seen too many tamers get shredded apart.

I might be gettin Adams Hipers too:eek:

08-29-2003, 10:29 AM
i have tamers, i don't have any other choice... ya i am getting some hipers soon too plus jrd front end, jd rear end and elka shocks... if you see adam again ask him when my hood and seat cover are coming, i just got some new front plastic and am going to shave the fenders, i am just waiting on the hood and seat cover...

are you going to have your r at RJ?? i want to see this beast, plus your 400ex...

08-31-2003, 05:28 AM
Well if you come to my place you can see the R all in peices. My 400ex is still all apart. The gasket set still isnt in. It should be ready for Sept 7 (RJ's race) I I will drive my 400ex to RJ's with a big for sale sign on it :D But hopefully I will have it together. You can see what it looks like with the hood. I wont be racing until next season though. The R is in my house being rebuilt, I made a special work area in the rec room. Its got a bench and everything. I cant wait to get the R together, its gunna haul balls.

09-01-2003, 09:17 AM
I be at rj, were is a good place to park??
can't wait to ride the track, i am pumped up!!!

09-01-2003, 12:30 PM
theres no good spot to park at RJ's, its all hilly and crappy for parking kinda like paisley. I would get as close as you can to the tower. I will see ya there, I should have my 400ex together.

09-02-2003, 10:37 AM

anyways back on topic, am i able to cut the supports out on the side of the sub frame(were battery mounts and what not are) and then bend them stright but lower them by 1-1.5 inchs?? would this work or will i encounter problems?? i would only do this when i get my CRF engine into Arens frame...

09-03-2003, 09:01 AM
I am sure you could customize it, but I would get a machine shop to do it, unless you are very skilled. What do you have to lose, if you screw it up, just buy an aftermarket one. It could probably work... why are you doing this? to try and lower it ? It might put too much of a down angle on the subframe?

09-03-2003, 09:39 AM
would it not just be cheaper to get a EX subframe modified (you basicly just want the grab bar deal right?)? Or a aftermarket EX subframe?

BTW I am in Barrie now, so if I can get a ride I can come to RJ's just to meet you guys and watch you ride :D

09-03-2003, 09:52 AM
the reason why i am doing this is to lower the 400ex, and make it sit like the 250r... if you look at the 250r you can see that the sub frame is at a lower angle let you sit a lot lower on your bike which keeps the COG down a lot... by doing this you can make the ex handle a lot better, and i feel give it a better ride... BTW i will have a
elka rear shock on the back so it will sag a lot too with that, but i want it as low as dana creechs 250r... that thing sits so low, it looks like there is no suspension on the back...

09-03-2003, 11:47 AM
can't do it with a 400ex. 250r's are just lower. has to do with alot of things. swinger angle. ect.

09-03-2003, 02:16 PM
come one there is got to be away... anyone intersted if i start building my own sub frames that are between the 250r and 400ex??
Craig can test them(haha just like we said right Rip_tear) i am sure that i can build a prototype, i wouldn't be surprised if i would be using it next season...
what types of materail should i use?? should i build it so you can put a dectable grab bar on?? barttery box mounts are probably coming off, run the one rail that is bent stright( like yours Carl on the 426) except cut the ends down by a inch or two (would have to check out the design of the sub frame first) ... i will see maybe i can design it on computer first...
we will see

09-04-2003, 01:59 PM
Rip_Tear PM me and give me your phone number for the college. I will call you saturday night about RJ's and stuff. Maybe we all can meet up there? If you want you can phone me or whatever, I will give ya my number, but PM me. You can see my beautifully polished LRD265 motor, LOL. I cant wait to get this thing going. Timo dont you just wish you had an R :blah: I am debating putting the R motor in the 400ex's frame until I get the LT setup. I prolly wont, cause then I have to make motor mounts and all that. But I will see you guys at RJ's, The ford and whatever timo is driven there. BTW Timo, you wanna buy my steering stabilizer. I got some stuff, we can talk at RJ's if you want anything.

09-04-2003, 02:02 PM
what kind of steering stabiler??? hell ya i have wanted one for a long time... it better be a Deton rebuildable or a PEP...

why get a 250r when you got this?:D





09-05-2003, 07:19 PM
Its a PEP, but I am pretty sure its non-rebuildable. But it works really good. It works a lot better than I thought steering stabilizers work. The reason I am selling it cause it wont fit the R properly, and I am getting an anti-vibe stem from adam, as soon as I sell my Elka's.

WTF.. when did you take out your lights? I dont remember that?? But I guess if your getting a hood.

I AM SO PISSED, The gasket set I got, was ***ked. The gaskets were all wrinkeled and stuff. So now my 400ex wont be together:mad: I will bring my dads down though.

09-05-2003, 07:26 PM
i was hoping to get a rebuildable...

ya i bought a set of stock 400ex plastic for 70 dollars canadian shaved the fenders and am putting a hood on...were is adam?? i left a message and he hasn't called back..i hope my stuff will be with adam on sunday!!!

o i will be in a Black Mercedes ml320 with some crome parts so it will be hard to miss me rolling in!!!:cool: