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08-24-2003, 04:32 PM
Im gonna buy a new 400ex and i want to know about how to break it in. I didnt talk to the dealer about it yet, but a couple of my friends had to break theirs in and they told me some info about it. But what i wanted to ask was why do you have to break it in (you dont have to break in a car?), what does the breakin process do, and why cant you go past half throttle for long periods of time?? Thanks guys!

08-24-2003, 05:13 PM
becus if u hammer it wen its a fresh piston/cylnder its gonna seize

08-25-2003, 02:47 AM
i understand that, but why dont you have to break in a car....it may sound like a stupid question but this is really confusing me

08-25-2003, 03:33 AM
I am not positive but this is what I think.lawn mowers,and cars-the factorys break it in about 1/2 way for you, and then send it to the consumer with a little extra oil in the gas tank and tell the person to be somewhat easy on the motor for about 3 hours of use(no towing ect.)-darren

08-26-2003, 01:58 PM
You do have to break in a car, but doing it isn't as far from normal as breaking in a quad. And for breaking in a quad, if you ask ten people how to do it, you will get about eight different answers.;)

08-27-2003, 02:22 AM
Make the first three or four rides short--about ten minutes-- and allow the machine to completely cool between. Then just take it easy for the rest of the first tank of gas. Don't idle or keep a steady throttle for this period-- vary the RPM's. When the break-in is over, change the oil.

08-31-2003, 12:58 AM
cars for the most part don't rev past 4,000 RPM on a normal basis.....motorcycle motors do, and those type of RPM's on a new motor arn't good.

08-31-2003, 03:22 AM
that makes sence....Thanks!

09-04-2003, 10:42 AM
First off you must break your honda in because honda stink's and they dont pre break them in from the factory.Secondly a car is pre broken in before you buy it.And plus would you wanna spend 30 grand on crap that dont go when you hit the gas?.I have broken in my Yamaha after i rebuilt it and it was easy all you do is set your saftey screw on your thumb throttle housing all the way in and hit your gas if it dont move then unscrew it about 2 turn's.After 2 tanks unscrew it 4 and then after that 2 unscrew it all they way but keep the high rpm's even.Say your at full throttle dont let it stay open for more than 5 sec's.Then after you open it all the way put in 1st and 2nd.For 2 tank's you do that.Not ride around all day like that but 5 sec's open a half hour 1-2.If you have any more feel free to email me at Foxracing500r@aol.com i will answer any question's you have.

09-04-2003, 02:03 PM
Who says a car is pre broken in before you buy it?:rolleyes:

09-04-2003, 02:29 PM
You do have to break a car in. no driving the same RPM's for any continoues amount of time. No towing for the first 500 miles. Every vehicle has to be broken in. No WOT for the first 500 miles. You cant beat on a new motor, you have to give it a chance to loosen up before goin balls to the wall


09-04-2003, 03:00 PM
All breaking in (or more rightly called running in) does is allow the rings to seat correctly and make the piston structure stable. Though your cylinder and rings make look perfectly round, and the piston/rings move up and down in the cylinder hassle free, thats not the real case. If you look very closely (VERY closely), you can observe high and low spots in the cylinder and rings. Running the motor in basically allows the rings to wear down in the high spots enough to form a more perfect seal in the cylinder (this is often referred to as seating the rings). Plus, due to the manufacturing process (pouring molten metal into a mold, then machining it down for cast OEM pistons), the structure of the metal in the piston will change during the first few runs (when it is exposed to that kind of heat and stress). This is much more drastic with forged pistons then it is with cast pistons (OEM are cast). Forged pistons are made by taking a block of metal and hammering it into shape, then finish machining it. This causes the structure to change a great deal under stress and heat, and it will continue to change until it finds a happy medium, hence the reason for the heat/cool cycles. The piston will literally heat up and become egg shaped, then cool down and conform to the shape of the cylinder. Doing this several times allows the molecules that make up the piston to finally settle into a stable form, and it won't change shape and become eggshaped under heat.

I'm done rambling..

09-13-2003, 03:41 PM
Here is all u need to know, & as simple as possible.

Do not use synthetic oil for the break in.
Do not let it sit and idle at anytime during the break in.
On the first ride try to vary the rpm as much as possible, everything from an idle on up to about 1/4 throttle, then do the same thing up to 1/2, 3/4, and full.
Heat and cooldown cycles are needed.
Adjust valves and change oil after first couple hours.
After engine is fully broken in you can switch to synthetic oil if you want.

Lots of old guys say to break in engines hard & they will always run hard.

This probably worked fine for engines in the 40s-60s' but a lot's changed since then.

Enjoy your new bike.

As for the difference between break in for bikes & cars. New car engines are broken in at the factory w/a special oil then drained filled with regular oil & then they have to be test driven, drove up and off of car haulers & moved around the car lot, test drives etc.....

Your 400 comes to the dealer in a big box only partly assembled, I would'nt let the minimum wage jerk wads that work at my local Honda shop break in a bicycle for me much less my new ex.


09-13-2003, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by rustidchevy454
First off you must break your honda in because honda stink's and they dont pre break them in from the factory.Secondly a car is pre broken in before you buy it.And plus would you wanna spend 30 grand on crap that dont go when you hit the gas?.I have broken in my Yamaha after i rebuilt it and it was easy all you do is set your saftey screw on your thumb throttle housing all the way in and hit your gas if it dont move then unscrew it about 2 turn's.After 2 tanks unscrew it 4 and then after that 2 unscrew it all they way but keep the high rpm's even.Say your at full throttle dont let it stay open for more than 5 sec's.Then after you open it all the way put in 1st and 2nd.For 2 tank's you do that.Not ride around all day like that but 5 sec's open a half hour 1-2.If you have any more feel free to email me at Foxracing500r@aol.com i will answer any question's you have.

Dude dont email this guy for advice.
First off why you wanna come to this "stink" Honda site anyway if you love your yamahahas so much go somewhere where you can find some more retards that may believe the garbage coming from your computer.

Guess what nobody here gives a rat's *** about how you broke in your Rebuilt--(big surprise there) yamaha.

Then your username tells me you may have some intelligence.

Chevy = Rustbucket You got that one right at least.

Sorry everybody else.
I'm just sick of having to read the word yamaha somewhere in every thread just because they have to come on a Honda site to find anybody with any thing to talk about.

I guess you can only talk about plastic tranny parts & cracked frames for so long.

All I know is Yamammaha.


09-13-2003, 07:52 PM
Funny funny fool you must be a walker not a rider in Pre-K am I right?.I dont mean to flame but the lil twit's that down my brand's deserve it.Yamaha and Honda are the best I have a friend who is on this board and he has a Honda and i make fun of him.Secondly my Yamaha was rebuilt because i was mudding in 5 feet of water when my damn tire's lost grip and the bike bogged from water entering the engine.I do like honda but i will never ever trade my Yamaha for a Honda anyday of the week.And yes dumb***** I know this is a onda board but the site need's a lil exitement.Perhap's a Yamaha discusion.And no Chevy's do not Ia repeataDO NOT NEED TO BE BROKEN IN!!!!! You hear me they dont!.Ford lol suck's lol they do.If lil miss Esucker302 want's to say anything more then let's step out side!!.I will show you the door~~~~~~~>

09-13-2003, 09:26 PM
ohh boy here we go again....

09-14-2003, 01:18 AM
Truth hurts pretty bad huh?

I never said anything at all about chevys not needing to be broken in, I don't know where in the hell you pulled that rant from, but all internal combustion engines must go through some type of break in period.
Except for chevy's I guess??

Yeah I busted your chops, what do you expect by coming on exriders and starting out by sayin Hondas stink, you really thought everybody's gonna say oh yeah you rock yamahas are the bomb.

& now u say that you are offended because I dogged your brand??

Im glad your post wasn't meant to be a flame.
Let's see here you called me:

fool, little twit, dumbass, and lil miss esucker302,
Then u want to challenge me to a fight???
On a message board??
You are gonna show me what door now????

grow up

That was a primo post
I appreciate you proving my point for me.

Which is that people w/ yamahas suck *** (J/K honestly)

I got nothin against u personally guy, this site & this world would be a pretty boring place if everybody thought the same way.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't like people talkin smack about Hondas on the biggest Honda site in the world.

We even got a place taylor made for u its called the non-honda forum. You should check it out sometime theres lots of great guys just like you there.

I am a Ford man, but I don't really have anything against chevys.
I even got a few (check my sig).


09-14-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by ewalker302
Truth hurts pretty bad huh?

I never said anything at all about chevys not needing to be broken in, I don't know where in the hell you pulled that rant from, but all internal combustion engines must go through some type of break in period.
Except for chevy's I guess??

Yeah I busted your chops, what do you expect by coming on exriders and starting out by sayin Hondas stink, you really thought everybody's gonna say oh yeah you rock yamahas are the bomb.

& now u say that you are offended because I dogged your brand??

Im glad your post wasn't meant to be a flame.
Let's see here you called me:

fool, little twit, dumbass, and lil miss esucker302,
Then u want to challenge me to a fight???
On a message board??
You are gonna show me what door now????

grow up

That was a primo post
I appreciate you proving my point for me.

Which is that people w/ yamahas suck *** (J/K honestly)

I got nothin against u personally guy, this site & this world would be a pretty boring place if everybody thought the same way.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't like people talkin smack about Hondas on the biggest Honda site in the world.

We even got a place taylor made for u its called the non-honda forum. You should check it out sometime theres lots of great guys just like you there.

I am a Ford man, but I don't really have anything against chevys.
I even got a few (check my sig).


Well, i think that sums everything up quite nicely...hahaha :D

09-15-2003, 05:52 PM
not to throw gas at the fire, but i worked for GM and other dealers. I am also ASE. you need to break in new cars.

09-15-2003, 06:31 PM

Good info, did it with my 400ex, and it still runnin strong.

09-18-2003, 08:44 PM
I recently finished an engine building class through my work and we covered everything from low tech to hi-performance. Honestly you're wasting your money putting synthetic oil in your engine. Motorcycle engines don't need it and they run the same with or without it. The only difference is the price of the oil. As far as how your break it in DO NOT hold the engine at constant rpms for long periods of time but DO run it though the gears and all through the rpm range. Accelerating hard and really getting on the gas will help the two compression rings seat against the cylinder wall. When you get on the gas and rev the engine the burning gasses inside the engine force the compression rings against the cylinder wall. If you dont run it hard through the rpm range the rings wont seat as good and you can actually lose horsepower.

Hope this helps.