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08-23-2003, 04:59 AM
clutch isn't grabing should i take it to the honda shop?:confused:

08-23-2003, 04:59 AM
Try adjusting it 1st.

08-23-2003, 05:01 AM
i did that and it still doesn't work

08-23-2003, 05:43 AM
Then it's time for a new clutch. I would try doing it yourself instead of taking it do a dealer, it's a pretty easy job to do.

stupid driver
08-23-2003, 06:20 AM
buy a service manual and a six pack. W/ this combo, you can accomplish any job on your 400

08-26-2003, 05:20 AM
ok, so I ordered this clutch http://alba.buyol.com/Item/WB%2DCLTCH%2DKIT%2DDP%2DHON.htm and I'm going to try installing it myself

is this clutch any good? I needed one fast(have a race this saturday) that's why I went ahead and ordered it and I figured even if it's not the best it's better than stock, and I'm probably getting out cheap and definitely a lot faster than taking to the honda shop and getting another stock one put in

Bill Fuller
08-26-2003, 05:41 AM
I have only used stock clutches they are very strong:muscle: I would stick with what works.By the way how long did the stocker last?

08-26-2003, 05:45 AM
until now....it's an 01, we bought it used, but the guy we bought it from never rode it, he had 20" wheels on it and used it as advertised for his store, we've had it a little over a year

Bill Fuller
08-26-2003, 05:50 AM
Thats about normal,I stay in the clutch and get atleast 1 year out of it.(MSWS XC racer)Change oil often that helps alot.That is a high price for a clutch but it does have different springs(don't know why) I would check Service Honda when(if) this one goes down.