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View Full Version : I got contacts

Martin Blair
08-22-2003, 05:55 PM
Well i got contacts tody, i never had glasses but susposily i needed them and i sad no fin9ng way im wearing glasses so i got contacts, well I put these clear ones in for a while to get used to them then my perscription comes in next week, there those 30day/30night disposable ones.

I was wondering when my contacts are in (clear ones) its like my vison is worse is that ust because there clear and no prescription? thanks.

08-22-2003, 06:16 PM
I have contacts and your eyes adjust to them after awhile. I bought mine and used them once in the first year becuase they bugged me so much. Then I got fed up with my glasses and startedwearing them everyday and it got alot better. I wear them for atleast 12 hours everyday now.
I have the 30day/30night ones also and I usually don't go by the calander. near the end of the 30 days you will notice them starting to bother your eyes, so you know its time to change them.
Its one of those things you have to adjust to it takes atleast 5days to a week to get used to them.
I also had some problems with mine because one of my eyes is slightly weaker than the other (like.5 or something) and when I first used them I got them mixed up and had trouble seeing.

08-22-2003, 07:01 PM
Now that you can see , you'll realize you have been wanting to ask the lunch lady out! :blah: ;)

08-22-2003, 07:23 PM
ummm if they are non-prescritption contacts they aren't going to change your vision.

wait for your prescription ones, you'll see the world much differently(pun intended).

08-23-2003, 10:05 AM
ive had contacts for about 3/4 of a year now and i really like them, i even got girls to like me better because of no ugly glasses:D anyway, they are a pain at first because for me they took forever to put in and would get annoining after a while. i have the ones you take out every day(even tho i dont) and now that ive been wearing them for a while, when i do take them out, my eyes kinda hurt. i dont know its wierd. but i like them alot better then glasses! one thing, make sure you put them in the right way or they will start to kill your eyes, kinda like a itsy bitsy rock is in there. not fun!

08-23-2003, 10:13 AM
when i got mine i could see better further away the 1st day i got them but upclose was blurry so i told them and they changed it and now there fine i think you should probably tell them about it

08-23-2003, 11:02 AM
I wear them and im fine with em. Its nice not having to wear glasses.

Dont get discouraged if they are a pain to put in sometimes. It gets easier as your eyelids build up calluses on the inside.

I want to see if I can get the ones that you just leave in for 30 days. They are supposed to be really breathable so you can sleep in them and everything. I hate deciding to spend the night somewhere and not having stuff to put my contacts in.

08-23-2003, 11:18 AM
I needa get contacts...my eyes are chit...and it doesn't help that I usually sit in the back of the class at school:rolleyes: But I hate my glasses...u won't catch me dead in them...I haven't worn them since...the 1st of grade 9? and i'm goin in grade 11..

But the ones u have right now to get used to real contacts...I couldn't see them blurrin your vision too much...maybe cuz u jus rn't used to them yet, thats all i could see that would be doin that.