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08-20-2003, 05:27 AM
For Rico (http://www.ebaumsworld.com/alcoholwarnings.shtml)

08-20-2003, 05:36 AM
ROFLMAO :eek2: :eek2:

jay's 300
08-20-2003, 06:15 AM
I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there! LMFAO! :D :macho

08-20-2003, 07:16 AM
LMAO thats the damn truth :D

Glow Plug
08-20-2003, 07:27 AM
LMFAO thats the best thing ever :devil:

the 2nd to last was my favorite :devil:

08-20-2003, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by QuadTrix6
LMAO thats the damn truth :D

08-20-2003, 09:14 AM
ROFLMAO, I LAUGHED FOR A GOOD 5 MIN. AFTER SEEING THAT. my favorite is the last one where he is singing and some1 hits him with the chair. the one where he puked, i thought he would slip and fall over his vomit. btw, why yall always sending rico this stuff? does it have anything to do with his avatar that he used to have?:confused:

08-20-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by sickmojave
ROFLMAO :eek2: :eek2:

08-20-2003, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by RAPTOR660
btw, why yall always sending rico this stuff? does it have anything to do with his avatar that he used to have?:confused:

because Rico likes to drink a lot of beer lololol

08-20-2003, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by YZrida
because Rico likes to drink a lot of beer lololol

ALOT?? An Excessive amount !! Jk around Rico:(

08-20-2003, 11:49 AM
LMAO! I love the "belt"... Everyone likes to bug Rico, even though this one is related.... Look at some of the threads with Rico's name in them, or some comments made about him...

08-20-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Rip_Tear
LMAO! I love the "belt"... Everyone likes to bug Rico, even though this one is related.... Look at some of the threads with Rico's name in them, or some comments made about him...


08-21-2003, 01:21 AM

08-21-2003, 02:30 AM
hahaha that was funny:devil:

08-21-2003, 03:04 AM
I don't drink :confused:

08-21-2003, 03:15 AM
i dont understand the whole ricos ****** thingy:confused: can someone please explain?

Glow Plug
08-21-2003, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by nacsracer27
i dont understand the whole ricos ****** thingy:confused: can someone please explain?

Well this is what I have pieced together, One the trip to hatfield Mcoy (sp?) Everyone when to a strip club and I guess there was a striper there that was gonig to pay rico money for her to give him a lap dance or something like that :confused:

08-21-2003, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by Rico
I don't drink :confused: