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View Full Version : 440 overheated what to do what happend? please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-14-2003, 04:05 PM
alright well we were ridding today and my friends 440 cut out and he said it sonded like a fluttering noise. and he just changed his oil but did not put near enough in so we think that it overheated but what do you think? any permenant damage? he has not even tried to start it. if he just puts more oil in will it just work or did he like fry up some stuff? when i pulled him back to the trailor he droped it into 1st for like a second and he said that it turned over so obviously he did not seize up the piston. any info would be great thanks.

Martin Blair
08-14-2003, 04:10 PM
how much oil did he put in it, there is plenty of oil in the bike to lube the motor if it doesnt come to to oil dip stick there is still a quart of tank space below it, i would say its probably fine, if anything main bearing might be shot, but if it just died i think it ran out of gas or theres a eltrical problem, if it madde a fluttering noise maybe something plug up the gasline to the carb.

08-14-2003, 04:23 PM
no his gas tank was close to full. he put in like 1.9 quarts or something. but the temp was like 90 and super humid. and we did not take long breaks so it was constantly going. at first he heard the noise when he was pulling in his clutch then we took a lap and before a jump he just turned to the side cause his quad just shut off. possibly a main bearing any other ideas

Martin Blair
08-14-2003, 04:28 PM
if it just shut off then it had to run out of fuel or spark fail

08-14-2003, 04:32 PM
well he said it was a really weird sound and then it got really bad and either stalled or just cut or whatever but i dont think it was just because of lack off gas.

Martin Blair
08-14-2003, 04:38 PM
what about the sator?

Big - D Racing
08-14-2003, 05:25 PM
IT flat out overheatedThat is exactly what the 400ex does when it overheats, it shuts itself off. The 400x's need a lot of cooling between rides, atleast a half an hour. The noise it made is a weird wooshing of air type noise that is real hard to describe, but I have heard it before. All the bike needed was a good hour of cooling. You never want to hear that sound though, because that means your lucky it didn't seize intead. Always keep your oil level up, and check it often. That why i invested heavily in cooling. Any 400 bored out beyond stock, should have some type of secondary cooling or an enlargement of the stock system. I run an oversized tank with cooling holes, fst secondary system, and an oversized Jagg stock style oil radiator. Invest in some of those, you'll be able to ride longer, without risking the failure of your engine.

08-15-2003, 04:21 PM
Big D Racing- Can you tell me what a FST system is? I have a 440 and I am looking for ways to keep it cooler. What would you buy first to cool it down? Thanks.

Big - D Racing
08-16-2003, 07:48 AM
It is a system from four stroke tech and it is a secondary oil cooler that taps into your side case where the oil pump is and pumps oil through that line, into the second oil cooler, then that cooler oil gets dumped straight onto the head of the engine where your cams and rockers are, that oil can be up to 50 degrees cooler than the oil already in the engine. I have seen it tested and the oil I saw tested was 43 degrees cooler than the oil in the oil tank. So it does work and it costs $110 from FST. It is a pain to install, especially if you have no experience with tapping and threading new holes in your casing. If your good at that the kit is pretty easy to install.

08-16-2003, 07:53 AM
Does FST have a web site? I want to check them out.

Big - D Racing
08-16-2003, 07:59 AM
they did, but last time I checked it wasn't running anymore. Mickey Dunlap owns it, and he's on this site every now and then. Great guy to deal with and extremely knowledgable. Here's the address don't count on it working though: www.fourstroketech.com