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01-24-2002, 04:03 PM
what would a 300 look like with 23inch tires on the front? Im thinking about getting them but i dont want them to be so big when i bottom out or something that they will rub the fenders, will it sit diffrently?

01-24-2002, 07:39 PM
If you ride in the woods a lot buy the 23". My friend and I have the 23" Maxxis Razr on the front of our 400ex and 300ex. You gain a 1/2" of ground clearance. It's not a lot but we run harescrambles and the 1/2" seems to work pretty well. Plus the 23" Razr's are 6 ply. You won't have any fender or steering problems. If you run MX and little woods & trails keep the 22 or go to a 21 and a smaller rear for turning stability.

01-24-2002, 08:11 PM
just got the 23" razr fronts for mine (have 22" rears)..riding this weekend..will post a pic and what I think after...I road just shortly around my property and with slight offset rims on it they feel pretty good and track real nice...

will know for sure after the weekend.

01-24-2002, 08:14 PM
we got some in at the shop and a guy wants um for his 300 i only have one thing to say...wow those are big! they are way to big for the kinda riding i do but for woods they would be good....that is if you need the extra ground clearence!

01-24-2002, 08:26 PM
dirtclog- thank you, please post a picture of them mounted up cause now im thinking about the same set up you got.

Hetrick330ex- are they that big?? A friend has 23' holeshots and they look small to me... but ofcourse im looking for clearance and some stability, I think after dirtclog writes me a report on how his set up does im probably gunna do the same.

01-24-2002, 08:30 PM
When I first saw the 23" tires on the rack I thought they were 25". After we put them on the wheels they shrank down. If you were in my garage and seen my 400ex you couldn't tell any differance from the 22 to a 23. It's only when you put them side by side where you can see the 1/2" diff. We have been running the 23" razr for 2-3 years now. They turn good and hold up even better. The only slight down fall is if it's realy muddy or ice out they don't stop very well. They tend to slide. But that's only in the worst weather.

01-24-2002, 08:32 PM
well if your doing woods riding they arnt bad, my friend kevin wise races 250a at the gncc naitonals and he is ganna run them this year so they might be a good thing but not sumtin i would use...ill try and get a pic of them on a 300, i am workin tomamrow and we have one in the garage ill check it out for ya...

01-24-2002, 08:45 PM
Hetrick330ex- thanks!

zooterboy- well them maybe razors arent what i should get.... maybe holeshots in 23'?? because i ride in alot muddy terrians but mostly logging roads 85% of the time.. either one would be good right?

01-24-2002, 08:57 PM
Either one would be fine. I have tried the holeshots and didn't have much luck with them. The holeshots seem to be air pressure sencetive (sp) If you don't have the correct air pressure they handle like poo.. Thats my personal opion though. The Razr 's work for wor just about everthing. One good thing about them is they don't seen to pack up with mud too bad because of the open tread design. The center tread sometimes acts like a rudder in the sloppy stuff. I have ran haresrcambles in the rain, snow, mud,sand and the dry dusty stuff. All said, it's your call. The worst that could happen is you won't like them and sell they for a slight loss and get the other ones.

01-24-2002, 09:32 PM
23' front tires are awful big, I think you better get 23" front tires.

01-25-2002, 08:20 PM
23in tires on the front would look stupid i would go with something way smaller

01-25-2002, 09:14 PM
not with 22" rears

01-25-2002, 10:05 PM
When I run my 22" XCT's on the rear of my 300ex, I use my 23" XCT's up front. When I go with my 20" rears, I like to use my stock 400ex tires... they really hook up alot better in turns than the big 23" tires. I don't run my 300ex too much, but I mostly run my 400ex with the 23" tires up front all the time. I do alot of trail riding, and find having the extra clearence, especially on the 300ex, really helps me. I to will try to send pics.

01-26-2002, 05:14 AM

I really don't care how "stupid" it looks...I care how GOOD it works...and for my entirely woods riding quad, it seemed to be the right idea.

01-26-2002, 11:27 AM
dirtclog excatly its handleing not looks, how are those pictures coming along? Im kinda eagar to see them on your bike

01-28-2002, 05:12 PM
here's my 300ex with 23" fronts and 22" rears... sorry took so long to get them on here. I really like them..i'll be more specific if you want but they are what i'm looking for in a tire.

01-28-2002, 05:24 PM
I have 23 inch Pure Sport Bandit XCR's on the front of my 400 ex and think they work awesome. They do not gew up and give you great cornering dig. I race hair scrambles and would recomend them to anyone, they are also six ply so you have to shoot them to hurt em.

Just a note though, if you don't race, only ride around the house, they dig the ground up rather bad and throw alot of mud on ya, which sucks. But they are deffinetly worth it otherwise.

The Treehugger

01-28-2002, 06:02 PM
thanks a bunch! i really like how it sits up higher in front end, how much did it increse in width? I dont even know if i will get new front tires for that bike now, yesterday my chain came off and cracked my bottom end :( so i might just fix it and sell it and get a 400 sooner or later, i just have to talk to dad. ;) but thank you again for posting that picture for me.

01-28-2002, 06:14 PM
the rims are +2 where the stock ones are +1 so each side went out an inch...from this pic you can kinda see how tires stick out from the fender, but not all the way out.

01-28-2002, 06:45 PM
i havent seen any places that sell razr's for stock rims in the back. where did you get them?


01-28-2002, 06:46 PM
how would the 6 ply razr hold up in the desert?


01-28-2002, 07:20 PM
22X11X9's mounted the razr rears on myself...soap em up good...

as for the desert...don't really know what to tell you..I've cut only one and that was at high speed and clipped a large rock at Hatfield and Mccoy in WV...I had my first set on for about a year before I cut it and when I got the one new replacement I was surprised side by side how much tread I still had on the original one compared to the new one...tread was rounded but almost as "tall" as new tire...ride mostly in the woods and rarely on pavement.

01-29-2002, 05:00 PM
do they make your brake calipers stick out or put them in danger at all?

01-29-2002, 05:38 PM
When I look at the quad from the front the caliper does stick out just a bit from the edge of the rim. The tires stick out from the rim another 1/2 inch to an inch so you cannot see the caliper sticking out...if you look at your caliper, the edge of the rim is just inside of the blead screw...if you know what I mean.