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View Full Version : 300 ex swingarm

08-11-2003, 06:49 PM
I need an aftermarket 300 ex swingarm i trashed my lonestar one. not by crashing just landing to hard for it, i had already gone through 2 stock ones before the lonstar, i sent it in to get fixed but i doubt they will couse its so screwed up, and i know they won't give me a new one, anyway looking for something very VERY strong. ASAP:grr:

08-13-2003, 11:26 AM
can't help ya here but i know the Walsh are pretty amazing

08-13-2003, 11:36 AM
i have a nice laeger 400.00 pluss shipping

08-13-2003, 06:43 PM
Man I cant believe it, the guy that works on my quad when I can't fix it called my dad today, looks like i have worse problems than just my swingarm, my frame is cracking all over the place cause of the motorcrossing I do. The guy is going to fix it but he siad it just won't hold cause of the type of riding i do. I guess i will move up to a quad that can handle the abuse for next year, but i am still interested in that swingarm cause i've got to finish out the year, I'll talk to my dad about it. If you can send me a picture of it, my email is outacontrol31@yahoo.com. thanks:grr:

08-14-2003, 02:40 AM
the quad will hold up to all levels of riding,you have a suspension problem giving your chasis the jolt.
anyhow i have plenty of those frames,also plenty of aftermarket parts for one of those. let me know thanks david
615 848 2998 david

08-14-2003, 10:15 AM
I run works shocks in front and a raptor shock in the back, all set up for a 165 pound rider, I only weigh 115, I just ride to hard for the bike to handle it, nobody races 300ex's very hard cause they can't seem to handle it, I will definiatly be moving up to somthing bigger anyway cause I'm turning 16,
Hay are you gonna be at loretta's this weekend, if you are I would like to meet you and maybe talk about the swingarm and what it would cost for other parts, i ride an orange 300ex, #31, and i will be racing in the youth class, or air cooled class, I wear all white and black thor clothes with an orange helmet, I realize there's hundreds of riders out there but maybe you could find me, if not no big deal I may call you after the races to talk about the swingarm, thanks

08-14-2003, 11:26 AM
i will be there i will be selling used parts with a white trailer that says quadcustoms.com
look me up i will have the complete 300ex to part out there. my name is david

08-14-2003, 01:19 PM
Thanks for the info i'll see ya there, my name is caleb, also will you be there on friday or just saturday and sunday

08-14-2003, 03:18 PM
leaving right now :p