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08-08-2003, 12:38 PM
Before the rebuild



08-08-2003, 12:54 PM
Looks sweet...Good job on the rebuild!

08-08-2003, 01:03 PM
wow sweet quad whats the story for how it was stolen then recoverd

08-08-2003, 01:04 PM
Hows that piece of crap honda hybrid no power motor run?:p


08-08-2003, 01:06 PM
Ok here goes !!

I raced the St. Louis Pro Quads when i got home from St. Louis i realized that i had busted chassis during one of my wrecks(id never ran TT) i had a stock 86 chassis so it was no big deal well i got to shopping around and found a good deal on a 2002 Arens chassis and decided to buy well my mechanics(also best friend) dad allowed us to use his garage for how ever long it was going to take to tear the old quad down and assemble the new one !! well we did a good job of keeping the project under wraps(no one knew it was there or anything) well one night my mechanic needed to work on his car so he pulled his car in the garage and left the door open while he worked !! one of his friends showed up while he was working on his car and he didnt get the chance to close the garage door before the guy saw my baby being reassembled!! well a few weeks went by and i was getting pretty close to having it all back togethor and i was going to make it to the Macon MX race well the night my a-arms came in we went to bed around 4:30 am we both had to be at work at 8:00 am when we got up the next morning i went to the garage just to check on everything and lord and behold everything was gone i just sat there and cried !! all the boxes of new parts were gone the new chassis everything was gone !! i took the day off work spent the day searching around for any clues i only knew that there was one person that saw it and knew where it was at so that was my main suspect!! well a week went by without any leads i put up fliers offered a 1000 dollar reward and everything with no luck !! well i was hanging out with some friends and one of them got a call from a guy that i raced with(josh blackman) he said that he had heard Ryan(the guy that had stole) say that he was going to OH to pick up a parted out 250R well that was a load of **** cause the guy is a lazy POS and he doesnt have the money to afford a 250R so when I heard this i called josh and told him to meet me well we worked it out and i gave him 200 dollars to go to talk to ryan to see if he could buy some of the parts off this R that he supposedly bought well josh accepted the deal and meet with ryan and he bought my motor my handle bars my axle and my subframe all for 200 bucks off ryan when i found out i called the police and had josh take me to where the rest of my R was well we found it and it was stripped !! i took the R back home and started on it and the picture you see now was right before i finished it it is done and back in one piece now so im happy about that i had to buy new a-arms, shocks wheels and tires and a new exhaust and axle these are the items that i never recovered !! to this day they have now arrested the guys that have stolen it and im still waiting it happened on march 8th 2003 !! and that is the story sorry its so long !!

08-08-2003, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by sparky450AR
Hows that piece of crap honda hybrid no power motor run?:p


Say what ?! that aint no hybrid !! thats a full breed 250R :D

08-08-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by JHForman250R
Say what ?! that aint no hybrid !! thats a full breed 250R :D

a nice one at that...good job

08-08-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by sparky450AR
a nice one at that...good job

Thanks !! i take great pride in my ride !! i get my day in court with 1 of the thieving *******s on monday !!

08-08-2003, 03:45 PM
sweet *** ride.. i had that last picture set as my background for a long time.....

08-08-2003, 03:51 PM
MAN that looks good:eek2: :eek2:

08-09-2003, 05:13 AM
thanks for all the replys !! i greatly appreiciate and im glad this damn picture thing works !

08-09-2003, 12:24 PM
wow, your are is looking really awsome! Glad you got it back!

08-09-2003, 12:50 PM
tell me what happens to them...some kids i know just stole my friends quad & their getting warrants issued out on them monday...they are in some big trouble but at least they are minors. :rolleyes: