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View Full Version : Kill Switch Hook-up

01-22-2002, 02:40 PM
I just bought a pro-design kill switch and i have it on the bar and the ground is grounded but im a little confused as to where the other wire goes. Any help would be great.


Yellow 400EX with not much on it.

01-22-2002, 04:36 PM
You have to find the negative pulse wire, which was the pink one for me. It is in the cluster of wires ziptied to your handlebars(wrapped in black plastic) Then you just cut a liitle peice of insulation off it and connect the wire.Eithe solder or use a connector. I soldered and it came out real good.

01-22-2002, 05:09 PM
There was a good forum the other day about the same thing..
go to: http://forums.exriders.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5775 I think there is more than one way to do this thing as you'll find in the forum I just told you about.

This is what I did: I ran my wires down behind the headlights following the original harness. Followed to to where the connectior is just under the left headlight. The coil is right there too. You'll see the Black with white stripe wire just as it comes from the connector going back up to the handlebar controls. I disconnected the connectors just to make it easier, one side is clipped to the frame, I didn't bother that side. What I did was slit and peel back the black covering about 1/2" and skinned about 1/4" of insulation off the black/white wire. I then soldered one of the wires from the kill switch to it and used some hot glue to seal it. Next, I taped it, pulled the plastic covering back over it and put a little black tape here too. The coil bolt works well for a grounding location, as it has others on it as well. I put a "loop" connector on the end of the other kill switch wire and hooked it here. Works perfectly too. :D

Detailed Instructions, Waste of Bandwidth, Long Winded. ?????

01-23-2002, 10:47 AM
:D thanks...works great.


01-23-2002, 06:07 PM
mke sure u use somekind of waterprofin the connection, so it dont short the system