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01-21-2002, 07:16 PM
;isten fellas i know about bikes i was just sayyin what is ur ffavriout like the eton ffor example 4 one bad mistake i got that it lasted 2 days so what is ur favrioute perfformance wise!!

350 warrior
350 banshee
660 raptor
125 breeze(no way)
eton 90(definatly not)
trx 90
200 blaster
badger 80
raptor 80
kodiak 400
660 grizzly
400 big bear


01-21-2002, 08:04 PM
hmmmm....... let me think!!!!!!!!!!!!

None of the above!

The 400ex is the best.

01-21-2002, 09:41 PM
to be honest there is no best bike there. everything is good for something. i mean what do you think the best bike for mud would be? the trx90 or the 660 grizz? now lets say your a 10 yeah old getting yrou first atv. what would be the best bike for you? a 660 raptor or the trx 90? there is no overall best. just the best for what you wanna do with your own quad.

01-22-2002, 03:23 PM
Very true juggalo. Thanks for saying that. Every quad is good for something and none of them are so bad no one would want to buy them...well maybe the Mojave and Lakota(just kidding)

01-23-2002, 12:46 AM
Very optimistic views gentlemen! However, I perceived his question more of a personal preference toward the individual atv's he has listed to agitate a more specific response. While very correct in your opinions for the mulitfuntionality of these atv's, one must contemplate the nature of the question. "Whats the best bike", which clearly provolks a specified option, as he has listed below. Therefor, lets give this young man a specific response to clear up any uncertainties he may have. Maybe like a question such as " What do you intend to use it for?". We all share the same enthusiasm for quads and should learn to understand the nature of questions that our fellow riders are attempting to solicitate. By all means this is not intended to "flame" anyone, but only to educate the educators. I see alot of this going on and it tends to lead back to the original question that goes unanswered.

01-23-2002, 05:46 AM
Spencer's top five atv's are........

1st banshee
2nd 250r
3rd 400ex
4th raptor
5th 300ex That's just what suits me the best.:o

01-24-2002, 07:41 AM
badger 80

01-24-2002, 10:07 AM
Hey Buck !!! Let me guess, first year at college as an english major.

01-24-2002, 10:54 AM
Banshees and Warriors are both good bikes. So is the 300ex and 250ex. My favorite is the 400ex. That's why I bought it.

01-24-2002, 11:25 AM
funny RIDERED! no, past those collegiate years buddy..... but since english is my second language, i figured why not use it properly instead of talking like I quit school in the 3rd grade and grew up in a trailer park with the rest of Americas trash that never contributes a day of their life to society or the American way of life that we fight for.

So let me know which words that you are unable to understand and I will gladley reply with the proper definitions so that any illiteracy that you may incurr while reading does not inflict a brain tumor.

01-24-2002, 01:02 PM
Well, I don't understand one word.....mulitfunctionality?

Is the definition like the way a mullet works on hampering ones ability to pick up on chicks, or do mullets have other unknown functions? hehe.. j/k ;)

I can't comprehend provolks either...is that like someone who is all for volkswagons? pro-volks? mmm......gladely?

Ok ok, I'll stop. But if your gonna flame people about there ability to type or spell, at least make sure you can...Some of these members are younger kids still in school.
BTW, I'm not sure how this post even got in the suspension forum.


01-24-2002, 02:10 PM
Buck you would be surpirised how many of these people you so elequantly described:

3rd grade and grew up in a trailer park with the rest of Americas trash that never contributes a day of their life to society or the American way of life that we fight for.

Just because someone doesn't talk and speak in a manner which would make him feel he is smarter than the rest of society, does not happen to mean they are stupid inbreds. You would be surprised how many ppl have a PHD or even scroed a 1750 on the Sat's but do not talk down on people.

01-24-2002, 03:05 PM
There were never any intentions of flames in my original two messages. In fact I stated that specifically. I also understand that my description may have been harsh on general society from one point of view, it was intended to respond to RideRed and his flame towards my grammer but if the shoe fits, wear it! However, I do offer my sincere apologies to those who feel I have degraded them.

RE-READ! Then maybe you will understand who started this and realize that my abilities were first attacked.

01-24-2002, 03:45 PM
Seems to be a bit hot in here if yah ask me...I did reread them and mabey I should've just left it. I think this was taken way too seriously. It's not like RideRed was calling you NAMES, or chopping your arm off .....But just made a smug remark, and I don't think it was even intended to be serious. I didn't see it that way, but to be honest, I saw it coming B4 he even posted. It's all in good fun my man, and I'm sorry that it seriously offended you that much that you felt your abilities were attacked. I would've said "Heck yah I'm in college...WHOOT, and I have straight A's too!!!:blah "

But that's just me I guess....PEPTO-DISMAL:cool:

01-24-2002, 06:54 PM
Wouldn't be a complinment to be known as an english major?

01-24-2002, 11:14 PM
you know as well as I do doc that was not the intention of the remark, lets not get ridiculous.

Apology accepted Pepto!

01-25-2002, 11:01 AM
Alright, I retract my last statement about the compliment thing. Well to answer the thread starters question I would have to say pretty much any Honda or Yamaha is going to be reliable, what kind of riding are you going to do?

01-25-2002, 11:07 AM
Thats an easy one!!!!

1. A free bike in mint condition.

2. A bike thats paid for.

3 A bike that lasts forever and never breaks!