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View Full Version : 400ex 3500.00

Johnny & Monica
08-01-2003, 12:06 PM
416 ex new clutchs ac,propegs,prm grap bar & bumber, leager nickle stem,axis rear shock,denton steering damper,full chassic skid plates (a-arms,swingarm,frame)Houser swingarm,frame has been professionally gusseted an powdercoated red rad lock nut, cam,sold the new plastic off it.It has yellow on it now little dirty but not cracked has one graffics on it.also braided brake lines frt. an rear.3500.00 firm e-mail for pic.

08-01-2003, 12:30 PM
Im very interested.....
can u send pics to veddersbetter@yahoo.com
thanks alot

08-01-2003, 06:36 PM
Now John if you start parting don't forget about ol' Marky.

Johnny & Monica
08-01-2003, 06:45 PM
Sold alot off it already you better get down to the shop tommorow I got a tc nation 926 gncc cam for sale.The more I take off this quad the cheaper it goes.Will sell some parts here an there as long as I keep it rolling an running so I can still sell it whole.It`s got a nice cam in it now but I aint for sure what it is have to get a hold of bill fuller an see.This frame is alsome every bit as nice as lone star it gots some really nice gussets an powdercoating who ever did it did it rigth no half *** job here.Thanks mark stop by tommorow

08-01-2003, 07:32 PM
hey i sent you a pm....will you sell me the stem? or the stock one?

08-01-2003, 09:44 PM
Can u send some pics to me...I am serious about buyin one but for some reason no one wants to sell me one...whats the dealio?

08-02-2003, 04:03 AM
hey vedder it says you are from sterling. i live 20 min away so if you want me to keep an eye out for a good 400 just let me know. what do you have to ride right now? i have a 400 but its not for sale, sorry. well i drive a 92' white 3000GT so ya might see me sometime. if you get ahold of a 400, maybe we could go ridin. catch ya later.


08-02-2003, 05:00 AM
Sounds good man.....right now I dont have anything to ride except for my streetbike....I sold my quad last year. I think maybe Ive seen ya around Sterling...theres not alot of 3000Gts runnin around here...especially white ones...where ya from?

Johnny & Monica
08-02-2003, 02:05 PM
VETTER I`ll sell it cheaper than listed I sold the stem an put stock one back in locally today an I but stock shocks back on it I CAN DRIVE TO QUINCEY ILL. in about 3 hours I`ll send you pic in about hour or two.after dinner

08-04-2003, 06:22 AM
vedder, i live between lanark and milledgeville. you MIGHT know where thats at. i was just out ridin at green river (between harmon and amboy) yesterday, it was a good time. i was with a warrior, a kfx400, another 400ex, and a "big red" 250 3-wheeler. ill be 19 in sept if you were wonderin how old i am. well keep in touch if ya get a ride, its always fun to add to the riding crew.
