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View Full Version : Non o-ring adds up to 5hp.

01-20-2002, 02:26 PM
When I bought my first non-o ring chain the guy said it would add up to 5hp. Then when I bought my second non-oring chain from a differnent company they said the same thing. They said that the o-ring chains will strech and will lose power. They say that if you race mx that the non-o ring chain is the best setup. They also told me that if I wanted to last as long as a o-ring chain that I will have to clean it twice as much. I just thought I let everyone know and see what they thought.

01-20-2002, 02:39 PM
I doubt this because gt thunder did a dyno run on the same bike with an o ring and non o ring chain and the o ring performed better.

01-20-2002, 02:43 PM
5hp? HA! not on a 400ex. maybe 0.2hp gain. todays o-ring chains are good. sure, a bit more resistance than a standard roller chain, but not 5hp worth. that is BS! they will last longer than a non-oring chain, especially in the mud. with a standard roller chain, you must also lube it very often for it to last. 5hp,yeah right. maybe on a 150hp sport bike, but I even doubt that. If you could get 5hp out of a non oring chain, my ex would be on par with a raptor. sorry for seeming a bit rude, I'm not aiming it twords you, but those companies. they are pulling your leg.

01-20-2002, 02:46 PM
Yeah I was kinnda wondering the same thing I don't feel no 5hp increese when I put it on. But I could see what there saying about o-ring streeching but I don't think the non-o ring adds 5hp

01-20-2002, 06:30 PM
I always thought o-ring increased flow and decreased backpressure???:confused:


01-20-2002, 06:37 PM
Non o-ring chains have less rolling resistance and spin more freely. I have been buying non o-ring chains and like them better than o-ring chains. They will last just as long as a o-ring chain but you have to maitain it alot more,,,which is no problem with me. Another good thing about non o-ring chains is they are alot cheaper too.

01-21-2002, 09:37 AM
i've had both o ring and non oring chains I personally like the o rings better but, it your preference..

01-21-2002, 01:28 PM
There was a multi-page debate on the various chains, standard, o-ring, and x-ring a couple months ago. Try doing a search for it. There was some pretty good explainations as to what the differences were between the chains. I think it started as a question about how many links a factory chain was.

In a nutshell:
Chains stretch because of wear at the rollers/links. If dirt gets to the inside of the rollers, they'll wear faster than if the rollers are kept clean. O-ring chains use and o-ring to seal the link-roller. That is supposed to keep the lube in and the dirt out to decrease wear and also let the chain move freely. An X-ring chain is a o-ring twisted double so that it makes two small circles. The X-rings claim to reduce rolling resistance.

You're probably not going to notice any power gain/loss by switching from one chain design to another. You probably will see a difference in wear/stretch between different chain designs.

I used to use regular chains, then o-ring chains came out and I switched to them. I've run them ever since. I like the decreased maintenace and increased chain life. You can get an o-ring chain for less than $50.

01-21-2002, 02:06 PM
i saw a dyno somewhere, maybe on gt thunder, and the non-o-ring gave it somethin like .3hp more. but is the .3hp worth getting a new chain more often?