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07-26-2003, 09:57 AM
the cops around here have changed we were riding on a road and 2 cops past and did nuthing. then we were riding by a police shooting range and a cop just honked and anuther just waved.

07-26-2003, 10:01 AM
I wish the cops were like that here.
They REALLY piss me off. They treat Atvers like criminals and the people doing real crimes get away with everything.
A cop came to my house a few weeks ago because of the quad.
He told me I was "endangering lives" and started yelling at me.
I'm not usually an anger person but I snapped on him and told him to do his damn job and catch some real criminals and just let me ride my damn quad.
At that point he threatend to arrest me (like wtf!?)
So I had enough, I had to call my mother and get her to talk to him because I was in no mood to.
Doesn't that piss you off?

07-26-2003, 10:21 AM
ya cops come to our house all the time my friend got a $150 tickit for being to loud

07-26-2003, 10:25 AM
Cops around here are pretty nice about it too.

DEAL you mean to tell me they have law in Canada now.:huh

07-26-2003, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by cheetah
Cops around here are pretty nice about it too.

DEAL you mean to tell me they have law in Canada now.:huh

The way the little ****ers run around stealin stuff you'd swear we didn't.

07-26-2003, 10:55 AM
they used to not care around here. they did but didnt do anything unless people call on you. now if i get caught riding where i used to i will get my quad impounded. i have been caught once and i was lucky it was a cool cop and he let me go. but its in a different area then what im talking about.

07-26-2003, 10:57 AM
we used to have cool cops here. not anymore:(

07-26-2003, 01:43 PM
we never used to have ANY cops around where i lived....like in a matter of 2 yrs i saw one maybe once. But anyways, yeah, now almost every day i see em crawling around here :rolleyes: Some old woman I guess is gettin a lil sick of 1 of my friends and his banshee rippin up n down my road...and she has the police out around here now....:rolleyes:

07-26-2003, 01:45 PM
our cops get so bored that when there is a wreck or a someone gets caught speeding . like 6 cops show up to do a 1 mans job because we never have crime or anything and they get so bored

07-26-2003, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
our cops get so bored that when there is a wreck or a someone gets caught speeding . like 6 cops show up to do a 1 mans job because we never have crime or anything and they get so bored

You think 6 cops is overdoing it :confused: By me they go full out crazy for nothing. My neighbor got robbed. They sent at least a dozen cop cars, 2 helicopters, some ambulences, some firetrucks and since i live on the water they had scuba divers looking for the guy in the water. Im surprised they didnt have snipers on the roofs :rolleyes: It was so rediculous.

07-26-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by QuadMX18
You think 6 cops is overdoing it :confused: By me they go full out crazy for nothing. My neighbor got robbed. They sent at least a dozen cop cars, 2 helicopters, some ambulences, some firetrucks and since i live on the water they had scuba divers looking for the guy in the water. Im surprised they didnt have snipers on the roofs :rolleyes: It was so rediculous.

GEEEEEZZ:eek2: I cant believe they sent all that just for a robbery:eek: Wonder what would have happened if there were gun shots:eek2: :eek: :macho

07-26-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by QuadMX18
You think 6 cops is overdoing it :confused: By me they go full out crazy for nothing. My neighbor got robbed. They sent at least a dozen cop cars, 2 helicopters, some ambulences, some firetrucks and since i live on the water they had scuba divers looking for the guy in the water. Im surprised they didnt have snipers on the roofs :rolleyes: It was so rediculous.

overkill :eek2:

07-26-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by QuadMX18
You think 6 cops is overdoing it :confused: By me they go full out crazy for nothing. My neighbor got robbed. They sent at least a dozen cop cars, 2 helicopters, some ambulences, some firetrucks and since i live on the water they had scuba divers looking for the guy in the water. Im surprised they didnt have snipers on the roofs :rolleyes: It was so rediculous.

i would rather have that then when we got robbed they sent out 1 cruzer and told us it was probably kids and then left:rolleyes:

07-26-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by QuadMX18
You think 6 cops is overdoing it :confused: By me they go full out crazy for nothing. My neighbor got robbed. They sent at least a dozen cop cars, 2 helicopters, some ambulences, some firetrucks and since i live on the water they had scuba divers looking for the guy in the water. Im surprised they didnt have snipers on the roofs :rolleyes: It was so rediculous.

lol thats a little overkill did they ever even catch the guy

07-26-2003, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
our cops get so bored that when there is a wreck or a someone gets caught speeding . like 6 cops show up to do a 1 mans job because we never have crime or anything and they get so bored

Yeah tell me about it! My cuz and I were on our way home from a printing company we used to work at. Well, it was a second shift position and I was in the mood to buy a new car, so I basically selpt all day on that shift and worked in the PM....well like I just said , we were driving home and we pulled in a used car lot cause I saw a Mustang GT I wanted to check out, well I looked it over, up and down the body lines, you know really looking at it as I was gonna go back on the weekend if I liked it to see about buying it....well the door was unloked and I was like "cool I wanna see how it feels compared to my Fox body one I had before" it was a 94 or 95....so I got in and got out a few min later and was like cool deal.... we got back into my cousins VW Corrado "which was a show car nationally back years ago with a $7,000-8k system in it!!!" and we started to leave, well like 5-6 cop cars swarmed us!! Ran all up to the sides with guns out i was like :confused: They wouldnt buy what I told you guys up top about the second shift deal and kept us there mad long. I was seriously ready to invoke my Miranda rights, but waskeeping cool. They searched HIS car and then finally let us go....thats just harrasment. We told them where we came from and what we were doing there, its the DEALERS "problem" that they left it unlocked I just was looking at it and considering the cops were all right there in the 5-10 min we were on the lot they knew darn well I was telling the truth if they were hawking us.

Some people have nothing better to do....:ermm:

07-26-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by QuadMX18
You think 6 cops is overdoing it :confused: By me they go full out crazy for nothing. My neighbor got robbed. They sent at least a dozen cop cars, 2 helicopters, some ambulences, some firetrucks and since i live on the water they had scuba divers looking for the guy in the water. Im surprised they didnt have snipers on the roofs :rolleyes: It was so rediculous.

YES!!!! Now thats what I expect for my tax dollars!!! A real crime and a real effort to catch the guy. Not a generic "well keep an eye open..." That's cool!:D

07-28-2003, 05:09 AM
Originally posted by QuadMX18
You think 6 cops is overdoing it :confused: By me they go full out crazy for nothing. My neighbor got robbed. They sent at least a dozen cop cars, 2 helicopters, some ambulences, some firetrucks and since i live on the water they had scuba divers looking for the guy in the water. Im surprised they didnt have snipers on the roofs :rolleyes: It was so rediculous. roflmao :eek2:

07-28-2003, 05:22 AM
yesterday i was riding my bike through the neighborhood and about 10 min. after i left my house, they had 2 cops and a helicopter following me through the neighborhood. i took off and lost them and about 20 min. later, they were on my ***** again. i took off again and went home. i waited an hour before i go back out side and when i do they start following me again:eek2: and i lost them and went back home

07-28-2003, 05:40 AM
Where i normally ride, the cops have no chance to get me. i have trails that go directly to my backyard in many differnt ways. Normally a cruiser will pull up in the field and stop, ill just sit out a good ways and stare at him and laugh. Then i just go off in hte woods, once he leaves, i go back to riding, but the cops dont bother to come anymore, they know it would be impossible to catch us.

07-28-2003, 04:13 PM
Its funny how so many people NOT in law enforcement, are experts on law enforcement. They are experts on man power needs, use of force, and constitutional law as well as search/seizure. How many of these experts second guess their Doctors? Law enforcers put alot on the line. Not all of them are the Idea person for the job, I will be the first to admit this. It's always better to have to much help than not enough. Overkill? Maybe, but WE do what WE have to do, to go home to our families every night. I'm sure I'll get it for this post, so go head, I've had worst done. Been to the hospital several times before going home after my shift. Later Joe.

07-28-2003, 04:37 PM
well i was rong about are cops got busted:(

07-28-2003, 05:02 PM
the last time i got caught by a cop on the road my punishment was to let him ride it around for 15 min:huh (i was outside our pit)

07-28-2003, 05:34 PM
that wouda sucked if he crashed it

07-28-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
that wouda sucked if he crashed it

yeah it would have, he refused to wear a helmet too:confused:

07-28-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by Joecool1264
Its funny how so many people NOT in law enforcement, are experts on law enforcement. They are experts on man power needs, use of force, and constitutional law as well as search/seizure. How many of these experts second guess their Doctors? Law enforcers put alot on the line. Not all of them are the Idea person for the job, I will be the first to admit this. It's always better to have to much help than not enough. Overkill? Maybe, but WE do what WE have to do, to go home to our families every night. I'm sure I'll get it for this post, so go head, I've had worst done. Been to the hospital several times before going home after my shift. Later Joe.

Hang in there brother. I was waiting for first response.

It's funny. When we do catch you 14 yr old cop bashing bandits.

1. Your balling your *** off in the back of the car.
2. You have pissed your pants.
3. Your heart rate is a million mile an hour.
4. O god my dad is going to beat me.
5. You dime your friends out in a minute.

Remember we are fellow atvers ourself's and we don't flame your job.

07-28-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by popo
It's funny. When we do catch you 14 yr old cop bashing bandits.

1. Your balling your *** off in the back of the car.
2. You have pissed your pants.
3. Your heart rate is a million mile an hour.
4. O god my dad is going to beat me.
5. You dime your friends out in a minute.


bad ***** on the boards, sh*t in pants in the back of a police car!

07-28-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by batgeek

bad ***** on the boards, sh*t in pants in the back of a police car!
LMAO!.... So true... i've had several PM conversations on here about this subject .....it's the same ole thing..... in fact, i'm in the middle of one right now LOL!


07-28-2003, 06:25 PM
i got caught by the cops once. And i deserved it. i was trespassing in a private campground, and i was tearing up the place!! but there was this guy on a banshee at the same park and he was smashing trash cans and everything. all i did was tear up the grass. But the cop was kool about it, and let me go with nothing but a warning.

07-29-2003, 04:44 AM
i like to run from cops in west virginia on my blaster, doin burnouts in parking lots:D $hit like that. then an *****wipe will report me while im havin fun and i head for the hills. its funny when im goin 50 mph up and down hills and the cops cant even go 10 mph without blowing out a tire because of sharp rocks then they get out of the car cussing cause they're so pissed off. then there was one time they called in the state police and they were chasing me through the hills with suped-up raptors:uhoh: . dont know how i got away. just barely out ran them. i went to this one part where there was a fork in the trail and gunned it so i would leave behind tire tracks and then turned around and went the other way. they went the way that i put the tire tracks on:D

07-29-2003, 06:46 AM
Most of the people on here probably would not get messed with if you conducted yourselves the right way. OneBad400, I would venture to say that you were probably riding in a responsible manner, and the police saw that. Now, had you been on the road, cutting back and forth across it acting recklessly, they would have stopped ya. The topic has been beat to death already, and people still don't figure it out. Not to name names, but as someone said "the police followed me, so I took off....the police saw me again, so I took off again....an hour later, I went back out, the police followed me, and I took off again". That won't happen much longer. One of these days, you are gonna run back home, and the police will have be waiting for you in your living room. One of them is going to park his car on the next block, walk to your house, and wait for you on your couch. You will walk in, all cocky and arrogant, thinking you outsmarted the cops again, and have that "deer in headlights" look. :eek2: You'll probably be the next one complaining that they are closing all the riding spots in your area, and won't understand why. You catch more bees with honey than you do with vinegar.

07-29-2003, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the support guys. I don't mean to start anything just get tired of being second guessed buy "experts". I wish just once they would walk up to some firemen fighting a fire and tell them they've got to many firemen and to much hose out. That would be something to see.I'd LMAO when the Fire Chief would tell them to get stuffed.

07-29-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
The way the little ****ers run around stealin stuff you'd swear we didn't. LMFAO:D

not all cops are bad but some do feel the need to feel important and power-trip on ya,:rolleyes:

07-29-2003, 01:32 PM
i got stopped by a cop on my way to work today. he could have cited me for reckless driving and excessive display of speed. i treated him with respect and did everything he asked me to.

he lectured me for a couple of minutes then sent me on my way with a warning.

07-29-2003, 01:34 PM
what r cops gonna do neway, as long as u got gas to make it to a trail so tha cop cant follow they cant do nething its not like there gonna u or shoot at u......

07-29-2003, 02:01 PM
We have trouble with those damn conservation officers around here, but the cops don't care.

07-29-2003, 02:07 PM
cops.. bah..their damn arseholes around here.. i was down in the field on my dt50 (i bought to f*ck around on) and a cop gave me a $157.50 dollar fine.. for "Driving An Off-Read Vechicle without a permit" its due tomorrow but frig that, i aint payin it..

07-29-2003, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by 400ex1999
what r cops gonna do neway, as long as u got gas to make it to a trail so tha cop cant follow they cant do nething its not like there gonna u or shoot at u...... dude,thats the kinda thing that gets them all pissy w/ atv riders,and the innocent/legit guy just miding his own biz gets hammered,if you run and get caught,your busted for sure....if you get away,the next atv the cop see...hes gonna bust

07-29-2003, 03:13 PM
I have an idea.....obey the law and you won't have any problems!

07-29-2003, 03:31 PM
cops are poeple too, you give them respect they give it back..

for instance i help out at our local festivals with them at the booth carrying stuff and now i know all the cops in the town, they stop me just to shoot the snit,

so all in a nut shell, ya dont do anyhting wrong you wont have a problem with them, but if you break the law its there duty to take care of it, because that is there job get over it

07-29-2003, 03:50 PM
we ride on an oil pipe line,and some stupidmofos thought they should do a bunch of burnouts and donuts on it , well the pipe isnt buried that far down,so they dug it up,and the oil comp. notified the police .now i had nothin to do with this i just drag race down it.but there was a cop hiding in the trees. he stopped me and took my picture and said,"if i see any of yall out here again ill turn ya in" i respect that he was just doin his job ,and that he was kind enough to give me a warning but it pisses me off cuzz its a perfect mile long stait , leve,l sandy drag strip with a 30 foot tabletop at the end and it was convienient cuz its like right outside my house

07-29-2003, 03:51 PM
I guess there pretty cool around here. Last week the superbike race was in town amd the local cruise area was packed. Some guy had a 400ex in one of the parking lots and was doing a wheelie with 5 people on it. Cops just said dont do wheelies with 5 people on there other wise we dont care what you do.

07-29-2003, 04:15 PM
Man I just love coming on here and seeing all these posts about cops. Makes me feel kinda special.

Actually we are all human just like the rest of the people here. We are just some people that chose a different line of work than others.

Oh well. If you don't like us then I really don't care. But please don't tell us how to do our jobs when you have no clue what our job is. If I need back up and it's available then send the entire department and every other available officer. I start my shift with one goal in mind. Make it home to my family at the end of my shift. PERIOD!! To see my wife and little boy. The same goal I imagine almost all the officers out there have.

I have an idea.....obey the law and you won't have any problems!

Finally I think that Jeff summed it up the best. I think that he traded in all that hair for wisdom. Smart man.

So for those of you that want to start flaming, please keep it clean. I want to be able to come back and read this thread when I get back in 2 days, instead of you guys getting it deleted.


07-29-2003, 04:18 PM
Where I come from there are no laws! Just naked chicks everywhere! All single and willing. They have no morals, follow directions, and carry their own knee pads. Most of them have filed their teeth down smooth, and will obey any command...

HEY! Who just woke me up! DAMNIT

07-29-2003, 04:20 PM
Dang Jabber! I was just about to ask for directions to where you lived. I could use a place like that for vacation time.:D


07-29-2003, 04:30 PM
I'm trying like heck to get back to sleep! HEhehehhe

07-29-2003, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by JabberJaw
Where I come from there are no laws! Just naked chicks everywhere! All single and willing. They have no morals, follow directions, and carry their own knee pads. Most of them have filed their teeth down smooth, and will obey any command...

HEY! Who just woke me up! DAMNIT
You Had A Dream! LOL!

I hope it was at least a wet one for ya!


07-29-2003, 04:34 PM
One night a police officer was staking out a particularly rowdy bar for possible DUI violations. At closing time, he saw a fellow stumble out of the bar, trip on the curb and try his keys on five different cars before he found his. The man sat in the front seat fumbling around with his keys for several minutes.
Meanwhile, all the other patrons left the bar and drove off. Finally he started his engine and began to pull away. The police officer was waiting for him. As soon as he pulled onto the street, the officer stopped him, read him his rights and administered the breathalyzer test to determine his blood-alcohol content.
The results showed a reading of 0.0.
The puzzled officer demanded to know how that could be. The driver replied, "Tonight I'm the designated decoy."

07-29-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by JabberJaw
and carry their own knee pads. haha lmfao...thats the funniest part of that funny post

Im pretty sure most of the cops that come to this site have a little compassion for quad riders.......if Im gonna get "whipped-on" by a jonny....I'd rather it be by 1 that rides :D

07-29-2003, 04:37 PM
Two rednecks, Bubba and Earl, were driving down the road drinking a couple of bottles of Bud.
The passenger, Bubba, said "Lookey thar up ahead, Earl, it's a police roadblock!! We're gonna get busted fer drinkin' these here beers!!"
"Don't worry, Bubba," Earl said. "We'll just pull over and finish drinkin' these beers then peel off the label and stick it on our foreheads, and throw the bottles under the seat."
"What fer?", asked Bubba.
"Just let me do the talkin', OK?," said Earl.
Well, they finished their beers, threw the empties out of sight & put label on each of their foreheads.
When they reached the roadblock, the sheriff said, "You boys been drinkin'?"
"No, sir," said Earl while pointing at the labels. "We're on the patch."

07-29-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by JabberJaw
One night a police officer was staking out a particularly rowdy bar for possible DUI violations. At closing time, he saw a fellow stumble out of the bar, trip on the curb and try his keys on five different cars before he found his. The man sat in the front seat fumbling around with his keys for several minutes.
Meanwhile, all the other patrons left the bar and drove off. Finally he started his engine and began to pull away. The police officer was waiting for him. As soon as he pulled onto the street, the officer stopped him, read him his rights and administered the breathalyzer test to determine his blood-alcohol content.
The results showed a reading of 0.0.
The puzzled officer demanded to know how that could be. The driver replied, "Tonight I'm the designated decoy." LMFAO...again,thats the goods:D

07-29-2003, 04:51 PM
A police officer pulls over an elderly female for speeding while driving her husband to a doctors appointment. The officer approaches the vehicle and attempts to explain that he stopped her for speeding.
She looks at her husband and asks, "What did he say?"
The husband replies, "He said he stopped you for speeding."
The officer asked the elderly female for her driver's license and she turned and asked her husband, "What did he say?
The husband replies, "he wants to see your driver's license."
The women hands the officer her license and he sees that she is from his old home town. The officer tells the couple that he remembered the town because he had the worst sexual experience of his life there.
The women looks at her husband and asked, "What did he say?"
The husband replies, "He says he knows you."

07-29-2003, 04:52 PM
A cop stops a man for running a stop sign and the subject gives the cop a lot of grief explaining that he did stop.
After several minutes, the cop explained to the gentleman that he didn't stop, he just slowed down a little.
The gentleman said 'Stop or slow down, what's the difference?'.
The cop pulled the guy out of the car and worked him over for about a minute and then said, 'Would you like for me to stop or just slow down?'

07-29-2003, 04:59 PM
Bob, was driving home over the Golden Gate Bridge after spending a great day out on the ocean fishing. His catch, cleaned and filleted, was wrapped in newspaper on the passenger side floor. He was late getting home and was speeding. Wouldn't you know it, a cop jumped out, radar gun in hand, motioned him to the side of the bridge. Bob pulled over like a good citizen.
The cop walked up to the window and said, "You know how fast you were going, BOY?"
Bob thought for a second and said, "Uhh, 35?"
"SIXTY-SEVEN mph, son!" 67 mph in a 55 zone!" said the cop.
"But if you already knew, officer" replied Bob, "Why did you ask me?"
Fuming over Bob's answer, the officer growled, in his normal sarcastic fashion, "That's speeding, and you're getting a ticket and a fine!" The cop took a good close look at Bob, in his stained fishing attire and said, "You don't even look like you have a job! Why, I've never seen anyone so scruffy in my entire life!"
Bob answered, "I've got a job! I have a good, well-paying job!"
The cop leaned in the window, smelling Bob's fish catch, said, "What kind of a job would a bum like you have?"
"I'm a rectum stretcher!" replied Bob.
"What you say, BOY?" asked the patrolman.
"I'm a rectum stretcher!"
The cop, scratching his head, asked, "What does a rectum stretcher do?"
Bob explained, "People call me up and say they need to be stretched, so I go over to their house. I start with a couple of fingers, then a couple more and then one whole hand, then two. Then I slowly pull them farther and farther apart until it's a full six feet across."
The cop, absorbed with these bizarre images in his mind, asked, "What the heck do you do with a six foot @$$hole?"
Bob nonchalantly answered, "You give it a radar gun and stick it at the end of a bridge!"

07-29-2003, 05:01 PM
A policeman spots a woman driving and knitting at the same time. Driving up beside her, he shouts out the window... "Pull over!"
"No," she shouts back, "a pair of socks!"

07-29-2003, 05:06 PM

07-29-2003, 05:13 PM
I'm tired now! Night!

07-29-2003, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by K_Fulk
I guess there pretty cool around here. Last week the superbike race was in town amd the local cruise area was packed. Some guy had a 400ex in one of the parking lots and was doing a wheelie with 5 people on it. Cops just said dont do wheelies with 5 people on there other wise we dont care what you do.

chit, I would have joined them to be #6. Weee hawww

07-30-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by JTRtrx250r
dude,thats the kinda thing that gets them all pissy w/ atv riders,and the innocent/legit guy just miding his own biz gets hammered,if you run and get caught,your busted for sure....if you get away,the next atv the cop see...hes gonna bust

if nobody stopped nobody wood get caught.....:D

07-30-2003, 09:25 AM
Ok hear you go. Whats a cops favorite meal? Club sandwich. whats the difference between a cop car and an elephant? On an elephant the trunks in the front and the azzhole is in the back. We got a sence of humor too Later Joe.

07-30-2003, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by 400ex1999
if nobody stopped nobody wood get caught.....:D lol,I hear what you're saying,......a few yrs back(well quite a few)we had a killer place to ride(dirtbikes)and all the neighbors started b!tchin" and kept calling the cops,everytime we seen them coming we'd bail for the trail at the end of the road,well 1 kid got caught and the cop told him to tell us we were done riding there,we all said.."yeah if he can catch me' ,2days later we seen a cop running down the road so we all B-line for the trail at the end of the road......well the cop was hip and caught up to us b4 we all got the woods.....the kid in the tail end got it....the cop just hit him and he and the bike went flyin',the kids bike ended up under the front end of the cop car and the kid w/ a broken arm and leg......the kid also had to wait till he was 21 to get his license,and could do nothing to the cop for hitting him,we stash our bikes at 1 of them house and walked back to see what we could....they threw his bike on the hook of a tow-truck and took it,w/ it swayin back and forth as they boogied away,later that night I get home to see the cops waiting for me :( we all got warnings and after that ,I was done running:D now Im too damn old to get caught and it just wouldnt fly well haha