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07-25-2003, 07:11 PM
well i ride at the Ganaraska Forest Center just couple minutes from where i live. well its about 117 000 acres of trails to ride. its the greatest place to ride around here. well some days its real dusty if it hasnt rained in awhile but besides that and the people that want to get it shut down. people that live in the area of the Ganaraska want to have it shut down due to noise problems. Some people are even posting signs that say they can not go in such parts and its not even there property, they are posting those signs illegally. well to ride in this area you have to buy passes that have to be shown to the trail wordens. a pass costs 50 dollars for 16 and under and 100 if your over 16. its an ok price to pay. if thats what its gonna cost me to go riding then i'll pay it. but i hope it doesnt get shut down casue its our only place to ride, our other place already got shut down beacause of people stealing cars and blowing them up at the riding facility, that place is test hill. its was an ok place ride, it was all sand and hills and mud pits.:ermm:

07-26-2003, 04:32 AM
I've been riding at a sand pit in town for years, and they just flattened half of it and made soccer fields and parking lots in it. Then this huge sand pit/trail system about 20 minutes away from me is being cracked down on, so I don't wanna risk riding there. I guess my only option is racing, or register the machines and ride on state trails.

07-26-2003, 04:36 AM
mines good i dont ride are fields or trails much ne more i mostly ride are mx track tho

07-26-2003, 09:09 AM
some of mine are being closed b/c of people building houses on them, and the cops pull u over if u cross the road or cut u off at the end of the trail. so now i ride down 3 1/2 miles of road to get to my friends house and ride on the powerlines and in the pit/track:rolleyes:

Tommy 17
07-26-2003, 09:52 AM
i went riding on the 406 thursday...

the trials i use to be able to go 5th wfo down i can barly go 2nd gear now... they are so grown in and rutted up from noone riding them that u can barly ride on them... it was horrible....

i use to be able to ride for hours... now i get bored after 5 mins bc the trails are so bad and noone to ride iwth...

07-26-2003, 10:26 AM
Here in Northern California, we have tens of thousands of acres to ride in the mountains. We have Pismo beach, and This week my family and I are going to the Oregon dunes for Sand Fest. Oregon has over 360,000 acres of sand to ride on @ the coast. All the major players will be there, LRD, Trinity, Sparks, CT, etc.. will be tons o' fun. These are our summer riding areas. There are also lots of places to ride in the winter. All of our riding areas are either State or Gov't owned so licensing is a must. Licenses cost $15.00 a year.

07-26-2003, 10:57 AM
my town completely sucks for riding now. it was one of the fastest growing citys in the u.s for a year ive heard. if i really wanna ride i gotta take a hour drive to mt morris,mi or go up north. you can ride here in some places, but it just gets boring.

07-26-2003, 11:03 AM
my riding area has been suckin

07-26-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
i went riding on the 406 thursday...

the trials i use to be able to go 5th wfo down i can barly go 2nd gear now... they are so grown in and rutted up from noone riding them that u can barly ride on them... it was horrible....

i use to be able to ride for hours... now i get bored after 5 mins bc the trails are so bad and noone to ride iwth...

yep thats how mine are too, it just doesn't seem like anyone around here wants to ride anymore:(

ex kid
07-26-2003, 11:41 AM
mine (not really mine) got fenced the hell up two monthes ago, but my neighbor lets me go through his land to get there now:D

07-26-2003, 03:38 PM
Mines pretty good, although its very dusty, unless your next to the river.

Theres also a million weeds seven feet talll that sucks to ride through :(

07-26-2003, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by stepupmx
Mines pretty good, although its very dusty, unless your next to the river.

Theres also a million weeds seven feet talll that sucks to ride through :(

big spiders in there too:scary:

i have more fun riding are mx track and jumps than trail riding , i always take a wide open blast down field tho:blah:

07-26-2003, 04:41 PM
well all you guys know how it is, more population, worse cops, old people and soccer moms are moving more and more into my town complaining mroe and more over things I have been doing for years on end....

my trails, riding spots, property and riding soul is all disapearing thanks to over population

I think if you are new to a town you have no rights to complain for 5 years....i cant go places anymore when I have been going to some places for years and years, complete BS

07-26-2003, 05:17 PM
The best pit, 80 acres about 5 miles from my place and there is a dnr trail all the way to the pit, it was perfect(old gravel pit) but them sone jack @$$e$ started whipping sh*tties on some of the near private driveways. They ended up closing it down because of people like that. Also there was a dirtbike mx track and a atv mx track. And the gravel pit still had people come in to remove more gravel so it was always changing.was perfect ruined by "bad apples"-darren