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View Full Version : PARADE!!!hahaha

07-19-2003, 05:03 PM
hey i rode my R in the farmers day parade...well, kinda, lol. i got kicked out lol... i was the last one to get across the railroad tracks b4 a long train came and there was a 2-block empty space and my sister and my naibor who were on horses told me to ride a wheelie so i did a few and then i went back to normal and officer d!ckhead came and was pissed off.
he told me to park it and said somthin about i might spook a horse, well the people on the horses i knew really well and they were the ones who told me to do it lol so i just rode with them for a few blocks then ran back to my R and pushed it two blocks up till the cop couldnt see me and i took off through town and went back and stashed it behind the horse trailer which was parked next to the high school so they couldnt track me down and get pissed more cuase i rode it through town and around. and my parents didnt care they were just pissed at the cop cuase he told me i had to park it and i couldnt ride it in the parade so dad was chewin the cheif out cuase he said i had to park it and then that made it so my parents coouldnt find me even they knew right where i would be but that gave dad a reason to chew him out , and the cheif was talkin to dad about another horse 4 blocks up that spoked and once dad told him that he was the one that grabbed the horse's bridal before it hit the croud that shup him right up lol the cheif even appoligesed hehehe

ohh ya is is spelled cheif or chief lol?and i'm not talkin about a cook

07-19-2003, 05:33 PM
ha ha thats great.
cops are a little stupid here too
a guy was infront of my house when they had a radar thing that tells u to slow down, you knwo what i mean. well anyway he was going down the street as fast as he could to see how fast he could go and some one called the cops and FOUR cops showed up to do one cops job. it was really stupid and i was thinking that if they sent FOUR cops to tell and atv to getout of the road ina town where there are usually only 5 cops on duty then they must not care about real crime and also around my house some one has ben knocking out our windows in our sheds and we are filing a police report and it's taken 3 days for them to call us back!

07-19-2003, 05:38 PM
if we start paying cops in do nuts they will become smarter:)

07-20-2003, 03:23 PM
i think that was the longest incomplete sentence that i have ever tried to kinda understand

07-20-2003, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by PHIL_B54
i think that was the longest incomplete sentence that i have ever tried to kinda understand

I think you are Right. :ermm:

07-20-2003, 03:34 PM
That sux he yelled at ya man, but its sweet u rode in a parade a little:devil:

By the way its chief ;)

07-20-2003, 05:34 PM
i before e except after c


07-21-2003, 03:07 AM
Originally posted by Scott-300ex
i before e except after c


with some exceptions :blah:

07-21-2003, 06:41 AM
And in words like neighbor and weigh...

07-21-2003, 06:44 AM
lol, thanks for the spelling lesson.