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View Full Version : Mod a 300EX, or move up?

07-14-2003, 04:35 AM
Is there really any sence in fully modding a 300ex for mx or xc when a slightly modded 400ex will pretty much destroy it? I know the 300 will be a tad better in the woods during an xc race, but as soon as your out in the open the 400 would just pull away. So should I mod or move up?

07-14-2003, 05:04 AM
I went through this same decision a couple years ago.. I did not want to give up the reverse.. but I decided to upgrade and I do not regret it.. :D

Ex'r Marlin
07-14-2003, 06:03 AM
Welcome to this site!!:cool:

If you are going to be a "hard core" racer, I recommend the 400ex in stock form over a 300ex with a couple of mods (tires/exhaust).

Although I really like my 300ex, it has limitations on both of the tracks (mx or xc). Positives of the 400; frame (stronger than the 300ex, especially for jumping), shocks (although a "hard core" racer will most likely put aftermarket on either machine), handling (even with a great 300ex setup, I do not think it can handle as well as a 400ex in the air and on the ground).

Once you start jumping a 300ex with aftermarket shocks, you should find a very noticeable improvement... Then if you go to a 4ooex, perhaps even with stock shocks, you may find a huge improvement over the 300ex with aftermarket suspension. Again, I believe the 400ex frame is much stronger than the 300ex to handle the jumping you may encounter.

Both machines are very easy to ride by most people, but the 400ex is a little bigger than the 300, especially if the tires are the same on the 300ex as that on the 400. Both machines are very easy to modify and notice the improvements too.

Yes, the 300ex can really go through the woods quick due to its smaller wheel base, but you may find that it is also a little too light up front when you get on the gas through the woods.

Good luck with your decision!

Note: If you are going to do a lot of trail riding with just a few races here and there, I would probably recommend you keeping your 300ex and setting up the 300ex with performance mods rather than getting a 400ex, in my opinion. My 300 with engine & suspension mods, tires, etc is a fun experience. The "fun" factor at times is better than my modified 400ex!:eek: Again, my modified 300 is a blast, but it does not compare when competing with my 400ex in racing... The 400 is more of a precise, comfortable racer while the 300 is more of "flying by the seat of your pants" while competing. The 300 to me is more of a play toy that happens to be a lot of fun.

I hope this helps.

07-14-2003, 06:52 AM
move up while you can before you spend more money in a 300. you just get frustrated!

07-14-2003, 07:02 AM
tell me about it

07-14-2003, 07:17 AM
I would move up to a 400ex, I did and I would never go back. The 400ex is a little gettin used to because the power is stronger. But after a day od riding the 400ex, you will be used to the way it handles and the awesome power over the 300ex. Although now I wish I havent spent this much money in my 400ex because I am prolly gunna wanna get the new CRF. But I think I will have to keep it a little longer than I would like to because I have $$ in it. Soon I am gunna be getting some motor work and its gunna be costing me $2000 CDN. Its a lot for me especially that I am 16 and I have to pay for it myself.

07-14-2003, 07:21 AM
lmao i love the screen name, rusty shackelferd. i love king of the hill. but i would sell the 300 and pick up a 400 and mod it a lil and have a much better machine

07-14-2003, 08:07 AM
Move up to the 400:D

07-14-2003, 08:09 AM
It all depends on your physical size. I witnessed this past ride at H/M that a 300EX can eat up most 400EX's with a good rider (ahem... bradley300 - one crazy mofo comes to mind :D )

07-14-2003, 03:53 PM
Thanks for all the info guys.

Just an afterthought (stupid question) how about for freestyle? The fully moded 300 or a stock 400 with new suspention? I'm not talking about 75ft jumps, more in the range of 40ft-50ft.

07-14-2003, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by VWVR6
It all depends on your physical size. I witnessed this past ride at H/M that a 300EX can eat up most 400EX's with a good rider (ahem... bradley300 - one crazy mofo comes to mind :D )

thats right, and thanks for the compliment Vdub. as for mods, i had dual rate elkas (no rezzies) on the front, wb header, Pc silencer and 20 inch holeshots.

stayed ahead of everybody but jeff most of the time.(got a little gun shy after my wreck)

honestly, i would rather have a modded 300 over a 400. i just dont feel comfortable on a 400/250r/dale/.

a 300 with 20 inch tires feels like it corners better than a 400 bc they sit a little lower. and you will not regret a 300 in the tight stuff.

in the open stuff to rev it till it sounds like its gonna blow, hold it a second longer, then shift!

07-14-2003, 04:16 PM
bradley300. you just made my day:blah:

07-14-2003, 04:16 PM

07-14-2003, 04:20 PM
300's are just as fast as 400's thru the first 3 gears, just ask taco.

there is also more power than you can imagine in a 300ex motor, you just gotta know where it is and how to use it.

i wished all weekend long for a sixth gear to. just kept shifting and hoping i would find one!

reverse has saves my ***** in more than one xc race to. instead on waiting on the guy in front of me to get unstuck, i just back out of the mudhole and go around!

07-14-2003, 04:22 PM
I feel like I've started a 300EX vs. 400EX war.

07-14-2003, 04:28 PM
nah, just a debate right now, com to h/m in sept, i'll show you how to embarrass a 400ex, right VW?:devil:

i think it was bill fuller that was amazed with how fast i was, then his jaw hit the ground whan jeff told him it was stock.:blah:

07-15-2003, 02:41 AM
besides, there will always be something bigger and better, so it makes no sense to by something faster than what you have b/c there is plenty even faster than that!

it all boils down to what you like and what feels comfortable.

07-15-2003, 02:48 AM
Originally posted by bradley300
besides, there will always be something bigger and better, so it makes no sense to by something faster than what you have b/c there is plenty even faster than that!

it all boils down to what you like and what feels comfortable.


07-15-2003, 03:16 AM
I thank this thread becasue I am having the same troubles....I do not know what to do either, bradley is convincing to stay, but the awesome power and the thought of modding a 400 rather than a 300 has got me, I guess I will take my bro's friends 400 for a rip around for a while and see what I like

in order to get some money out of my quad when I sell it, I will need to probably strip it down to stock and sell it :(
a lot of work for me:eek2:

07-15-2003, 03:20 AM
but bradley think how much better you would be on a 400ex.. :eek:

Thats why i'm moving up ...

07-15-2003, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by 300EX_Man
but bradley think how much better you would be on a 400ex.. :eek:

Thats why i'm moving up ...

did you not read anything he posted? The boy likes his 300... and he can ride that SOB! Why change something if it works for you?

Ex'r Marlin
07-15-2003, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by 300EXrider02
I do not know what to do either, I guess I will take my bro's friends 400 for a rip around for a while and see what I like.
Definitely... If you can compare the two before making a decision, I highly recommend doing it. Some noticeable differences should be how different the two jump, handle tight turns, hill climbs, and the ride over whooped sections.

Good luck!:)

07-15-2003, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by VWVR6
did you not read anything he posted? The boy likes his 300... and he can ride that SOB! Why change something if it works for you?

I like my 300 too and it works for me too, but you can never have to much power..

07-15-2003, 05:19 AM
i am not quite as fast on 400's, dales etc, i cant get comfortable on them. i know for a fact that you can get 40 horse to the wheels out of a 300 and stay below 350cc, the power is there.

besides, in the woods, its not about the biggest motor or nicest suspension, its about how fast you want to go thru gaps barely wide enogh to fit thru. this is where 300's/blasters are better than most, they are so narrow, that they go thru the same size gaps with less worry.

i like being different too, there are modded 400's all over the place, no too many 300's like mine.

07-15-2003, 05:34 AM
tru that.. and its fun to beat guys with bigger engine

07-15-2003, 05:35 AM
I went threw the same decision a couiple months ago and to be honest , I like reverse , but that is not the only thing i would keep my 300 over a 400. I think to many people have 400ex's in my opinion. Ya i will probally get soemthing bigger in a couple years but Confess it , you know you will wnat to mod you 400ex just as much as you would if you got a 300ex. I am doing alot to mine this winter that will make it beat modded 400ex's . Plus i like my 300ex , i was racin 2 slightly modded Z's yesturday and kept up with them , and was very suprised. I just can't wait till i get my 330 kit :devil: Ryan

07-16-2003, 04:19 PM
think about it this way, buy your 400, mod the crap out of it and then see the new honda. do it again, and on and on and on. just pic one! ii learned at hatfield that the rider has way mor to do with it than the machine.

halfway thru the ride i thought "holy chit, nobodies passin me!"

07-17-2003, 06:56 PM
Ok so I guess I've decided on getting a 400EX. The 300EX was has been stock since i got it 3 years ago, mainly just a trail and family quad, so no hardcore riding or major probs that needed upgrades. But since I want to start racing I know the stock parts won't hold up. After I the 400EX, what are some basic things I'll want to do to it to get it race ready?

07-17-2003, 06:58 PM
the usual pipe, filter, bore kit, nerfs, teather, tires, skidplates if ur doing XC

07-17-2003, 07:22 PM
No XC races anywhere around here, just MX. A bore kit doesn't sound very basic to me. Besides the killswitch are nerfs maditory? I know the stock shocks will need to go eventually, anything else?

07-17-2003, 07:27 PM
oh sorry i didnt see the basic up there lol