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07-12-2003, 03:20 PM
How's this for bad luck. I was on my way to work yesterday when I got into a car accident. This wasn't just any accident it was with a police car!!!!! It happened like this I was waiting at a red light to cross a highway, I must have been about 7-8 cars behind the first person waiting at the light. The light turns green, so we all started going well, when I got right to the beginning of the intersection out of no where I see a police car out the corner of my eye, he had his red lights on, but I did not hear a siren before or during when I T-boned him. I was only going about 10-15 mph he must have been going about 25-30 mph. Now I thougt that cops are suppoesed to come to a complete stop at and intersection with HIS LIGHTS AND SIREN ON AT ALL TIMES GOING THROUGH THE INTERSECTION. When the intersection is clear he can then proceed. Well this cop must not have stopped because with the spped he was going there was no way he could pick up that speed in about 30-40 ft. It might even be less than that. They didn't issue me any kind of ticket or even to go take a alcohol test. They didn't even ask me what had happened. I'm just curious if you guys have ever seen a cop just put his lights on to get through a red light then just turn them back off again like nothing happened. This is kind of worrying me because I have no idea what might happen. One of the witnesses said in a statement that he heard sirens in the distance. After he heard them he didn't heard or see anything after that, Then the man said out of no where he saw the cop and I collide. Even this witness says he didn't even hear a siren. I would just like your thoughts on this please. Here's a picture of my truck that needs some TLC. Hopefully they can fix this..


07-12-2003, 04:42 PM
Damn that sux man:( Sorry to here, hope ya get it all worked out;)

07-12-2003, 04:57 PM
heres the way i look at it he didnt want to give u a ticket cuz when the precinct found out they would look into it and see that he was not called for anything so he shouldnt of had his lights on and that he did it only just to go through a red light a little quicker

07-12-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by JForestZ34
I'm just curious if you guys have ever seen a cop just put his lights on to get through a red light then just turn them back off again like nothing happened.


i have, it pissed me off too, why should he get to do that? i mean, they could have been doing a silent thing but i dout it, that sucks for you, yeah, maybe the cop relized he would have gotten in trouble like they said^, thats why he didn't give you a ticket, lol,
stick up for yourself and don't just let him walk over you since he's a cop (not sayin you are, i don't know what your doing)

07-12-2003, 06:16 PM
i had just walked into a checker auto parts when i hear screeching tires and crash then a siren.. i turn and run out to the cop car that had got T-boned to find the cop knocked out cold in the seat. an off duty fireman had already started to make the call on the cops radio when i got there, so i tried to wake the cop up to no avail. the lady that hit him was in her early 50s with an infant in the back of her caddy. the lady was up walking around and the baby was ok also... dont ever know what happend to all of them but they sould have been ok. the siren didnt come on until the cars almost hit. hmmm