View Full Version : Big Jump help!

07-12-2003, 04:26 AM
Well...i have now stopped racing untill i turn 16. I do still go to the tracks and practice every week though.

One thing i have noticed in races and practice racing is i take off a lot of time on big jumps! There is a 75 foot single to table landing that i just roll over! And it is costing me ALOT of time!

I don't think there are any faster ways to get over it besides jumping it....any comments welcome..even if your making fun of me:p

07-12-2003, 04:30 AM
If nobody is looking drive around it:D

07-12-2003, 05:15 AM
I wouldn't start off by hitting a 75' jump. I have no idea of your riding history, but if you are already hitting 50'or 60' plus jumps then
I would watch everyone who is hitting it...see what kind of momentum they are carrying when they hit the face. This should give you an idea of how hard to hit it. Then you are gonna have to just suck it up and go for it.:muscle:

07-12-2003, 05:29 AM
If you can think in the air, like hitting the throttle or rear brakes go for it. Watch some other people and see what gear they're hitting it in, or follow them when they do it.

07-12-2003, 09:46 AM
Ya man just suck it up and hold er!:eek2:

07-12-2003, 11:36 AM
just rent a dozer and move her :devil: lmao! the only way other then driving around it, is to hit it. So follow people when they are hitting it and get used to their speed etc. Start off small though, when your ready hit it kinda soft like 2nd just to get a feel of the air your gonna get... Good luck!

07-12-2003, 01:26 PM
I was in this position about 3 years ago when I first got into racing. I was watching the A class just wax the jumps so nice and easy and I was still rolling them in my class. Finally one race I just sorta got the balls and said to myself " I know I can friggin do it" Rolled the jumps a couple more laps to get the feel for them. And just went for it.

I geuss the best advice I have for ya is:

Don't do anything you are still debating about hittin.

When you go for somthing go for it 110% or don't do it. Because if you go half *** you will get hurt. When ya start getting little thoughts like" O **** maybe I won't make it" or " Am I going fast enough" Just stop there and roll it.

Is started out on 25-30 double and tables and now I am still trying and trying like hell to clear the 70/110 ft table at our track.

70/110 means /''''''''''''''''''''|---------\ The Tbale is 110 total but there is a small lander at 70 feet. You can land there but it hurts like hell. I have been going for it sicne the beginning of last year. I still have yet to make it but I will someday. When I get my new quad I will deff make it a lil easier with the extra power....

07-20-2003, 08:58 AM
Watch other riders hit it and listen to the revv of their engine while it in in the air and how the lip launches them and look for body signals see what they doo when they hit it :macho Then get out ther follow them and see how fast they go when they hit it

Narly R
07-29-2003, 11:21 AM
Ok Ive had trouble jumpin doubles they always scared me!:confused2

But... once i jumped a couple I COMPLETLY got over that fear, well i havent jumped any monsterous ones, but now that I have done some it seems like I can tell egzacly how fast to hit it. Ask someone how fast there hittin it and just do it, once you do youll be like wtf I shoulda did that a LONg time ago!;) If you dont jump it now how are ya goin to jump that 100 ft double when ya turn pro?:p

07-30-2003, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by seven
If nobody is looking drive around it:D


07-30-2003, 04:15 PM
u just gotta nut it up and go for it. It will hurt less to over jump somehthing than to underjump it.

08-01-2003, 04:12 PM
hey it cant hurt to hard to just try it
(well it depends)

11-03-2003, 01:17 PM
sorry about not updating...but i was in a race right behind an a rider. I just went the same speed as him right behind him and nailed it.....it was awesome, i have wanted to jump that forever